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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. The iron law. Always batting 1.000
  2. Locking the account of a major newspaper. Not allowing sharing of the story even by DM. But Trump's a FASCIST!!!!
  3. Attention criminal illegal alien rapists and murderers! Roundy welcomes you as its neighbor. Maybe it'll actually follow through on its insane stance and let you shack up with it while you look for "free" housing.
  4. ⬆️ I'm sure that this is a brand new and refreshing take that purposely deflects from the issue of CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIENS with accusations of racism.
  5. Don't you know that it's the fault of Republicans who killed the legislation that would fix the border!
  6. Calling out blatant media BS that happens ALL THE TIME as with 60 minutes Kamala interview? You're a fascist. Ok.
  7. ⬆️ Card carrying commie? No. Useful idiot manipulated by Marxists? Definitely.
  8. We’re going to win. One way or the other. Because we must save our democracy!
  9. People are definitely fed up. Remember when leftists were attacking the Portland federal court house nightly for months? The federal government sent law enforcement to protect the building from attack. Not the national guard, but federal law enforcement. What did Pelosi call these officers protecting a federal building? Trump's storm troopers. They will stop at nothing to stay in power.
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