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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. My old Dem buddies have been flooding me with frantic calls, texts, and emails. Unlike Ro, I wouldn’t dream of airing those private conversations publicly, but the message is clear: they’re terrified of the idea of our movement joining forces with Donald Trump. When I point out what the Democratic Party and their super PACs have done to sabotage our campaign, their response is always, “but Trump is worse.” Here’s an idea: stop suing us. Let us debate. Quit rigging the media and the polls. It’s a simple formula, people—get with it.
  2. Which is precisely why he won't win, and even if he somehow does, won't ever be sworn in. People still don't realize the level of evil corruption that we are dealing with.
  3. 🎯 "The Sky is Green" Finding, Quack, Roundy, The King et al..... Feed us more, MORE!
  4. Right, and there are multiple other outlets that will do exactly that. Then there are many more who will tell you that Trump is the main author. Notice even with this CNN instance their only fact check was about Trump not being listed as an author. That's it. No context of Trump himself saying that he had absolutely nothing to do at all with its creation.
  5. There are elite communists, street communists and everyday garden variety useful idiots. Even Pravda has to sprinkle in some blue sky stuff every now and then to keep the useful idiots useful. Just like with the vast majority of the electorate, there a very few if any card carrying communists among media power brokers. They merely need to be reliable. Which is why an unabashed useful idiot like Finding is such a fan.
  6. Finding. I'm not here to convince you or any of your comrades of anything. You're lost forever. You are my enemy. Fuk.c off.
  7. You should look into that. While you're looking maybe also look into why Oprah would go from suggesting being Trump's running mate to endorsing Marxist Kamala.
  8. When you care enough to comment about the 1000s of times they blatantly lie, maybe we'll dig in on that one.
  9. Reliable vs. scum When you live under a green sky you tend to not get it right.
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