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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Absolutely, but they can't say that outright anymore than they can admit that Kamala is a dyed in the wool Marxist. So they're left with nonsense like you're a brown person hating racist if you don't want people here illegally casting votes in our elections.
  2. ⬆️ I suppose I could read how these morons manage to justify illegals voting in elections, but then again they're forever lost commies and it just doesn't matter.
  3. Gee, antifa didn't attend a government run free speech platform in droves? Antifa is all about orderly demonstrations run by the friggin government! Keep embarrassing yourself King.
  4. This mother who must hate brown people with the fear mongering. Shameful! -Roundy
  5. King Kopium! Kamala has always been wildly popular!
  6. Trump is against sexualizing kids in school. Trump is against letting men/boys dominate women/girls sports. Trump is against transing minor children. So Trumps issue, like most sane people, is with the TQIA+ cult. As far as the LGB part? Trump is so vehemently anti gay rights that he appointed the first openly gay man to a cabinet level position in Richard Grennel.
  7. Other candidates in their own party are accusing the dems of rigging and cheating... It's just absolutely ridiculous to think that they'd use the same tactics against Republicans.
  8. My old Dem buddies have been flooding me with frantic calls, texts, and emails. Unlike Ro, I wouldn’t dream of airing those private conversations publicly, but the message is clear: they’re terrified of the idea of our movement joining forces with Donald Trump. When I point out what the Democratic Party and their super PACs have done to sabotage our campaign, their response is always, “but Trump is worse.” Here’s an idea: stop suing us. Let us debate. Quit rigging the media and the polls. It’s a simple formula, people—get with it.
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