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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Because some Republicans are actually in practice Democrats. But we don't need to go down the rabbit hole of how politicians on both sides are sleazy, some more than others. I think you should agree that ignoring everything else, a bipartisan bill about border security that would allow up to 5000 illegals into the country every single day can't in any universe except bizarro world be about border security. No matter how much anyone might despise Trump.
  2. Ahh Philip Bump. The author of this thread title would undoubtedly classify this completely incurious behavior from Bump, a supposed friggin journalist, to be integral to his overall reliability.
  3. Weird: Getting married and starting a family. Not weird: letting millions of illegal aliens into the country.
  4. A guy pretending to be a woke influencer asking DNC attendees ridiculous questions that they treat for the most part as serious. In short, masterful trolling.
  5. So Biden repeatedly and defiantly after the debate said he was in and not leaving the race. Then he "announces" via a letter posted on X during the weekend that he's out when he was supposedly recovering from covid. No live announcement directly from him to make such an historic announcement. And yet we have the King once again with why can't you all just accept the simplest explanation! Dude is an absolute joke. Meanwhile....
  6. The King who still believes in pee tapes and a laptop being a Russian disinfo op is opining on tin foil hat stuff. The iron law is absolute.
  7. The Iron Law never fails.
  8. There were many problems with it. The main one being that it stipulated a cap of 5000 "migrants" per day allowed into the country. As if cutting 10000 per day to 5000 a day in any way constitutes a secure border. Zero illegal aliens allowed in per day. How about that?
  9. Reliable media roots for regime lies. Shocking!
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