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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. How do you think it's going to go on Tuesday? They will stop at nothing.
  2. Fact check: True
  3. I have zero doubt that he truly believes that his wife is a 10. But LRon rages under a green sky. So as with almost every other "fact" he uses to fuel his rage I'm going to call certain BS.
  4. LRon rage posting on 11, not 10. Classic!
  5. Not even a teacher work day at your middle school today, eh Finding?
  6. 4th is by far the most animated poster here at PPP regarding the election.....and yet he's never voted. Not once in his life. Weird.
  7. Tried that one with the King. He didn't like those stakes. So he proposed different stakes where he'd change his profile pic to Tom Brady. He lost. And guess what? He didn't honor the bet. I know that you're shocked.
  8. I'm certain this lady is in jail for perjury along with the 900+ others with sworn affidavits alleging they witnessed similar irregularities.
  9. ⬆️ For Finding...
  10. Also remember: Zero democrats are in practice republicans. Many republicans are in practice democrats.
  11. Open the borders so that 10k illegal crossings per day is the new norm. Propose a "border security" bill that caps the number around 5k per day, still far higher than any other time in history Then blame republicans for not wanting a secure border. Quack logic. You know what sane people want in a border security bill? 0.0 ILLEGAL crossings per day. How about that?
  12. That's Quacks move. The dislike button when it has no more BS to shovel.
  13. Is there a chance that Trump is involved with Epstein? Sure. Not likely, but they ran in the same elite circles so its possible. But let's assume it's true and they have the Epstein goods on Trump. Dead to rights. They can't go there anyway because of all the elite leftists who would burn right along with Trump. Starting with Slick Willy.
  14. Why fabricate Russia collusion, impeach him via a fake whistleblower, raid his home, change NYS laws in order to prosecute him, hire a corrupt DA and her lover to indict him, try to assasinate him twice etc. When all the while they could just easily take him down via Epstein? Answer: You have to be an moron of immense proportions to have ever bought this, but to buy it now?
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