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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. I'm going to go way out on a limb and predict that these four guys are about to have their service to our country shi.t on.
  2. L Ron and the rest shi.tting on gold star families. Shocker. TDS will do that to a person.
  3. So will we get any X updates during the game in Brazil? Or will they carve out an exception for the NFL?
  4. Whistleblower says partial DNA hit on cocaine bag found at WH. Bongino prepared to name names at SS.
  5. Local. You want to make America great again? It's not via Trump. Local.
  6. THIS is why you get useful idiots crying about Arlington.
  7. Reliable media are reliably repugnant.
  8. Add the Arlington hoax to the pile...
  9. When you ask an obvious question like Shapiro does here, you get Finding nonsense like this: He aged out of the public part of the office.. Ignore.
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