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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Follow this simple advice and you're ahead of every fake story.
  2. The Don Jr. thing is a joke, but honestly if Garland came out and made those charges useful idiots would believe every word of it.
  3. They interviewed (fake commie) residents and I swallow it fully like a good useful idiot. And all of you hate brown people. - Roundy Meanwhile Aurora PD whistleblower says..
  4. What do you know 4th&long is STILL posting here. I'm shocked!
  5. Even by the standards of Russia, Russia, Russia hoaxes, the Tenet Media/Lauren Chen case makes no sense: — Chen was riling up pro-lifers *against* Trump. @Cernovich, Steve Deace, and others had been calling out these “purists” for weeks, and now they’re vindicated. — Chen was also pushing a “Repeal the 19th” message that was so fanatical that it seemed designed to discredit conservatives. @stclairashley called it out as a possible op, and she’s been proven right. — The indictment explicitly states that none of the conservative podcasters recruited by Tenet knew this was Russian influence. They were likely hired to boost the Tenet channel. But to what end? Tenet wasn’t helpful to Trump at all. So was Putin trying to get Biden/Harris reelected? That’s effectively the claim. — Given how little makes sense here, only Joe McCarthy wannabes are running with this and making accusations. The podcasters who are being smeared (despite the DOJ itself exonerating them) should consider filing some defamation suits. — As far as Red Scares go, this one seems pretty lame and people are seeing through it. Hopefully this means we’re at the end of Russiagate hoaxes.
  6. Too busy not apprehending the J6 DNC pipe bomber.
  7. Everyone peddling or falling for Russiagate 3.0 or 5.0 or whatever stupid new version the regime is trying to run today is either a degenerate regime propagandist, or far too stupid and gullible to be involved in politics or media. Pay attention to who is buying or selling this idiocy, and resolve to ignore them forever.
  8. Starr-Bills isn't really Billstime. No not at all!
  9. The DOJ and Merrick Garland, who have been quite busy arresting Democrat political opponents and indicting Trump for everything under the sun, are here today to tell you that Russia is interfering in our elections.
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