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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Imagine what a pathetic lapdog you need to be to continue falling for these ops.
  2. Did you know that Lincoln was gay? As were Cleveland, Hoover and of course Obama remains a gay man to this day.
  3. Did you know that Lincoln was gay and that leftists aren't in a cult?
  4. This. Also part of Trump's strategy has to include debating the moderators as well. In every answer he should include "the American people would appreciate if you ask her to explain xyz (commie) policy that she supports"
  5. ⬆️ And another. Quack, MD
  6. Those racist brown police officers. Tyreek was fully compliant and obeyed all the police requests without delay! Another Fish player almost got himself arrested as well.
  7. ⬆️ Another unpatriotic racist.
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