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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. To you and me and sane people of course.
  2. Now you know why Commie-la wouldn't debate on Fox.
  3. They're gone. Lost forever. Useless wastes of skin.
  4. For the 1,284th time. Not that it matters to commies.
  5. All former Presidents get that courtesy, but you're right in wondering why ABC extended the courtesy to the literal orange Hitler.
  6. Lies, damn lies, statistics and FBI cherry picked data.
  7. We don't trust citizens voicing their concerns at public meetings... But X hearsay? Rock solid! You're a friggin joke Roundy.
  8. They wouldn't even allow Roundy to stay in MV
  9. It's an insane conspiracy to even entertain the thought that when you concentrate 20,000 Haitians in a small Ohio community that they just might start engaging in the ways of life that they're accustomed to in their SHI.T HOLE country. Wacky. Wild. Weird!
  10. Therefore a waste of time engaging with it.
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