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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. You're a friggin deranged TDS imbecile. In a 30 minute video where a non corporate journalist interviews actual citizens of Springfield and ends up encountering an actual disgusting racist it means everyone else in the video is a racist too. I wonder why the interviewer left that racist comment in the video he uploaded? It couldn't be because he wanted to give an accurate portrayal of what he encountered when talking to people who actually live their lives in Springfield. Nah... THEYRE JUST ALL RACIST MAGA SCUM is the stevestojan takeaway. The iron law of woke projection never misses.
  2. Since ole Joe did the heroic thing and stepped aside to save our democracy, you'd think that Dr. Jill would have some time to get out on the campaign trail to support Kamala. I mean democracy itself is at stake. But she doesn't. Weird.
  3. It's not happening, it's illegal for non citizens to register let alone actually vote you racists. Well it does happen, but it's rare and it was a mistake that our unelected bureaucrats assure us now won't happen going forward.
  4. There's inumerable examples of leftist narratives following the same evolution. Might as well start documenting them.
  5. Sure they do. There are at least 8-10 people who post here all the time who listen to and believe without question whatever these proven lying outlets tell them.
  6. So what are your favorite cat dipping sauces stevestojan? What about for you King?
  7. But it's not in Springfield and it's not Haitians!
  8. So the IC, that has leaked lies to its cut outs in the propaganda media about Russian election interference for 8 years now, is going to release more "declassified" disinformation next week? And useful idiot commies are eagerly awaiting their opportunity to swallow more loads from their masters? Hold up now, please don't ruin it and try to tell us that water is wet too.
  9. Diversity You've chosen to ignore content by Roundybout. Options You've chosen to ignore content by ChiGoose. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Gene Frenkle. Options You've chosen to ignore content by L Ron Burgundy. Options You've chosen to ignore content by 4th&long. Options You've chosen to ignore content by 4th&long. Options
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