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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Fedsurrection. Obvious. Only useful idiots can willfully keep heads buried.
  2. I didn't attend. I have an atrocious 0-5 record attending Bills Jags games. Including London, 9-6 and drought ending playoff game. I am in town for my annual trip with friends and family to go to the Bills game. Despite having multiple ticket opportunities I chose to tailgate all day and then not go to the game. You're welcome.
  3. ⬆️ Guy @ 4:58 mark.
  4. This and get their activists in the reliable media to flood the zone with declarations of the most secure election in US history.
  5. If you're still calling Trump a racist then you have TDS.
  6. If you vote for Kamala you're voting for the very regime that has lied to you consistently and brazenly for four years. In other words, if you vote for her you're a useful idiot.
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