In the best interests of openness and transparency I’ll be posting regular information updates on this account.
-The Director and I are working through many of the transparency issues. We are focused on getting this done the right way, and as quickly and efficiently as possible. Many of these cases involve victims, both young and old, who we will not allow to be re-victimized by a rushed and sloppy effort.
-We are engaging with all of our personnel on transparency, while simultaneously dealing with a number of serious threats to the Homeland, our children, our economy, and our infrastructure. We absolutely cannot afford to miss any threats in those spaces. Multi-tasking isn’t an option here.
-I am well aware of some of the early concerns expressed on social media about the speed of change. I understand. But I’ll state again, if you think I upended my prior job and lifestyle to take a vacation in FBI headquarters, then I can’t help you. You’ve already decided, despite logic and reason, that all is lost. It is not. Not even close. Because you don’t see things happening in live time, does not mean change isn’t happening. Not even close. You will see results, and not every result will please everyone, but you will absolutely see results. Just watch.
-God bless America, and all those who defend Her.