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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. If Kouanjui and Richardson can't start next year, they should be gone along with retread vets who can't do the job anymore.
  2. I notice Sports Illustrated has an on line article that lists the biggest disappointments in the NFL this season. At QB. Cutler gets the first team nod. Second team all disappointment....Gino Smith and EJ Manuel.
  3. Orton should play as long as Brady is in the game....I am guessing one series. then backup time...both sides. I remember a few years ago Indy came in with Payton at QB, nothing to play for. Peyton played the first series.....and Fredex ran for about 200 in the snow. Didn't mean anything, but was entertaining.
  4. IMHO, the reason we have not had top tier coaching talent in Buffalo was the owner....(not because he was cheap btw, he wasn't) but because his potential passing while in his late 80's and 90's and the following sale and potential relocation, made this franchise an undesireable landing site for top coaching talent. They could go where they wanted, into a more stable situation. Things will be better on that front now with the Pegula's as long term commited to Buffalo owners. Hoping Marrone puts on his big boy shorts and can's Hackett and recognizes the O is a failure. He needs to bring in a new OC, and let him make the calls. Its not working after two years of the Marrone/Hackett offensive scheme.
  5. Hacketts offense requires square pegs...that ift his system. Spiller is a round peg....and doens't fit the power running that Marrone/Hackett want. Exit CJ... Success in this world requires doing what it takes with the talent at hand. Marrone/Hackett can't get off script to use CJ's great talent. If I were CJ, I would be GONE!!! Unless there is a coaching change before he becomes a free agent. Then, he might stay.
  6. Pegula hired a big time consultant in order to buy the Bills, he will do the same on the management of the business. At the scale he operates at, nobody can be an expert in everything. Still, what might transpire is interesting to say the least, and I wonder who a good consultant might be. The Pegula's got it done on the purchase, I am guessing they will do the same on the team management side. The lack of long term success is troubling however, and the real question is whether there is something systemic in the Bills organization that has caused the 15 year playoff drought. I, for one, think the pending sale/move of the team because of an octagenarian owner was a disincentive to talent to come here. Thats gone now, and I think better days are ahead. As far as consultants in general though, we had a saying "A consultant tells you what time it is with your own clock" So, they might not have a lot to offer...we'll see.
  7. If Levetre is cut by Tennessee, should we consider him to come back and fix the LG position.? I say yes, pending the results of a physical. Don't know what went wrong down there, but he was a stud here for four years.
  8. Urban Meyer is a native of Ohio, and he is now home. No amount of money will lure him to the NFL....except, perhaps, the Browns or Bengals job.
  9. As a contrarian, I would then ask, should the Bills sit Highes to keep him under 10 sacks, and devalue what they have to pay him to stay.? this discussion is a waste. Hughes will play.....to the best of his ability.
  10. Spiller was not ready to play.....penalities, fumble, etc. He should not have been in there, especially in the fourth quarter when the game was on the line. His fumble was self recovered, but it illustrated that Spiller was not in football shape and ready to play. But, we knew that already because of what he did in the first half.....I was stunned that the coaching staff didn't see that in the first half as well.
  11. The last two weeks, Watkins has falled down a lot....whats with that....I mean, untouched.......something wrong here...his mind trying to do things he can't do. Concerns me he doesn't have the body control to avoid that......
  12. Orton suffered with Hacketts offensive calls. Hackett calls a play action pass for the start of the last drive today. Now, Hackett must be the only person in the stadium who thinks the Bills might run down by 9....yet, he doens't give Orton the ease of working out of the shotgun. Hackett is over his head bigtime...and Marrone also if he is partial architect of the offensive game. Marrone backed Hackett this week, I will say this....if Marrone can't kick himself upstairs, and hire a real OC with full control, Marrone needs to go also.
  13. Orton was not that bad today. He missed a few throws for sure, but he hit a bunch as well. However, I actually would welcome putting EJ in next week to further progress the inevitible departure of our #1 draft choice flop. Others, need to see, once again, how bad he is. Better yet, put in the full playbook, and lets see how he does with that.....instead of the coddled partial book he operated with earlier. Now, we also need a new O coordinator...despite Marrones comments this past week about blaming himself. If Hackett isn't gone, Marrone needs to go also. Marrone, if he is smart, will kick himself upstairs become a true head coach, and turn over the O to somebody who knows what to do. I am thinking we might be able to get Trestman from the Bears, we could do a lot worse. If Marrone won't agree to do something like that, Whaley needs to get rid of Marrone. I have seen enough....Hackett or Hackett/Marrone has produced two bad offenses.....need another designer who knows the NFL game. Success at Syracuse apparently doesn't translate to the pro's. EJ can't even get the ball in the same ZIP code on longer throws......I watched from the stands these last two years.....what games are you watching?
  14. Yep, long time season ticket holder. The improvements were OK, not great. Like the easy lower bowl access. The scoreboards are great also. The store is OK, but we shopped at halftime of the Green Bay game....looking for whatever. No Large or Extra Large in the house, only small and medium. At 6'5'', I was shutout. they were just selling out the unmoved inventory. Of course, there were tons of Manuel jerseys unsold. ( Lots of non believers out there.) No Orton jerseys on sale...I wonder if we should read something into that? wrt to the stadium rest rooms, some typical stupidity in practice on them. Not remodeled inside, that was OK, but the entrance and exit scheme was screwed up big time. Used to be....two doors both enter and exit. Now, one labeled Entrance, one not labeled at all with no exterior handle to open. Used to be two large traffic jams at the doors.....now one HUGH traffic jam at the entrance....as everybody enters and leaves through the one door (almost) The exit not well marked on the inside, and the room half empty. No problem for me though, I stand at the unlabeled exit door until somebody comes out, and I use that door to enter, not entering the scrum at the other door. All in all, they needed to upgrade the stadium....and it was a minimum attempt. I think the new lease and these upgrades played in the owner transition....and resulted in the Bills staying in Buffalo, so I am not going to gripe at all. Go Bills!!!
  15. He been surprisingly good against the run, because, last year, he wasn't on the field against the run...as Pettine felt he was weak in phase of the game. He has proven to be capable this year, but who knows in another defensive scheme. He fits Schwartz definition of a DE. Frankly, when Schwartz announced that Hughes was to be starting DE, I was a little concerned because of the 2013 performance. So, any team that puts up big for Hughes (say 48 for 4) is taking a BIG chance based on one years performance. Just like when you draft, you look for multiple years of good performance. Jerry was one dimensional last year, all around this year. Which is the real Jerry......the marketplace will tell us.
  16. I would love to see Hughes in a Bills uniform for the next many seasons. But, the cap management thing has to be recognized as a legit factor in overall team success. If I have to pick one, I pick Dareus over Hughes. The Bills front office has a decent record at setting their number and letting folks walk if they demand more. Certainly the Byrd thing was the correct call in retrospect. And, the Levertre situation was also correct, as he is a drag on Tenn these days. And, over the years other passes were correct. Jonas Jennings never played much in SF, but got $75 mil. Same story Nate Clements. Same George Wilson. I have to grudgingly admit, Whittner has been more of a success in the other teams than I thought her would, but he is making much less than he demanded from the Bills. In those circumstances, I think some of these guys just want to get away from the Bills losing culture....I am sympathetic to that feeling...as I have some version of that also. I am willing to let Whaley and whoever replaced Littman make those calls, and hope, perhaps, that Marrone is also in the room as he appears to be able to see the real player, not the marketing hype version of the player (see EJ, Gilmore)
  17. Pittsburg isn't hospitable either. My son had problems down there when he was in grad school there. As a season ticket holder at the Ralph, I always try to go out of my way to be nice to the visiting fans. Had two Green Bay fans next to me last weekend (who were from NF Ontario btw), and had good conversation with them. Buffalo is the city of good neighbors and we should act that way!!!
  18. Jerry needs to get paid, irrespective of the relative assistance of playing along side a really strong overall front 7. Could relationships play into it. yes, but not in the first two of 8 digits.....
  19. It might help if Sammy didn't quit on his routes ....which he has been occasionally doing.
  20. I saw the Packers game live, Fred is mostly done as a RB in the league. He runs with heart, guile, skill, but not speed. His 3 yds /carry would be 4.5 if he had anything left on the speed front. He might survive as a thrid down back a year or two, but cannot and should no be the #1 back. Lots of intangibles with Fredex, but father time has robbed him of his speed. Maybe the groin injury is still hampering him...sort that out in training camp next year. In the mean time, keep CJ, he is a great talent....but not sure I can see the dollars shown in the poll. CJ isn't injury prone.....although it hurt us the last two years....he did pretty good before that.
  21. Scchwartz sill collecting from the Lions.....yes, the Bills pay him, but he could have sat home for two years and cashed checks. Get gets nothing incrementally for being active w the Bills. (I think thats right, anyhow)
  22. My view is that Cousins would be the perfect add to compete with EJ and Orton next year. Tuel needs to be gone, and , maybe, EJ. I think the zoo that was Washington made it hard for Cousins to succeed. They gave up on him in Washington.....OK, and he has a lot more upside than Colt McCoy. And, the fact that the price is right is beside the point. Cousins played well for a number of games. And, with RG3 out a lot due to injury, he has a lot of playing time under his belt. We have done well with another refugee from Washington....Barcardi Rambo.....I would like to try this one also.
  23. Its an old story....Goodwin is Marrone/Whaley's pick...Graham was not. They kept THEIR guy. Probabily the wrong decision IMHO. Having said that, TJ wasn't great by any means. Now, the question is, is duribility a disqualifying issue? I guess it should be......and, even when he is healthy, they are not going downfield to Goodwin at all. This, however, is Hackett all the way....cannot penalize Goodwin for the lack of calling deep throws....can argue the OC doesn't have the stones to make those calls. So, I am saying, get rid of Hackett, give Goodwin another shot...use him as a receiver only.....and lets see if the world class speed can have an effect. He is the fastest man in the NFL, hands down....and all the opposing coaches know it!!! Ahhh.....how would you know whether Orton can make that throw. I am thinking that we haven't seen a verticle/downfield game at all from Hacketts. I am for a new OC who will call the occasional long ball. Of course, they are playing 15 yards off of Goodwin, we should be taking the easy 10-12 every time. But, we are not.......need to use Square pegs in Square holes.....but our OC seems only have his O......which is popgun short stuff all the time.
  24. Fun discussion, but, all I care about is winning both remaining games.....one at a time.....let the playoff chips fall where they may. Broadcast world hinting that playoff format will change next year, embarassment of the NFC having a playoff team with serious losing record being the motivation. (and maybe more money from TV)
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