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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. As a season ticket holder, I hate the prime time games......screws up all sorts of things........lots of love on this board for those games, but if you have to go out and sit in the stands on a late November night when its 15F out, you hate it. Bills were on thursday night a couple of years ago in Nov, our group just skipped the game rather than sit out in the brutal conditions.
  2. Byrd, Peters all took the season off (almost) when they didn 't get their way....injuries, m a . This with the coaching of Parker. I would have let Peters sit the three seasons he was signed for.......and Byrd....what a bargain the Saints got....got rid of good pro's to pay for him...and he didn't delivery. Hurt...folks, thats part of the deal...big money better be durible. Same reason Poluzny was a good pass, he was always hurt. Jacksonville would gladly part with him I am told. Back to EJ........these young QB's are to concerned with the business side...RG3 concerned about his brand...not about whether he can make it in pro football. Signs are he cannot and I am praying the Bills don't bring in that turkey. Manuel the same.....I hope EJ plays well enough to deserve big money, but we haven't seen any of that here yet.
  3. Well, quoting REX, who is very quotable.....he said (paraphrasing) " I don't believe in putting square pegs in round holes...I use the strengths of the players we have" If he does that, we are going to be big time winners on the D side of the ball!!! If he forces players to fit his template....we are screwed, and headed for a big turnover of players.
  4. Elway is to smart to hire Marrone....really wondering what the interview is all about other than padding the interview list length. Marrone has shortcomings that are obvious......including quitting on his owner. I am thinking nobody really wants him then. Mullarky quit a decade ago, and has never been a HC again. He has progressed back to the coordinator level though......I have currently lost track of him, but think he is still in the league.
  5. 9 more seasons at the Ralph they have a lease with the county.....so, all this is just dreaming. I am against a new stadium downtown....for a multitude of reasons.
  6. My recall is that the Pettine D was flashy with lots of sacks, but gave up a lot on the run.......and Schwartz fixed that with his system. Now, back to the system that was run deficient.......seems like the Rex/Pettine system might not be as strong as some suggest. Thats an empirical observation followed by an opinion. I will stand corrected if Rex defense comes in #4 or better. I am guessing not, however!
  7. I am not as optimistic about the outcome here. 5 years 5 coordinators.....new sets of reads for the D......really, these guys must have their head swimming. Were I playing under this merry go round of coaching, I would get out of Dodge as quickly as possible when my contract was up. (see Hughes ) Buffalo's D was great this past year, but back into the hot mess of coaching change again. I have Low expectations of this new coaching crew. They ,after all, were the Jets coaches these past few years. Ugh.......
  8. Actually, I think it is likely just fine......your showing your bias here......the kid perservered as a third stringer and got his shot. He has no guarantee to play next year at OSU, and were I him, I would go to the NFL....and pay my own tuition to finish my degree when I could.
  9. This board will be really lit up when Rex's D isn't top 4 like Schwartz. Almost a must fail expectation, with the third D coordinator in three years. Anyhow, I don't expect good things from the Ryan administration....I give him three years max and then out of town like the last 6 HC's. Frankly, I hated Rex when he was in NY as a blowhard media darling.....and I still feel that way about him. Going to be hard for me to continue to follow Bills after may decades. This is the second worst hire ever for HC.....(Harvey Johnson was the worst) Most on this board don't even remember Harvey, and thats a good thing.
  10. Saw the news clip of Rogers being asked during the presser afterwards....he said his team doesn't know what it means either. He is saying, then, its strictly noise for the D to listen to while he looks around and makes his reads.
  11. If Schwartz stays one year, then Rex can bring Pettine back as D coordinator......as the half life of Cleveland head coaches is under two years, and Pettine is going into year 2. (Ask Schurmer, Chudzinski)
  12. I think the Schwartz working for Ryan idea is likely to not work out. Thinking this through.....Schwartz came here to get to be HC.......now, Ryan in place with a 5 year deal.....the Bills have turned down a couple of requests to talk to Schwartz about a DC job, one in Washington. Forgetting about football...Schwartz can coach any D in the league....and make his $2mil or what ever...the business question here is where is he most likely to get a HC job again in the future. The answer is, first of all, now not in Buffalo...Rex a fixture for 5 years its says.....but, in Washington.....don't know how long Dan Snyder is going to let Gruden tend the shop there. And, Schwartz may very well want to move on where Gruden may have a year or two before he gets canned.....or some other situation like that elsewhere in the league. So, I am not going to be surprised if Schwartz asks to be released.....and the Bills will agree to that imho. And, Ryan really doesn't care...other than he will try to please his new employers since they apparently have spoken to him about that. Ryan will then bring in the Jets staff on the D side.......I hate all this, we needed turnover on the coaching side on the O, but didn't on the D. The new owners didn't pick the right HC for stability on the D side. All these coaching changes....keep the Bills from progressing. Look at the Pats....those guys have been playing in the same system for more than a decade, and there is not starting over every year in learning their reads, reactions etc. Its why the Bills are always loosers. And, the most recent chance for stability...was really to make Schwartz HC.
  13. Yep same old Bills, just new owners....3-4,4-3,3-4,4-3,3-4,4-3,etc etc players never in the same system two years in a row....and instincts do not have a chance to develope....have to think every time....D headed back to medocirty if Ray forces whoever to to 3-4. Honestly, I wish I had not committed to 15 season tickets......and, marketing mistake...ryan reviled by many Bills fans....Pegula's save the franchise, but seem not to get it.
  14. I recall Gregg Williams presser after he was fired. As screwed up as he was.....he had the class to go out thanking the Bills organization for the opportunity. Marrone, really doesn't know how to handle himself imho, and I guess I am going to be surprised if he get another HC job right now.
  15. If saving EJ's career is the focus of the search, then, we are Dooomed. the new coach needs to be a O guy, or hire a great OC. He doens't need to have developing EJ as the prime directive. Winning games and making the playoffs is the prime directive....THIS YEAR, not in the future. If EJ can't run with the big dogs, let him sit on the porch.....as they say.
  16. Bringing her in as a motivator/getting your head right to be a winner type of person would not be that bad a tactic. Not sure the players would accept her though. But, I recall the Ryder cup (golf) team bringing in Michael Jordan to get their heads right about team play....so this isn't that far a jump. Now, she is not HC material without a knowledge of the X's and O's. But, she is not a person to be taken lightly, even through it has a humerous element for those who want to find that in the situation. (we all need a little of that as Bills fans, really) If she has the right degree, she should market herself as a sports "head shrink" (sorry I didn't use the professional term)
  17. Yes...in his mind it was an available move. And, I think, to recruit Schwartz to our staff, he told him about it ....and Schwartz came to Buffalo thinking he might get to be the in house candidate for HC (which he is) and maybe HC (tbd)
  18. The Bills are going to have to pick up a vet QB or two. All available (short of the Eli Mannings of the world who we will not get) have negative talk regarding their capabilities. Thinking through all that negative stuff, you have to take a chance or two to find something of value. Actually, Orton was that kind of chance....had some capability, but was dissed all over the league. We saw his best and worst, and yes, it was a mixed bag....but we won with him. Now, having done some thinking about the situation, I think one draft choice....non premium but the best available is a good idea...and dump Tuel....if he was going to make it, he would have already. Practice squad guy for next year.....for the vet......I guess I might take a chance with Christian Ponder....reason? Well, Chan Gailey, the last guy we had here who was capable on the offensive side thought Ponder was great when he coached him in the Senior bowl, and the Bills would have taken him had he not been gone...Minn took him. Now, lots of negatives from the Minn crowd....three years in and he is available.......not so sure he wouldn't be somebody to take a look at. I can seen how a glass that is half full is given news coverage as half empty. imho
  19. Spikes needs to stay.....Brown is OK as an OSL....but, we have not seen him in the middle, and it would be nice to have one known quantity in the middle going to next season
  20. I think the Lions are still topping up Schwartz...that is paying the difference between his bills salary and what he was making as HC. Hence, if Schwartz asks for his release....and it is granted....he will be fully paid by the Lions. A deal as good as Marrone has btw. Now, if Schwartz is passed over for HC, imho, he will ask for his release and let the new annointed guy pick his own DC......that is pickup his marbles and go home, as they say. Schwartz came here to be HC...make no mistake...in fact, I speculate that he knew about the Marrone "clause" and thought his chances were the best being the "in house" candidate for HC. Didn't you wonder about the lightning quick timing of Schwartz arrival after Pettine left? I did not understand, really, until the Marrone clause became public......anyhow, thats how I am reading the tea leaves.
  21. I think Marrone had it right to be upset with Whaley about the Sammy watkins trade....and that Pegs had it right to want to bring in somebody to oversee the football side of things....that will happen eventually imho. Anyhow, Whaley and Marrone could not coexist...and hopefully the next guy can coexist with Whaley. Marrone will likely cash in here, but, based on what I saw in Buffalo for two year, the Jets are not big winners getting Marrone. And, the Bills should make Hackett available immediately for Marrones staff in the Big Apple. Now, about this business of proving tampering. You would be surprised at the amount of data available about what is done on company phones...cell phone, landline phones etc etc. Since the Bills undoubtedly provided same, those record alone can legally be used in the search for proof. And, I speak from direct experience in somewhat similar circumstances on this matter.
  22. A dome is inevetible....and, as I have gotten older, the cold hurts worse than it used to...I am a long time season ticket holder. (I was there to open the Ralph) I guess I can't agree with those who want it downtown, however, as the roads in and out are inadequate for an event that has a crowd of 75K. Need a venue with roads out in 4 directions......the Lake is to big an obstacle downtown. That is not the politically correct view, but a very practical view wrt the sale of game day tickets imho. Nobody wants to go to a game that takes 3 hours to get back home after its over.
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