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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. When I saw, two years ago, that thad had a much better arm than EJ, I knew EJ can't make it in the league. LACK OF ACCURACY!!! He has a strong arm, just can't hit a target consistently downfield. (season ticket holder, have seen every home game in person) EJ misses bigtime on longer throws 20 yds or more. Yes, he hits a few, but consistently missing by 5 yards or more. This lack of skill is unteachable.....and I am in the camp there will be another signee (hoping Locker) and EJ will be gone.
  2. I don't want to see a lot of ex Jets showing up here in Buffalo. Rex, if your so da*m smart, how come you can't get off your tired script and use great talent available. Maybe Rex isn't smart enough to do it another way......oh yeh,, thats why Schwartz was let go. Anyhow, keep that guy Harris out of Buffalo.......I don't have any use for him.
  3. Don't forget, Jim Kelly was a PA kid too. That turned out well for him and Bills Nation....it could also for McCoy. But, I don't like that Shady name. I shall call him LeSean......for what its worth.
  4. I sense Rex had a role in this. Despite alleging that the system will be made to use the talent on hand, Kiko didn't fit Rex's idea of what he wanted as a lb in his system. A coverage lb apparently has no role......that what Kiko was....not a run plugger.....but a three down guy. I would be interested to go back and see how Kiko did against Rex in 13.......anyhow, seriously doubt that Whaley did this on his own. I Fredex also done it appears.
  5. I read the description of Peg's properties.......they are much larger than what he sold....now, that field which was small wrt to the acrerage he owns was fully developed, and had proven reserves. But, he has many times that land available to develope. He is a Billionaire many times over, and he might, in my opinion, easily be in the Paul Allen league. Now, those other properties are not necessarily developed, and with the crash of oil price they might not be developed for a while. But, they will bring Billions when they are developed. Pegs is an E&P giant as an individual. The most remarkable thing is luck though. He sold the developed field to Shell for 1.8 Billion just before the floor fell out of the oil price......and he used that cash to buy the Bills.....good luck on the part of the whole Bills Nation!!!!
  6. McCowen signs with the Browns because they were the only team who offered him the chance to be a starter.........oh lord, he was told EJ was the starter. I am already regretting my season ticket purchase........
  7. the Duke has shown many clueless moments on the field. Yes, he made some plays last year, but he is not consistent. I, for one, am not sure he is starter material. Rambo seems like a candidate, but why is this guy kicking around the league if he is so good. Lets see where it shakes out in training camp. As for Searcy, he needs to go where the money is......he has earned it showing he is an NFL starter. As for the depth in the backfield....I agree that mostly. I certainly don't see the need to drop $20 mil to get Revis....when there are so many crying needs on the offensive side of the ball. One rap on Rex Ryan coming out of NYC was that he picked his guys, and never gave up on them when other options were there. Revis may be great, but he is poison in the locker room....I don't want to see him in a Bills uniform.
  8. I live in Buffalo....and am a season ticket holder....and......the schedule also impacts what I do in business and personally, as I try to optimize the number of games I can attend....so...same argument for the locals I think. I always have a fluery of activity when I get the schedule.
  9. Bills need a TE who can block and be a receiver. Two functions.......Clay is a hybrid H back type.....already got Grey......and Gragg.....don't need another. Need another starter like who leaves the D guessing if its a run or pass. Clay is more a receiver than blocker.......a 245 he is little compared to what we need....that guy from Detroit would be good IMHO.
  10. There was a time when Marshall was all world...thinking Denver days....I remember him catching a dozen agianst the Bills in the Ralph, and it could have been two dozen.....
  11. Super bowl TV...come on...AFN....always carried the NFL playoffs when I was watching! OK, maybe Korean Tv doesn't, but......on base for sure. OK 6am is tough...but, for true fans, you can do it. Also, can buy the game on the internet real time if you are outside of NA....my son did it in Japan for 7 years.
  12. Incog was an ah when he was here, and was in Miami. No room here for such a head case. The only saving grace ,if he is here, is that E Wood is his ";friend" and might be able to mitigate the carnage Richie will bring to the team.
  13. My off season wish would have been a head coach who didn't do Pizza Hut commercials, didn't have ESPN follow him around at the Super Bowl, who didn't do appearances at the Buffalo Auto show......and, took care of the business of fielding a winning football team. I guess I don't get my wish......
  14. Like your icon, first time I have noticed. I , too, am a Ricki Ticki Tavi fan!!! Brave Ricki!!!!!
  15. Probabily can't get a liscense in NY since he is not a full time resident, and has only been here 5 years part time....and, he lives in Erie Country (of course) CJ, move to Niagara, Cattaragus, or any other county if you want a concealed carry permit. And, don't expect to get one in NYC either if you sign w. the Jests.
  16. Ahh, we had a great D, and there isn't much room to move up from #4 to #1....hence, having Revis would only have helped us at the margins. We needed O hep big time, and that was the ingredient that was missing, not D. And Schwartz did that......
  17. Bills secondary is pretty good already. don't need a megabuck CB signing. Get Hughes back if Rex knows what to do with him (I have my doubts about that since Pettine only used Hughes in spot substitution/pass rush situations) That is, does Hughes fit the Ryan system??? Anyhow, back to Revis....this guy has BAD attitude as we witnessed in NY . I would hate to see this Jets drama moved to Buffalo. So, the guy is poison from my perspective, don't want him in the locker room. And, as a former HATED member of the Jets, hard to believe the Pegula's would be so tone deaf from a marketing point of view as to bring him to Buffalo. Oh wait, maybe they would (see the Sabres)
  18. Ahhh....not so fast. It remains to be seen if this new D scheme will outperform Schwartz D.....I am thinking thats a really tall order for Ryan and company....4th in the league is really high.....they re favorites to finish lower than 4 IMHO. Now, your argument on the head coach does make some sense.....but not on the D coordinator.
  19. Yes, he played fewer downs in the Pettine system if I recall....he was put in as the pass rush linebacker. He did better in the 4x3....our now former defense.
  20. EJ has not earned a #1 designation........
  21. I thought I heard Marrone's name during Jimmy Fallon's monolog last night....was I having a bad dream?
  22. I expect to see multiple running backs in camp. If a number of them do well, Fred will be cut.........he's a tough guy and lots of character, but he has slowed down a lot. with Spiller likely gone, I am thinking that you will see some others get serious tryouts......Fred does have a contract at 3+ mil....but its not guaranteed and that is that is a serious cap number.....I am wondering.....Dixon and Brown have been around....just not the leaders that Fred is......time will tell WRT Chandler....no way...the only TE with a record. I like the guy they picked up from the Vikes though...former QB.....I look for him to make the team.
  23. Lynch has blossomed in Seattle, but is near the end of his career. Further, he is still an attitude problem, like he was here. The Bills need help in the line, and Levetre makes a lot more sense to me...and, linemen play a lot longer career wise than backs. Marshawn is near the end of the line....maybe a season or two more at most. Levetre likely has another 5-7 years in him IF he is physically sound...which is an issue now I understand.
  24. Ugh....how we going to get all our "linebackers" on the field? Lets see...put Mario and Hughes on as OUTside LB's, and then.....where do we put Brown, Kiko, Bradham...oh, we sit one of our best assets.....Manny Lawson out? My view, Rex system change hurts our D, despite his reputation...our personnel were better in the 4-3. Just not sure Rex knows how to get off his formula/script....despite his statements he wants to use round pegs in round holes. Color me discouraged as we have gone through this kind of change before, and its always "wait unitl next year until they know the system" This is Bills BS failing at itw worst. Repeated making the same mistake. This will be my last year as a season ticket holder, I can't stand the inept management. (yes, the Sainted Pegula's blew it, bringing in the NY Jets staff)
  25. Gino is more accurate...he just picks the wrong spots to put the ball. EJ can pick the right spot sometimes, but can't hit it.
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