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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Lots of comments here. My points. YES, the throwing motion/muscle memory thing is absolutely relevant.....but, expected by me would be that a first round draft choice would already know that, and have mastered his "jump shot" eh...throwing motion. The fact that he had not.....that made him a project. Bill Polians comment on EJ seconds after he was drafted was that "EJ Manuel is a project"...implying he did not belong in the 1 st round. Point is, EJ is now polishing up parts of his game....we will see if its enough to be a player in the NFL. Finally, I am stunned that nobody else commented on Eugene Parker now being EJ's agent. That was news to me....and, I have to tell you, that speaks poorly of EJ's long term stay with the Bills. Parker is a "dump on the steps of city hall" agent. (a more colorful phrase is usually used) Even if EJ makes the grade eventually, Parker will make the Bills wish they hadn't drafted EJ. Were I the Bills, I would scout the Agents as well as the players..for the April drafts. And, I would never make a Parker client a high draft choice, in fact, I might never draft a Parker client at all. I remember Byrd, Peters....and non professional behavior coached by Parker.
  2. They should rotate sides at the half, just like volleyball teams change benches after games. Then each team can be in the sun for one half. I am thinking we have not heard the last of this issue. This is really a competitive advantage for the home team....apparently designed that way...if we attribute Machivalien intelligence to the Dolphins (actually doubtful)
  3. Not sure I want any Jets retreads on the Bills, of course, we already have almost a full coaching staff of Jets retreads. Says me, that is enough. Jim Leonard is still around too....nothing over the vet min says me..... (We should feel good about Jets retreads? In marketing, they call that rebranding: SOS in a new box)
  4. Do we have an assistant O-line coach? The wording implies career, not necessarily playing career. Don't need over the hill vets IMHO.
  5. Talent, yes, and, QB not sure, yes....but.....I am concerned that putting in another new system, on both D and O will cause the Bills to be less efficient than the systems might be in a second or third year. So, Ryan's administration has to start fast to do well...not sure that will work out as well as we all hope. In terms of the bigger risk.....well, the O certainly has more upside vis a via last year....the O was not particularlily good last year. The D....well, I think there is more downside than upside. Ryan has produced great defenses....but, has he done it with a new system in year 1.....not so sure about that. And, the D was #4 last year. Says me even a good D will struggle to beat that ranking. Schwartz did take Pettine's Ryan like D and improve it substantially....wondering if Ryan is smart enough to improve, then in the Schwartz D. My gut says unlikely. It would be a win for the D to just stay even in the #4 slot. My view, maybe a lower top ten D is a realistic hope. And, if injuries go wrong....it could all unravel.
  6. I would be dropping my 4 season tickets.....unfortuately, I already bought 2015. The Ralph is going to become a TV studio for the cold weather games. The FCC is appriopriating the NFL intellectual property...the entertainment value of its games. I look for this to be recinded in 2016.
  7. Remember when Vince Young came to town for the preseason.....he played ok until he lost discipline...........and threw a couple of picks into coverage. He was gone, then over the weekend. (It was Chan who cut him, I think) Same thing here with RG.....he wants to do it his way, not the coaches....maybe because he is headstrong, or maybe he lacks the skills , don't know, don't care. We don't need a head case QB here.....
  8. Griffin considers himself a business colussus. He has a brand, and he is into every detail of getting endoresements etc. Football success, not on the priority list. We don't need a wrong minded kid like this.......actually, EJ has a little of that problem also. Bottom line, give us football players, not guys whose primary objective is to market themselves, and are bigger than the team in their own eyes. I would be very disappointed if a bad actor like Griffin were brought in. Of course, with the new administration, bringing in Incognito and Harvin, maybe we should get a printed up jersey now, as Griffin is definitely in the bad boy class, might appeal for those reasons.
  9. Agreeing w many posters here, I think Cassel starts unless he get setback by injury. Recall, that although Teddy Bridgewater was the QB for most of the season last year in Minn, Cassel won the job out of camp, and was the starter until he broke his ankle. And, speaking to character, he mentored Teddy to the good season that rookie had. So, Cassel is the favorite out of the box....and if he falter, his veteran head will help the other two play the game. I think Jeff Tuel will be gone, unless the Bills need salary cap relief, and then one of the main three might get cut. It will be interesting , though, to see what Ryan and company think of Tuel.....he and Manuel are both practice squad elgible, I think. But, likely somebody else would pickup EJ if he were cut loose. EJ still has potential....maybe he learned to throw over the summer.....naw.......
  10. McKelvin still a #1 corner in this league...maybe not Revis....but still a #1. But, with two major injuries in two years....first groin, then broken ankle, I wonder if he is now more brittle than his early years, and may never play a full season again. That is the only reason I could see letting him go......big bucks, small games played.
  11. Manuel doesn't have the pro arm we need....hoping the other two do, and they will, then start. EJ, for the record, can run some....and he did the first year here. He got hurt and lost the end of the season. The last year, he didn't run to speak of, he was saving himself......so, if a QB can run but won't, he isn't much good. EJ needs to get his head together, and, needs better accuracy. I am not optimistic about his future. He has many good qualities I am told, but he is a long way from an NFL QB where I come from. And, I don't think that Ryan and his staff will baby sit EJ like last years staff. EJ will have to do it with the same coaching the other two get. And, I don't think he can, regretably.
  12. As a season ticket holder, I have seen every game he played at home. His accuracy in throwing is terrible, longer throws especially. He can never be an NFL starting QB....HE DOESN'T HAVE THE ARM. His arm IS strong, just not accurate. Gone from the roster sooner than later...Whaley can't protect him forever. I look for Cassel to be the starter unless the guy from Baltimore shows bigtime. Tuel will be gone also...and another backup will appear.
  13. A little surprised Stevie isn't headed back to be with Fitz....there was great chemistry there. That was the source of a lot of Stevie's 1000 yard seasons. Fitz and Stevie had a read/react setup that was impossible to defend (ask Revis)
  14. Goodwin....????? Maybe cut loose, to brittle for the pro game says the history. But, w the great speed, somebody will go looking at him. Maybe Jacksoville with his true believers on staff down there. Actually, I think the WR group is pretty full....Watkins, Wood, Harvin, Hogan, Goodwin, and....our special teams ace....who is allegedly a wr.Mr Easley. Will we keep 6...maybe if we can't hire more tight ends.......
  15. I am not offended by this decision if it remains in place. However, his handlers (if there are any) will need to educate him that high profile NFL earners need to play the public relations game and give the press access to them....its part of what earns that mega paycheck. But, he is not an employee yet, so no rules for him right now. Staying home with family seems OK by me. I think, though, that this marks him again as somebody who will have trouble adjusting to be a mega millionaire. Whoever drafts him will need to give him the Dez Bryant treatment ala the Cowboys.
  16. I think the injuries take their toll, and that's why he has lost his desire. I can't be critical of his decision......being hurt all the time in the NFL goes w the territory, and I can see the appeal of getting out while he is still whole (if he still is).
  17. I am thinking the new O coordinator that came from the 49's (can;t recall his name right now)......might not like Bobby Dixon as a runner.....Boobie left SF partly to get a chance to carry the rock......a chance he was not getting out there. So, now the O coordinator follows him to Buffalo. And, although Boobie is a tower of strength on the ST side......maybe he is disrespected on the runner side. I though Boobie was a minimally capable running back this last year.....but, not really a speed threat. So, not sure why this Jets RB is in the conversation.....unless Rex is planning to reconstitute his old gang. Hence, although Fredex's time has come and gone last year, I think Boobie might be also at risk. IMHO...no sources anywhere....
  18. When I saw, two years ago, that thad had a much better arm than EJ, I knew EJ can't make it in the league. LACK OF ACCURACY!!! He has a strong arm, just can't hit a target consistently downfield. (season ticket holder, have seen every home game in person) EJ misses bigtime on longer throws 20 yds or more. Yes, he hits a few, but consistently missing by 5 yards or more. This lack of skill is unteachable.....and I am in the camp there will be another signee (hoping Locker) and EJ will be gone.
  19. I don't want to see a lot of ex Jets showing up here in Buffalo. Rex, if your so da*m smart, how come you can't get off your tired script and use great talent available. Maybe Rex isn't smart enough to do it another way......oh yeh,, thats why Schwartz was let go. Anyhow, keep that guy Harris out of Buffalo.......I don't have any use for him.
  20. Don't forget, Jim Kelly was a PA kid too. That turned out well for him and Bills Nation....it could also for McCoy. But, I don't like that Shady name. I shall call him LeSean......for what its worth.
  21. I sense Rex had a role in this. Despite alleging that the system will be made to use the talent on hand, Kiko didn't fit Rex's idea of what he wanted as a lb in his system. A coverage lb apparently has no role......that what Kiko was....not a run plugger.....but a three down guy. I would be interested to go back and see how Kiko did against Rex in 13.......anyhow, seriously doubt that Whaley did this on his own. I Fredex also done it appears.
  22. I read the description of Peg's properties.......they are much larger than what he sold....now, that field which was small wrt to the acrerage he owns was fully developed, and had proven reserves. But, he has many times that land available to develope. He is a Billionaire many times over, and he might, in my opinion, easily be in the Paul Allen league. Now, those other properties are not necessarily developed, and with the crash of oil price they might not be developed for a while. But, they will bring Billions when they are developed. Pegs is an E&P giant as an individual. The most remarkable thing is luck though. He sold the developed field to Shell for 1.8 Billion just before the floor fell out of the oil price......and he used that cash to buy the Bills.....good luck on the part of the whole Bills Nation!!!!
  23. McCowen signs with the Browns because they were the only team who offered him the chance to be a starter.........oh lord, he was told EJ was the starter. I am already regretting my season ticket purchase........
  24. the Duke has shown many clueless moments on the field. Yes, he made some plays last year, but he is not consistent. I, for one, am not sure he is starter material. Rambo seems like a candidate, but why is this guy kicking around the league if he is so good. Lets see where it shakes out in training camp. As for Searcy, he needs to go where the money is......he has earned it showing he is an NFL starter. As for the depth in the backfield....I agree that mostly. I certainly don't see the need to drop $20 mil to get Revis....when there are so many crying needs on the offensive side of the ball. One rap on Rex Ryan coming out of NYC was that he picked his guys, and never gave up on them when other options were there. Revis may be great, but he is poison in the locker room....I don't want to see him in a Bills uniform.
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