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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Please please please...no more Jets castoffs....one of the worst teams in the NFL
  2. Stevie plays the position like a basketball player....he goes where they ain't.....or if they are defending an "inside technique" he takes it outside. Thats what he and Fitz did, and it makes a lot of sense. But, inexperienced QB's without a serious head for the game (recall Fitz had a near world record Wunderlich test result and was a Harvard grad) can't handle doing a read like that for the Wr's. So, with the right QB, Stevie is all world. This technique is why Revis had such trouble with him, he always ran against the manner/techniqu that Revis was using. Revis gripe was that Stevie had more freedom than any Wr in the league. Indeed, he did, and that was a lot of what made up those three 1000 yd seasons. So, making it up as he goes is his strength, and yes, he isn't great with non cerebral QB's. Hope for his sake that Rivers can deal with this talent and curse. Makes me wonder why more receivers don't use this method.....
  3. This really makes sense....Graham is making starter money.....get him on the field if he is that good!!! He is a vet and maybe is a half a step slower than he was 6-7 years ago, but thats OK, as field experience covers a lot of sins. I thought Graham might become the second coming of Drayton Florence, a great character guy with good skills but lacking in physcial tools after many years in the league. But, I think at safety Graham might last through his full (4?) contract, prolonging his career. Graham can't run with McKelvin, Darby or Gilmore, or Robey for that matter, but he can play. And, that folks, is the #1 requirement.
  4. Of course, he can keep the two yr remainder of his bills contract....what was it $2 or $3 million per year . consulting w league office is good duty, likely fee free. He is NOT giving up any of that Bills cash to do this. Likely the Bills approved this as a "non-competitive" activity imho.
  5. Marrone didn't have the stones to get rid of his non performing coaches (Hackett and others) At least Rex has brought in some talent we needed, and I liked a lot that he kept holdovers from the prior regime. I have to admit though, I knew when he was hired that Schwartz was gone......the BEST ASST coach we had in a long time. (yep, better than Pettine, look at the results) There were other ways to play the HC game.....and Rex hasn't convinced me yet. A great news generator does not a great coach make. I personally don't like the act he puts on.....looking for go, not show. We will see.
  6. Bradham last year, Darius this year....these are young guys just growing up. They don't know what it is to be a professional, other than collect the checks and play football. This don't understand their personal behavior also impacts their value as performer in the NFL business. Maybe, with this, Darius price will be a little lower come contract time, but I doubt it. (his agent wrote a nice statement)
  7. I have taken my kids and grandkids over the past few decades. Yes, there are a few drunks...but if they get obnoxious where we are seated, I get the ushers to escort them out. In general, the fans are pretty good...of course, we have been sitting where the season ticket holders are, and they are there for the football first. Yes, there are a few crazies, but our kids and theirs as well now know the world has those types, and we steer clean of such folks. Yes, there is some crazyness, but, so goes the world, and the kids do live in that world. So, thats my two cents.
  8. The Pats didn't bring chandler in to pay him $2.5 mil to be 4th tight end. He will be #2, and will catch 40 odd balls imho. Wright will be #3 or gone........
  9. Now, we learned the perfect gas law is pv=nRT. I am wondering at what temperature the balls must be in the specified range. Since game temperatures range from perhaps 90F to 0F in a normal year....the pressure varies with the absolute temperature. So, do you let the balls soak outside before inflating (outside) to get the right pressure.....or do you do that at 70F in the locker room...and let them cool off outside. That would result in pressures below the range suggested. Anyhow, they better get more scientific about it........and, for what its worth...letting the home team switch out balls to their liking has to stop. The deflate gate testing ,as I recall only showed one or two balls at low pressure....likely to be put in the game when Tom Terrific was chucking. Of course, the Colts linebacker got the INT, and said "this ball is soft". The rest is history......and the shouting is just getting started. Oh well, I like the Bills situation in this, that is UNINVOLVED.
  10. I read Carrucci's article in the Saturday Buff News on this topic. He really was (not loose) wrong with the facts about Cassel in Minnesota. He stated the Vikes brought him in to be a backup, I think. Well, Cassel started the first three games....and broke his ankle in the third game. After that, he was a mentor to Teddy Bridgewater. (the Vikes media was very respectful to Cassel for doing it that well) So,; that does not constitute the facts as represented by Vic. Anyhow, I am a doubter about EJ Manuel....as a season ticket holder, I have seen the really bad downfield throws for the games he played. EJ has a strong inaccurate arm, and will only survive in a dink/dunk pasing game....no long threat to speak of. And, the receivers know it with overt signs of frsutration when EJ p;layed early last year. He missed them time and time again downfield at 15 or 20 yards. No need to have the stud receivers on this team with EJ's lack of accuracy. Orton was fair accuracy wise, and if Cassel is comparable, he will/should start imho. As for EJ's fate, I don't think that he makes it in Buffalo....I like the man, just that he isn't an NFL QB.
  11. Bills may make the playoffs, but, I for one, have a hard time buying the argument that Rex is going to improve on a defensive ranking of #4 in the league. with 32 teams, there is a long way down, and not really much upside. I think it better than 50/50 that the D will rank lower than Schwartz D last year. that means the O will have to pickup more than a little to get the Bills to the playoffs. Might happen, but a long way to go. Everybody is drinking the kool aid on Rex's D and how much better it will be. We will be fortunate if they are as good as last year....when they were VERY good.
  12. He stays until he isn't a #1/2 corner anymore. That could be 5 more years, who knows. Graham more likely to leave as he is slowing down a little in my perception after watching him all last season. A great instinct player, but progressing toward a late career Draton florence status. He is not there yet, but, you can tell when he gets burned by the speed guys its over.
  13. Yeh, that was on purpose btw. I never forgave Vincent for that, and he is NOT a high character guy in my view....hate to see him in a league job. An articulate nice guy thug....
  14. Ahhh..Bradham practiced the whole preseason last year, and then was suspended for the first game.....so, Brady will get his preseason, but will sit a few out.
  15. this is interesting speculation...depends how assets are valued. I don't have a lookup source on this debate. I can tell you....that outside of the sports franchaises, that Pegs is worth well into 10 figures. (thats billions , folks) Allen, of course, also is in that league. The problem with the asset valuation game is that Pegs holds a lot of acerage in oil and gas leases...and that is tough to value. Allen , of course, is more diversified....and was the co founder of Microsoft......who knows his worth...but. perhaps look it up in the annual forbes publication on the topic.
  16. McKelvin is a starting CB in the NFL. He has been hurt/lost to season ending injuries the last two years. He has two years left on his contract. Darby will be ready when the contract expires. If, however, the Bills move up Darby's start timing to next year....then McKelvin will start at CB for another NFL team tbd. Cutting McKelvin loose would seem like the Chandler deal all over again. Bottom line, McKelvin has played well recent years when he has played. I see Darby as injury insurance this year. We know that Roby has speed but not size, and the other CB's are a step slow for coverage assignment 1/1. (even Graham, unfortunately, he gets by on veteran knowledge and guile) Graham is the second coming of Drayton Florence......high skill guy, just getting on in years and slowing down. Have not seen McKelvin slowed down....just down with broken ankle/ripped groin.
  17. Of course the real reason the Bills did not take a QB is that Whaley is still invested in EJ Manuel. When the organization gets over that, another will be drafted. I would have like Petty......to bad. And, as I now count the numbers, if one QB gets hurt....and it has happened every year for us recently, then Tuel makes the team again (or practice squad) dumb dumb dumb....
  18. Good QB's are where and when you find them. If the team thinks Petty is the guy for the future, even if it takes a couple of years....go for it. He had a great TD to INT ratio at Baylor, and we could sure use some of that. So, I am behind selecting Petty if they think he can make a #1.
  19. Either real interest....remember Rex also visited.......or , a head fake (remember Whaley studied briefly with a good ole boy who liked to do that)
  20. Not sure I share the joy over the idea of a prime time home game. Bills had Miami on Thursday night in Nov a year or two ago....that is not fun...real cold...I am a season ticket holder, and much prefer the 1 pm games. (yup, warmer during the day) Further, folks from Rochester, Syracuse etc have a real prob with a game going to midnight and then a 3 hour drive back home....safety is the issue folks. And, some people have to work the next day. (really) I have some interesting memories about past night games....I recall a KC game back a couple of decades when a fan crawled out on the wire holding up the net behind the goal post. I thought he was a dead man...but he turned around and made it back...and was promptly arrested. He was right above my head for part of the crawl....that focuses the mind on such events. Anyhow, the crowds are usually NUTS on a night game, and usually a better show than the game. (at least recent decades) And, for the silver heads among our readers here, I recall the night game (70's) when Joe Fergason hit Amhad Rashad for TD's twice in the last two minutes to beat the Raiders. I had the priviledge of asking the guy with the season ticket next to mine if he heard what happened after he left the game last week!
  21. Yes, they kept him around for a reason. I think we will see a lot of him in preseason, and he will come on.......need to find out about him for sure though.
  22. Well, we have a better side show staring the HC, but, it remains to be determined if we have a better football coach. Results count, not press conferences. Ryan's headlines don't mean squat. I contend that Ryan is less than 50/50 to beat Schwartz performance as #4 defense in the league......of course, there is a massive upside potential on the O side. If Roman can outcoach Marrone/Hackett, performance will certainly improve, as those two were doing OJT, and didn't have a system clue. (taking a rookie QB into a hurry up Offfense showed me they didn't have a clue.) All in all, I don't understand any massive optimism here, we have been through all the P/R before.....show us the wins.
  23. Gilmore is up and down. Yes, the GB game was pretty good. Others, maybe avg at best. Still, he doesn't look like the shutdown corner we all expected out of college. Learning curve is long for CB's, and gilmore is coming up on his prime. He may yet get there, but he certainly has not lived up to his hype yet. The Bills have been desperate to sell him as a shutdown....he just hasn't done it yet.
  24. Yes, the receivers were really down with EJ. As a season ticket holder, I was able to watch the receivers after the plays were over....not visible on TV.....anyhow, they were in total disgust of EJ missing them when they were wide open. Arms thrown in the air......gestures etc. Lots of different spin on why Marrone sat EJ down....but, the receiver group was totally disgusted with EJ, and his lack of accuracy was a stong indication he can't make it in the NFL. So, Sammy making such a statement.....is being supportive... and maybe a signal the wr's (at leastSammy) will give EJ another shot. Marrone really had no choice but to sit EJ last year, he had an insurrection on his hands.
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