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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Injuries.....Boobie..calf Easley...legiment in knee and one of the backup D linemen (Bryant?) My prediction on the roster....somebody will end up on IR...maybe two.....I think one can be reactivated after mid season...so see who you need the most at that time...pay the other guy to heal and sit. The D lineman is worrysome, as he was projected as starting the opener when Darius sits out his suspension. And, it looks to me like Freds time is over...none the less, he is vet leadership, and a winner needs some of that. Don't know who else can deliver than with Fred's credibility.
  2. Jim Kelly said "no team in the NFL would deflate w/ the QB's knowledge" Brady and company guilty...irrespective is the cute arguments on both sides. Punishment? Well, get it done and over...and put it behind you. AND...the NFL has to take charge of providing the footballs as I will never trust the home team again...Bills included. (and yes, I did know the perfect gas law before all this occured)
  3. two non connected points here....we should not be surprised EJ is where he is at....I still remember when the Bills selected EJ, I was watching ESPN and Bill Polian was on the screen. He nearly fainted when the Bills selected Manuel......calling him a heavy duty project...and questioning the selection as a #1.....his quick take has been correct.....unfortunately. second point......TT is here on a one year contract. If he does well here....who knows....Cassel is in the second year of his two year Vikes contract.....so both other QB candidates might very well be short timers with the Bills as well. So, my view is, long term considerations are really not relevant to this years QB battle.....the one that wins THIS YEAR will get the job....and, the likelyhood for THIS YEAR is Cassell. Recall, he was the starter for the Vikes until he broke his ankle......last year
  4. Ahhhh...the last time richie was in town.....he was pretty sure he wanted out immediately. don't plan on him being here next year especially if he does well. Not his kind of town...........went to Miami after about 8 games here.
  5. Cassell will start.....don't know about the rest of the wannabe's. Cassell won the starting job last year in Minn.....and lost it when he broke his ankle in the 3d(?) game. He was good enough to start there...and he will be here since there isn't somebody to take it away. He will be a B- or C+ QB, not an A player, but that may be good enough for a winning record with this team. Not sure anybody else can be anything but a C- or D grade player. I don't hate EJ, but as a season ticket holder, I saw for myself he does not have the accuracy to be an NFL QB. DM HAD to bench EJ last year as the receivers were in open rebellion about EJ's lack of ability to hit them when they were open. I suppose another QB might be found in free agency, Orton did not work out so bad IMHO...and he brought a little swagger to the job....that is necessary in that the team on the field needs a lift from their leader. Not to be found in EJ....either, unfortunately. As for the candidates mentioned here...Locker has lost his desire....much like Orton I think....so he is NFG. Vick is over the hill. Mettenburger is so good they drafted MM. Glennon interests me some, we could do worse I suppose....like with the guys on our roster at this point.
  6. I would point out that McGahee also required those sideline signals to run plays while in Buffalo, couldn't "get" the O play in the huddle.........so this problem is not unheard of.....Spiller will be the same player we saw here IMHO....strengths and weaknesses.
  7. You never know who Rex might have his eye on........lets hope between he and DW we can get a few sleepers.
  8. McKelvin is important to this team.....and his loss would hurt. MeKelvin is getting older, and, things like this end careers. Hoping he is not there yet, but who knows...he has been somewhat brittle over the years. He can run like a deer, but he has to stay healthy to be on the field. Lets hope he has a year or two left.....and he recovers in time to start the season.
  9. Ryan's D is a system.....big D needs to play his role......if he doesn't like it, then, I suspect, it might very well cause him to leave, irrespective of money. Poz ended up in Jacksonville because he wanted to play 4-3 middle backer. When contracts are up, reasons other than money can influence events. The constant changing of defensive coaches (and O, of course) causes players to have to relearn technique and reads every year...and the D never matures into a veteran knowledgeable group. The Bills have been grossly mismanaged in this regard. And, honestly, I don't think that Ryan, and his super system of D (stealing a line from poker) will exceed Schwartz ranking of the #4 D in the league. Lots more likely the D will rank lower than higher.....we will see, don't want to get into an argument on the board here. The O almost has to get better, was near the bottom. But, the D has lots of room to fall. Lets hope Ryan's Gumba's are smart enough to use the players to their strengths....and not be programed into a inflexible system. Of course, Ryan's coaches are here to do just that. Why do you think he brought all the Jests coaches with him. A year ago, I would not have dreamed that would happen to the Bills. Really don't understand the love for Ryan here, he was a joke in NYC.....now he is our joke. Color me waiting to see the performance......and none to patient, and not caring at all for Ryan's flamboyant antics the press loves.
  10. I doubt any money changed hands. I believe that the alleged victims parents realized that should they pursue this matter, that junior was going to be charged with burgulary. OK, juvinell status perhaps, none the less, they did the deed. So, rather than have the knife of justice cut both ways, they decided they really didn't want junior to have a sealed conviction/underage record for theft. Kroemer, had he kept his cool and not hit the kids, could have had this done to these kids. Of course, if somebody swings at me in the dark, I am not likely to turn the other cheek either. Anyhow, I thought all along that this would go away legally for these reasons. Now, the Bills and the NFL don't like bad publicity.....and he is at risk there for sure....that is tbd. But, I am thinking he keeps his job here.....this was a no charge no conviction situation. Bad judgement on the coaches part, and also on the part of the parents.
  11. When Brady sues, it will take a year or more in the courts to resolve the issue. It took that long a few years back with a couple of the Vikes D linemen in a similar circumstance...that is fighting a suspension in court....so, it is LIKELY Brady will be under center when the Pats visit the Bills week 2, imho.
  12. Schwartz will get another shot imho. Currently an "advisor" to the league in an unpaid position. Of course, he is still collecting his Bills salary....I think he had two years yet to go. He can afford to collect his 2 or 3 mil per year and be selective about what comes his way.
  13. Yes, he had a bunch of tennis buddies, I was tight with a guy who played (tennis) with them occasionally. Likely all the high living caused his premature death at age 94.
  14. I am surprised the father's pressed charges. Their golden boys will now be charged with something for taking the chairs......but, that might not be public info.....as they are allegedly minors. Still, if reports are correct, the kids will also face the music for stealing the beach chairs.
  15. Gilmore is going into his 4th year, and he has shown flashes for periods of time. BUT, he hasn't really had the big year you might think a #1 might have had. Looking at his first three years vs Darius....and there is not comparison, the big guy did better. Gilmore needs to show a full year at all pro performance level to get the crazy money. He hasn't shown that in three years, however. The Bills PR machine would have you believe in that, but I just haven't seen it yet.
  16. Yes, I agree, a good place to learn this lesson. But, the Mandatory part comes from the collective bargaining agreement....and, likely, the bills have the right to fine him. They won't imho, but, the term mandatory has labor contract origins. That is why this is a level one....must attend event. He will recover the missed time no doubt....esp since he did the voluntary OTA's
  17. I used to be a road warrior, traveled a lot in my job. There were always two levels of priority....1. HAD to be there for an event 2. Should be there for an event. I traveled with routine scheduling for priority #2 events.....and only very occasionally missed one. For #1 Priority event (like a MANDATORY OTA), I traveled a day in advance of normal travel timing. Now, asking a 22 yr old to have such an understanding of his affairs is challenging, even for an individual that hasn't had the troubles of SH. So, part of what the coaches deal with is helping these young men grow up to the business aspects of their profession. Being there when required is one of those things....including meetings etc. If a pattern of letting the organization down persists, he won't make it. And, yes, if Kojo plays to potential and shakes off the attrocious year he had last year, Seantrel could end up as the swing tackle. That would help the Bills immensely in the upcoming negotiations with Cordy Glenn. I have this Eugene Parker/bad dream lurking in the back of my mine...Jason Peters, and a couple of others before that. But, anyhow, Seantrel needs to get here on time and beat out the other guy(s) that want his job. I had an old saying that I used in my professional life. "My job is safe, its me they can do without"!!! That sharpens your focus if you think about that even a little. One other point. Weather can effect flights, I had a planning guideline living in Buffalo area.....based on data of the recent past. In December, Jan and Feb......only 93% of scheduled flights ever flew.......so, when booking, you had a 7% chance that you wouldn't make it out of town!!! Used to travel early then as well.
  18. A thoughtful post. The NFL, imho, should negotiate and adopt an NBA style cap on what one player can earn. Of course, its easier to do that in the NBA, where there are only 5 starters per team........still...that is where your arguments here are heading.
  19. Don't know where the NFL teams stay anymore....used to be on Sheridan drive, then the Sheridan next to the Galleria........but, no guarantee they will stay at the Pegs Marriott. If I were an NFL GM, I wouldn't have my men downtown the night be fore a game....no sir, the burbs are the likely landing place says me. M.aybe even the Marriot near UB
  20. Sims is a good pickup, since we still don't know if EJ or Tyrod can play. Cassell can play.....maybe not at a high level all the time, but he will have his moments as his 11 year career demonstrates.
  21. For sure, the relief pitcher, would have to have #1 team reps if you were going to do this. It never works until it works.......just a matter of figuring out how to do it without major disruption. Not calling this the same as a 3d down running back.......give the relief guy a couple of series. Or alternate series....or do it in the 4th qtr so there is no time to adjust the D.....just saying.....w/o a standout QB, if all the same, mostly, then do something else.
  22. NFL experience in reg season games is not big for sure. But, four preseasons and camps and watching from the sidelines those four years....Taylor is a vet for sure. If his arm is up to it, he may get to play here. I am also a minority of thought that believes NFL football teams should handle the QB's like the RB's ,and play multiple guys to change up the O and cause confusion on the opposing D. Putting in Taylor in mid game and running options.....something not game planned for is disruptive to the opposing D. I am not talking the occasional play....I am talking several series/possesions.
  23. The NFL Network is the house shill, using a poker analogy. Don't believe much they say.....
  24. With the blackout lifted, we will be dumping our 4 tickets........the real impact of the new TV rules will be seen next year, not this year. The lifting of the blackout was done after most seaseon ticket holders had purchased.
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