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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. and slow.....thats the real reason. Saturday's 40 yard run was the slowest in NFL history....he got run down from behind.
  2. Vic C reports Bills cut Fred Jackson. The end of an era. Fred did look a step slow on that long run..
  3. In the best of all worlds, the Colts don't find out until the first play from scrimmage on sept 13.......however, the Bills are not necessarily known to be able to keep their lips buttoned. That might even include warming up two guys. I think Cassell is a better contrast to TT (the likely starter imho), and makes a better decoy. EJ is more mobile than Cassell, but not in TT's league on that parameter, so he doesn't represent as much of a contrast. Anyhow, I expect all three on roster opening day. If they go with two, it will be TT and EJ thus saving the $6 mil.
  4. Not so fast......his successor hasn't won a game. Ryan talks a good game, if you like that sort of thing (I don't), but he hasn't delivered anything yet but good theater.
  5. Tasker said it right in the broadcast....on the fourth down pass, EJ threw a clunker....an easy throw per Tasker. EJ still throws the clunker more often than he should. He made great throws today....I have to say, as a season ticket holder....he did not throw like that last year when he was playing, he missed his receivers often by a wide margin. Perhaps his off season work helped him. None the less, Taylor has done a great job, and provides an extra dimension. As to what to do with Cassell, Roman and Rex will decide who stays and who goes. And, Whaley will be in the room also, I believe.
  6. Not going to make another list.....but, I think, Harvin at $6mil per might get cut. Cutting Cassell at $6mil and Harvin would give $12 for Mr Big Stuff.
  7. Tannehill is pretty good, but, ugh, Luck is REALLY good. No contest.
  8. Harvin makes $6mil....he has to be great at all that stuff to justify that much money. If he can't do it...injury or whatever....cut him loose.
  9. This is classic management stuff....it has nothing to do with football....this question comes up in every business where a top exec (Ryan) has a team of supervisors (coaches) who do the companies business (football). The answer depends on the executive. In Ryan's case, he is a defensive minded coach...and, I would think he would be comfortable, if necessary, overrulling the D coordinator if he thought that apriopriate. In the case of the O, however, it might not be his own personal strength.....and, he should defer to the judgement of his O coordinator. But if the culture on his staff is that he overrules at will, then, Roman's decision will not carry the day. Since I don't know how much delegation Rex does sector by sector in the activity in his perview, who knows who is making the call. If you ask me a question about the special teams.....I am guessing Crossman is making those calls, however.
  10. Woods is a pretty good NFL receiver.....and......will be a better long term guy for the Bills than will Harvin. Harvin makes 6mil....and, Woods will be available long term for half or less than than. And, Woods is more durible, younger, and on par w/ Harvin. Yes, Harvin has a big rep....and has delivered a few times....but he is an intermittant performer. Harvin may have cleaned up his act...and he acknowledges he needs to become a complete receiver yet....whereas Woods is already a complete receiver. Bottom line...sign up Woods long term.....and figure Harvin for a one year rental...and save half of the 6mil Harvin is getting to pay Darieus. I figure the only reason Harvin is here is the Ryan likes to bring in his former Jet players...........
  11. The thing about Tyrod I consider in his favor that is not mentioned is that he spent 4 years in Baltimore on the bench mostly backing up Joe Flacco. That is not wasted time......its time to learn the game at the pro level. Recall, Brett Farve spent a couple of seasons as a backup.....and the old paradyme of how to bring on a QB is to let him learn for a season or two or three. Aaron Rodgers sat behind Farve for 2 or 3 years, and it didn't hurt him at all. So, Tyrod Taylor may not have a lot of starts under his belt, but he has been seasoned (as they say) in the old time method. My biggest concern is whether his style of play will allow him to play a full season, or will he get hurt.....if he runs, he will take more hits than a pocket QB.
  12. Look for Hogan or Goodwin to end up on IR.........the jury is out on Harvin...he has never played a complete season......and if he can't justify his $6mil salary, those other two are potentially next years answer. (Hogan at least, not really sure about Goodwin) If cut, Hogan will end up in Cleveland or Jacksonville fast.
  13. I stand corrected! Changes my view...going with TT makes more sense now.....
  14. Taylor played pretty well, but he didn't close the deal and get in the end zone..........After the Carolina preseason game, I thought EJ was gone for sure. But, after his showing last night, I now think he might stay. He threw pretty well last night, better than I have seen him before. And, he hung in there at the end...no hang dog giving up. Still, there were a couple of times where he showed a lack of awareness of the situation...he should be better on the head stuff by now, his third year, and Gruden called him out on it on the broadcast. (watched the ESPN crew last night) Overall all....I think they keep three QB's, and Jordan Gay will be gone. AS for the starter, a quick hook if they don't win is my prediction, and try the other guy. Roman was in SF when they sat A Smith (injury) and handed the keys to Kapernick...and this is a similar call. The game manager QB is Cassell, and he is OK at that with this team. TT is the Kap like guy, and has arguments in his favor, just not an arm quite as good as Cassell and experience lacking. (although being a 5 year vet, he has been around the league) EJ won't start...and will likely be inactive until one of the QB's gets dinged. I like Ryan's no tell on the QB starter...forces the Colts to prepare for two different QB's with quite different styles......I also think the concept of a relief pitcher, I mean QB is used to little in football......and would like to see the two relatively equal first guys relieve each other. Yes, QB's have bad days (see J Kelly) Our QB situation isn't desperate, imho, just complicated. And, one of the unspoken complications here, is that both TT and Cassell are here on one year contracts. EJ is the only QB on the roster who is under contract for 2016.
  15. Lots can be done electronically to find this stuff, I also had a professional incident of this nature. The sweeper did the whole building, and my office was the only case where hardware was found. I wish I had had the stones to put out misinformation in this situation, but I just had it removed. Anyhow, with this allegation, the NFL better be sweeping all the visiting locker rooms every week.
  16. The Bills can find better rb candidates than Ray rice......and, they don't need the bad PR either.
  17. This smells like IR to me.......I would bet Boobie's calf heals faster. The final 52 will be determined by who will be 100% against the Colts. I don't know how they handle the Darius situation.....he won't count against the 53 week one....somebody will get cut when he returns. I recall Byrd missing a lot of time with hernia's, and not sure this will be any different.
  18. The graduate student research assistants are also hosed in a similar manner, high class talent (of a non football sort) not unionized.
  19. You forgot Todd Collins.....who was ruined in Buffalo, but managed to stay in the league for 15 years. My hope here is that EJ makes good, but, I don't want a repeat of the Losman situation, where he stayed and played out his rookie contract (5 years) and didn't get another legit shot in the league as everybody knew he couldn't do it. So, if you keep EJ this year, that means he gets a shot again next year........which would be year 4....getting into Losman territory here. On the other hand....both Cassel and Taylor are on 1 year contracts....you cut EJ and the Bills might have Zero QB's going into next year, which would leave Whaley scaping the bottom of the barrell again. Actually, I do think he did pretty good picking up Taylor and Cassell...and we aren''t as bad at QB as we would have been if we had stayed with Tuel and Lewis.
  20. Brown looked really good in the Carolina game also. I think the pass blocking issue will be assessed by the coaches...and the right choice will be made. Fred is making $3mil....and that is some heavy lifting for a backup. Regrettably, I think Fredex time here is over.
  21. http://news.yahoo.com/chargers-announce-4-extension-philip-rivers-033125717--spt.html
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