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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Whaley has gotten a back stabing rep.......why do you think Simms elected to stay on the Falcons practice squad.......???????? He certainly stabbed Cassell...getting the pay cut and then trading him. Simms can't make the Buff Practice squad on a technicality.........that could have also been managed. I think Whaley did all this to get EJ another shot........I hope TT is out long enough for EJ to show what he has or doesn't have....this ought to be his last shot in Buffalo. I root for the Bills to win, and if EJ does well, so be it. But, if he gets a few games and bombs.....well, astalavista baby.......
  2. McKelvin is a good tackler.....but, he is not a big hitter type.....actually, none of the current crop of safeties are.....maybe Rambo tries......I long for a safety ala Leonard Smith of the 80's, there was a BIG HITTER safety.
  3. Don't wear your Bills gear in Pittsburg, it will get ugly quick. My son had an incident some years ago.....he wouldn't go near that stadium again even in civilian clothes.
  4. Moore and Boom both fumble....both in their first week after not playing for a while. Maybe its not good to put guys on the field the week you bring them in....just sayin.
  5. TT's throws today were a little off....that can happen......Harvin disappeared.....he is not playing like a $6 mil man. (but REX loves him, oh well) the thing that bothered me the most was I saw REX calling the D signals. WHO is being the head coach then??? I have season tickets, but don't watch REX at home, so seeing that on the TV made me aware. Every other D coordinator in the league calls the D........thurman must not have the goods to do that imho. REX must feel he has to do this to live up to his rep a D god. Yes, the D held the line today, but, is statistically way behind the mark the Schwartz did last year with the same folks. finally, I was glad to see Gilmore finally look like a first round draft choice that turned into a shutdown corner and delivered the BIG play. BTW, the replay on TV showed the call on Gilmore was a good one....he did have a handful of jersey. None the less, Gilmore is extremely valuable now...not so much the first three years mostly........
  6. Pretty big time move for an interm HC........he may or may not be right, but he his moving fast. In any event, we now see why he was elevated to HC.......he is going to do things his way in a hurry. So, it remains to be seen if he can resurect the Dolphins carcass, but where ever he is going, he is going there fast.
  7. I too was around in those great days.....saw Butch Byrd play in the old rockpile......I was in my teens.....and my Dad used to occasionally get the company tickets and would take me. Later, I went off to college in Troy NY, and, off season, I used to see Butch's tricked up car with all his decals...he was from Waterveliet across the rive from Troy. So, he was a "local" in the sense he was from NYS. I thought Butch was very important to the Bills teams of that era, he was that big play capable cornerback that occasionally got the pick 6. We have good CB's now.....including G, M, and Darby. But, none has yet shown that kind of big play outcome on a regular basis.
  8. McKelvin in the last couple of years has shown the ability to make INT's although Darby has done some of that, our alleged #1(gilmore) has only a few picks in all his years as a Bill (maybe 2, not sure) A good cover CB is great, but the int capable guy is even more valuable. If the Bills don't get a Great offer for McKelvin in the trade market for next year, look for him to still be on the roster day one 2016. Starting CB talent is rare and valuable....and he is one. And, he is paid fair value for his ability. It took him some years to learn to play, but he know how now...... And, despite all of Darby's success, I remember the troubles he had off the field at FSU.....and feel pretty good Bills have Leodis still coming back, maybe for just the year....none the less....Darby has been great on field...not sure how he is doing off field.
  9. Likely not, however, if you want to stop spending two roster spots on for kicking, maybe Cundiff is the best for BOTH functions in one roster spot. That is...Gay was the best kickoff, and couldn't placekick. Carpenter, apparently, can't kickoff.......but Cundiff might do both adequately, but non necessarily as well as either Carpenter or Gay. Anyhow, that is what I think is going on.
  10. Rex and coaches don't want Bryce Brown. Whaley might think thats an option, and he can force the issue as GM, but Brown and the coaches have parted ways. It will end badly if he is resigned.
  11. That (called back) TD to Clay was a beautiful catch and throw......TT can deliver most throws imho. My fault with him is that, in the first half, he should have taken off a few times....but he is drilled, just like EJ was last year before he was benched, to throw and not run. He has to run some, especially when there is 25 yards up the sideline to be had. On the radio broadcast (yes, I still listen to the real time commentary when at the Ralph) Kelso even mentioned that Tyrod should have run a couple of times. Coaches need to teach judgement, not absolute rules. Fitz used to take off occasionally, and was usually effective. TT can be better by far at that than Fitz was.....he did do it in the second half....it was like the coaches turned that on for the second half.
  12. Yep, this isn't a playoff caliber team, they loose their head to easy.....way not a smart team.
  13. Well, based on McCoy's performance (all heart but no go), I would say Whaley and Kelly are in the dumb and dumber categories so far.
  14. Groin injuries are notorious for being lingering (like a hammy,actually) Miller will likely have this situation all year. Just a question of whether he can play with it. Back a few decades, I had one....and played the rest of the season. But, it hurt so bad I couldn't drive my stick shift, couldn't lift my left leg to do the clutch.
  15. After listening to Cassell talk about why he took the pay cut in Buffalo....his wife was 8 months with child.....and he wanted to stay as a move wasn't in the best interests of his family, and that he had a number of calls when he was a free agent. So, he signs for a lot less money......and then Whaley trades him to Dallas. Now, it crosses my mind, that he just might refuse to report, stay in Buffalo with his wife to have the child...and resume his career next season. And, were I him, I would feel that Whaley treated him poorly in this situation as the series of events played out. So, if he is vindictive, and has made enough money (11 years in the league as a QB, yes he is a millionaire many times over), he might also stay out of football the rest of the season to spite Whaley (and the Bills)....and they won't get the 5th round choice. So, imho, I am wondering if he will report to Dallas at all. At the very least, he might hold out for a restoration of salary to its prior level. Going to watch this one...not sure we have heard the last of this situation.
  16. Watching him closely, he did have a few high throws......the picks after Clay and Watkins got hands on the ball were, I guess, to hot to handle....so he needs to throw with a little more finess. Having said that.....he didn't make a lot of bad throws.....EJ threw a lot more bad throws in his starts the prioir two years.....I am in no way ready to go back to EJ at this point. TT has been a more accurate passer than EJ by far. I am concerned however, that he looks like Rob Johnson in there...for those of you who remember....holding the ball to long ...8 sacks is indicative of trying to hard to make plays....throw it away!!! and avoid the sack. So, TT's completion percentage is abnormally high in the sense the sacks were negative plays while passing. Anyhow, I am all for rolling with TT......
  17. Ahaaaaa...also collecting $3mil from the Bills. (next year also I think) Man can be really selective in what he does next.....I think your read here is wrong. I think he is going to turn up again in a year or two.....after collecting his 6mil.
  18. Not so fast.........it remains to be seen how this season plays out. I was interested to see how TT did in this game. His int's all came on tipped high passes. I could argue that Clay and Watkins have to make those catches....and I would be right......of course, a little less on the throws puts them on target and easier to handle TT will learn that in time. They weren't horrendous throws, just not on the money. Of more concerned to me were the 8 sacks....shades of Rob Johnson.....if there is anybody here that remembers him......always held on to long..... Finally, the big money D line didn't do much, although Hughes had a couple of good moments imho. Its not over by a long shot, but this team looks hyped and undercoached to me....they are not in control, especially on the D side. Penalities are a problem....got to teach assignments and self control.
  19. When the Giants beat them in the Super Bowl a few years back, it was with the pass rush...giants got to Brady!!! and Won!! Bills could do that !!!!!
  20. Good thoughtful writeup. I am somewhat more concerned about the D, though. With the 4th ranked D last year, not much upside and likely will not live up to last years performance...maybe top 10, but likely not 4th. My main concern (outside of the D back issue well discussed previously) is that Ryan's scheme is Pettine's scheme. And, we were terrible against the run with Pettine's scheme...got burned with the big one way to many times.....even with the vaunted J Byrd in at safety..in fact, particularily with J byrd in there. Maybe Graham and Williams will be better at stoping the long run...we will see. Overall, I am not drinking the kool-aid on the "Rex is a genius D guy" Lets see how it works.....lots of studs....
  21. Hogan is hurt also...same problems. I am thinking that the folks in Jacksonville might be interested in Hogan....as DM etc down there were big Hogan believers last year.
  22. No backup QB makes the money that Cassel would have made if on the opening day roster (the full $6mil) Maybe he comes back for less money...maybe somebody else picks him up immediately....its really a money thing for Cassell at this point. I would not even be surprised if the Pats did so depending on their view of the Garapolow guy. Means Carrington beat him out.
  23. Kujo is still young, so using him as a backup while developing works for me. Now, a must have been really bad last year not to get a shot at all, unless , of course, he was just in DM's doghouse......and, probabily rightfully so. But, based on the outcome of Richardson getting cut and Kujo sticking it out with the new staff, I think DM had it wrong. At the very least, Richardson should not have gotten the shot he did it appears, I think there is a lot risk to the season in the OL, but, the plan looks OK. An injury would hurt big time.
  24. I am just glad there aren't any former JETS in the at rb on the roster. REX keeps bringing in Jet retreads for a look see. Doesn't he know they were among the worst teams in football last year. Now, if he was bringing in guys from all around the league, I could argue he was making a justified search for talent...but, no, he is going to the well to often with ex Jets.
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