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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. I wonder if the players union negotiated policy on practice time has impacted the ability ot REX and staff from covering all this two minute drill stuff properly? Only so many minutes allowed on the field. Certainly hurts a first year coaching staff after a total change of coaches. (well, almost, Crossman and Henderson stayed) Anyhow, the coaching job certainly looks incomplete. Might also be some players lack the mental capacity to absorb all of this stuff a once...that is one season. (not pointing at any individuals right now) Having said all that, I am shuddering to see how Henderson does against JJ Watt.
  2. Yes, watched the Texans/Jets today. Same old Fitz, lots of heart but always with the int at the end. In todays case, two of them.
  3. "Friday Nite Fights" was a big TV item in my youth. But, they went to pay TV, and the audience dwindled. NFL will make the same mistakes in slow motion, might take 40 years to play it out. I haven't watched a fight since the Rocky Marciano days (for you younger readers here, that was a real Rocky), allthough I did know who C. Clay was. (later Ali) don't know the name of a current single pro fighter...and don't really care. TNF really is tough on the players, and I believe the quality of the game decreases with the short turn around from a sunday game......bad idea for the fan imho. Not a fan of the Yahoo streaming....we did the side by side comparison for the Jacksonville game. Lets hope the NFL doesnt get to tricky and screw it up.
  4. Uhhhh...WRONG...Gragg is a borderline NFL player...not sure he is around much longer.....Chandler is more like a journeyman. Big difference, actually.
  5. Nobody has mentioned money. Chandlers release was about money too. Chandler was scheduled to make 2.75 mil, I think. He was asked to take a haircut ala Urbik (who went from $3 mil to $1mil) Chandler refused and was cut. the Pats made a point of signing him for.....I think $100K over the Bills salary he was cut from . Making him make ($2.85 mil, I think) So, lots of good football talk here on this thread, but, the money was part of the equation....and mayb e more than the on field performance imho. Also, Chandler hadd some killer days against the Pats thinking back over a few years....so they bought the on field performance.
  6. We did have some success. TT lead them back after having a terrible middle of the game. O stalled big time, but then got back in gear. Hopefully they can pickup where they left off. With McCoy healthy and Carlos waiting his turn, there is a chance. Still, Pats are favored....can't argue with that. Bills 2 out of 5 to win MNF this year IMHO.
  7. Actually, I am hoping, after two incidents of radio failures, that the bills throw away the NFL provided headsets, and buy something that really works. TT burned two timeouts, maybe three on this problems. Seems to me this ranks up there with a great game plan. It would be big not to have this happen again (sarcasism)
  8. Buffalo guys get no respect......it has to do with the small market perception of most of the country. Thats why its so sweet to beat the Jets in NY...or anytime for that matter. This
  9. I have to admit that I don't follow the NFC to speak of. And, I had Zero feel for him when they traded for him. So, after a couple of good performances after a slow start as a Bill, I now see he is a premium talent. How much he has left in the tank remains to be seen, but looking forward to him being what he has been for the last couple of games.
  10. Divisional game...time to put up or shut up. Yes, playoff contender status IS at stake. Need thursday night bad.....after the debacle in London. Of course, if tyrod goes down again, its all over for this season. EJ's meltdown in London has greatly dimished the teams prospects imho. No only did we book the loss, we learned the backup at QB is not reliable, hopefully once and for all.
  11. I love the Bills to win every time, but ESPECIALLY in NY. I love it when the NY media has to eat crow...and wine about losing to the upstate no names. Now, the REX thing means nothing to me.....I care negatively about REX bs.......can he coach a winning effort? THAT is what this the relevant issue about REX......But, the media in NY (and Buffalo unfortunately) seem to want to push all REX's patter on us. I am willing to tolerate him as coach, but I hate his PR acting every week.
  12. Even on the deep ball they caught on him, the receiver was contained, and did not get the TD, as Leo kept in the game and tackled the guy. So, I am ok with that happening once in a while. I think McKelvin will yet contribute substantially to this team. Of course, Leo still has better wheels....but Corey has better ball skills.
  13. The comments on speach may or may not be correct. But, that is a form issue.....I am interested in substance...that is how good is he at handling the roster. Right now, I think OK, made some mistakes, but had some good hits as well.
  14. In Japan, they have such a law also. When translated back to English (Japlish), the signs in Tokyo read "No drinking over walking"
  15. I do recall that Mario came to Buffalo for the big bucks....yes...but that he also wanted to play in a 4-3. The shift to the Rex 3-4 based D is a mess, and , unfortunately, the owners (saints, yes) apparently went for REX show, not go on the football field. Buffalo has been snakebit by changing back an forth for about a decade.4-3, 3-4,4-3,3-4 etc etc. Players fit one better than another...so what. And, it is a management failure to comprehend this....and that ,now , is the Pegula's. (RIP Mr Wilson)
  16. Speaking about laughing....did you see Gragg catch a pass from Manuel while standing with both feet out of bounds? And, he was laughing his head off after...watch the replay. Maybe Gragg didn't appreciate he hurt his team with a bonehead play....the attitude on this team is bad.....megabucks and comfortable doesn't make hustle and determination.
  17. All this bring back Schwartz talk......yes, he should have been kept.......but Rex ego wouldn't allow that. The Bills are paying Schwartz $3 mil this year and next....to do nothing btw. Rex fired him. Wanted his buds from the Jets staff.....so Rex could call his own D plays.
  18. Schwartz would not come back short of the HC job. And, he didn't get it the first time around. He is collecting $3mil this year for not coaching (thanks Kim and Terry) and, I think, again next year as well. Schwartz is sitting in an unpaid league job waiting for a HC gig. Roman working for Schwartz, theoritically possible, at least, not vice versa.
  19. This could be a lot of things. Anybody know if Harvin was born outside the USA? Just saying, might not have the documents to get a passport....or a work VISA. Hard to believe it would go on with a public figure like and NFL player, but who knows. Could also be health related, not injury related...did he even have a rare disease....anyhow, lots of speculation on behavior as a basis of this problem. But, could be anything!!!!
  20. Rex even calls the D signals on the sideline. I wonder who is being head coach when Rex is hobbying at being DC....?????
  21. Rex said "different philsophies" Right, Schwartz way works though.......
  22. It will be a show, but, of what, is yet to be determined. I am sitting here on Sunday morning getting ready to go to the game with my buddies (cinci chilli for the tailgate) and its snowing at my house. Hope conditions are a little better at the Ralph. Weather won't be the best for the passing game, anyhow.
  23. I watched EJ throw in the games last year, and TT this year...as a season ticket holder of many years. The report above about EJ not hitting the broad side of a barn for long throws is right.......TT has thrown much better than that this year....his arm is decent although not all-pro imho. EJ last year was not decent. EJ this preseason has better than I have seen him before....maybe he has turned the corner. Still, his occasional bumbling behavior on field makes me nervous, and is clearly why the coaches are down on him. None the less, we will undoubtedly see him this weekend against Cinci and we will know if EJ is a player once and for all. TT shouldn't go and should take two (three) weeks off, come back 100%. Whaley traded Cassell (starting now for Dallas) so EJ would get this shot. OK, but the season rides on EJ being enough of a pro to step in and win. My guess is we win in London only...and the EJ debate will rage on. For the record, I would have prefered to have Cassell in the Bills QB slot this weekend. Finally, I witnessed the on field frustration gestures (not body language) of the receivers last year....that was plenty of evidence for me where the problem was. The term "body language" doesn't convey the gestures, as there was no need to read the gestures, they were self explanatory.
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