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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Being a Loooong time fan......I was a season ticket holder starting in the 70's...even back at old War Memorial Stadium. (yeh, the $3 end zone seats in those days) I kept them until 80's, when the officiating got so bad that I decided they were deciding the games, and I gave up my tickets. That time Ralph Wilson went on a rampage and called out how bad the officials were.....Taglibue (the commish in those days) fined Ralph ($25K Ithink) Ralph then did a press conf where he said he would say what he wanted when he wanted, he had earned that....and he was going to do it again when he felt like it. Taglibue then publically backed down.....and things did get better. I don't recall what they did, but this recent problem is not so different of what happened back then. And, I am a season ticket holder again, and am again thinking of bailing since I feel the games are being decided by the officials. (I am sad to say) The football product is being hurt....no question. That pick play was to much imho. Terrible no call. Of course, this time the crisis in officiating is partially being caused by the instant review the technology is providing. Back in the day, there was no recourse. I will say this, the NHL has leveled the playing field considerably with the centralized replay review........and I would favor doing that with a few top guns on the tubes. (are you listening Jim Schwartz?, now advising the officials in the NFL on the Bills dime) I have a month or so to decide if, once again, I have to walk on the season tickets.
  2. Yes, he had trouble in buffalo as well. He had one of the all time lows on the Wunderlich test as well out of school as I recall. Not surprised to hear this. tod bad, a great person.
  3. I wonder if things might have gone better early in the season if Kromer had been available....he missed the first 6 games on suspension. Just wondering, as the run game improved when he got back
  4. The last time I saw a game in Philly, Bobby Chandler and Harold Carmichael were playing........I won't be able to help.
  5. I saw Herm go balistic....wondered if there had been another interview by McCoy where he got out of line.....but, no, Herm just decided to go off...not based on anything said by McCoy in the Media this week.
  6. I buy the argument they will use a backup tackle as the extra blocker....and he will be tackle elgible.....and they will never throw to him....Just liek Muligan
  7. I think TT will be free in 2017....he has a 2 year deal w Bills.....with the third in place if he fails to get 1/2 the snaps or something like that....but, he has sufficient snaps already this year to void year 3, I think. That give s them a year to get something done with TT.......which they should do imho.
  8. Boobie's calf injury from preseason is still holding him back some......he is better at rb than he has showed this year.
  9. Well, the state money did buy some nice improvements. But, at least one regression. They removed the water fountains. (I am not making this up) I think that is against the public health laws.....but, if you want to sell a lot of bottles of water at $5 a shot....its what you do. Today, I went to the guest services window to ask where the water fountains were. (my hot chocolate was to hot, wanted to cool it down) They informed me there were not any, and they were obviously concerned, since they had a water cooler and were handing out water when requested. I intend to write a letter to the Erie County Health commisioner....I think what they did is illegal. Of course, they could argue you could use the water in the rest rooms, but that kind of turns me off.
  10. To quote Mario...a lot of the Bills don't know whats going onwith Rex's D. Thats what happens when you change coaches on the D four years in a row. The coaches get it, but the players don't know all the complexity. Of course, I don't understand why Mario and Darius are dropping into coverage.(so some fans don't get it either) Those guys are supposed to go after the passer. I think Rex is outthinking himself all the time. Mc Kelvin is an NFL starter caliber CB. If he is gone next year, he will play someplace else and do well. It will be our loss.
  11. Yep...giving up my long time season tickets this year...45 yard line lower bowl. (orig season ticket holder seats) Standing all game is only the last couple of years......used to be season ticket holders sat....and the center like that sat most of the game. But, now, lots of resturants and secondary ticket holders getting the seats, and for some reason, they are on their feet virtually the whole game. At my age, its a problem......just turned 70.
  12. Last years "9" was an aberation in that the Pats rested many of their tier 1 players for the playoffs....last regular season game. Really 4,6,6,6, 8* is right........and Rex's team will have trouble getting to 8 (no asterisk) Lots of reasons....but new scheme's everywhere because of new coaches.....and, bad game management, and injuries, and bad officiating,and......why are we fans again? I forget......
  13. RG3 is more interested in his personal "franchaise" than in football. (more Subway commercials etc) He is bad attitude personified......and the Bills don't need that kind of help. Kap...well, if SF doesn't want him after having him for 4 years.....I would say we should also pass. I think TT might be better, has a decent arm, and is dangerous on the run. Of course, TT is more brittle than Kap, but all QB's get hurt some...even Brady lost most of one season. Need to run out the string on TT to see if he progresses.....we know EJ has not, lets see if TT can/ Four years behind Flacco brought maturity and leadership capabiity, but little if any time on the field, so TT is really a rookie this year in terms of playing a lot. A second year in the same system...can help everybody...will the Bills ever learn the value of continutiy in coaching? Maybe......
  14. The Bills bring EJ off the bench to reprise his highlight pick6 throw to JJ Watt.......oh wait, they already did that in London with Jacksonville....never mind. The Bills have had it this year, the D can't stop the run, especially with Bradham out of there. Look for Houston to win in an discouragingly easy game for them. Glad to go and enjoy a Dec game at 50F, but, not expecting much from this team...the Bills do not have their act together at this point.
  15. Henderson looks the part of an NFL tackle, but has not performed well in 2 years. A project when he arrived, he has not arrived as a completed project. Might be time to move on. Unfortunately, the 2d rd choice, KJ, is not up to it either. Anybody want to second guess Marrone and Co for keeping KJ off the field. The new coaching administration (REX team) now doing the same thing. Whaley may have to give up on this guy..........cut him loose. He is still young, but has not impressed in two years either. KJ a healthy move down the depth chart. guessing KJ is gone nextg year.
  16. Actually, since Ryan reports to the Pegula's (an unusual situation to say the least), the Pegs DO have to step in........in a normal world, the coach works for the GM. But, Whaley didn't get to hire "his" coach, so Ryan is Pegs problem.......
  17. I wonder how many other Head Coaches report to the owner.....not to many I am guessing. (maybe Bellicheck) Reason we have it....a light weight GM....Rex (and many other coaching candidates) would not agree to report to Whaley. I think the whole thing either needs to be blown up at the top....and bring in a football guy to run it....or, take a chance and see if Whaley can grow up fast and hire his own coach. I think the Pegs bought Rex line of BS....great interview, meh coach.
  18. Rich Gannon, calling the game for CBS, was beside himself bei9ng critical of the Bills coaching staff for not getting the challenges correct. He has seen it done correctly elsewhere. the league has passed Rex by imho.
  19. Bills the underdog here, lots going against them. KC going good, injuries, short week etc. So, all the predictions heavily in favor of KC. But, wait a minute.....they still have to play the game. If the coaches get a good game plan together, this team has the talent to win.....thats why they still have to play the game....the pickers don't get to decide the players have to do that on the field. This is definitely gut check time for this team, though.
  20. I can tell you are not a season ticket holder who has to go sit in the elements at night in the Ralph. I am a season ticket holder, and praying we don't get flexed to a night game..........especially in January!!!!
  21. Mario has been great on the field since he got here....years of double digit sacks. Now, imho, Rex scheme this year has not worked well, Pettine ran similar and got it done with those same players. And, the management saw fit to change D coordinators several years in a row. this is the kind of problem you get when you don't run the same scheme two years in a row...players having to change roles, and instincts don't always align with the current scheme. I also remember Mario choose to leave the Texans because he didn't want to play in a 3x4. He came to Buffalo to play a 4x3 (and get paid)..He has been totally whipsawed in terms of the scheme..with those being done alternately the last 4 years. (you could make this situaion up for a case in bad managment, but you don't need to make it up, it really happened to the Bills D and players) OK, ownership change, changes in coaching etc etc. but, continuity brings depth of knowledge to players, and these guys are just now learning Rex D. If Mario were cut, he would be snapped up immediately by many others. The guy on the Jets......he has been trouble.....oh oh....that means Rex will definitely want him.
  22. He had a horrible miss on a block run to the left early in the game last night......no way he should run by that guy. He doesn't get the scheme. Another example of doing all new everything in the first year of a new coaching staff. No continuity.....everybody wondering what to do.
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