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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. The schedule seems OK from the point of view they might be able to succeed. From the season ticket holder point of view, however, we got hosed again. Last half of the season with games on Nov 27, Dec 11,18, 24? Come on, man.......those games will be in cold weather, and those who don't like that weather will not attend those games. And, my family celebrates Christmas on Dec 24......going back more than 7 decades. I will miss that game for sure...and ever try to resell tickets for a cold weather game? ( ng for sure ) Then, I count 10 (ten) games subject to being flexed from a timing point of view. wtf (5 home, 5 away) So, the move to changing the description of where the games are played from stadium to studio is well underway. TV IS the customer, that stadium attendees are chump change and not considered when the schedule is put together. This season will be my last as a season ticket holder.
  2. The first round pick is critical, if for no other reason than they are bound by their rookie contract for a longer period than the subsequent rounds. So, if you hit big, the rookie wage scale is in play one year longer. And, the later you pick in the first, the less money it takes to bind the draft choice.
  3. Unfortunately, Whaley has played this game wrong...in that Osweiller like defection may well happen next year. (or maybe that agent played the game well) I think TT stays this year, plays well, and hits the free agent market with no preconceived notion of what team he will play for in 2017. Services to the highest bidder. That would be very business like....he will honor his contract, and stay professional. He will get max dollar......and, if he has even a slightly better year than last year.....he will be a $20mil/year guy. He signed with Buffalo to get the chance to show he was a starter...if he does that again, the Bills got two years of low cost QB play.......it was an good deal for both parties. Going forward, who knows how this plays. The only thing Whaley can do is draft another QB (OR, 2)......to have at least one ready under contract in 2017. (learn from John Elway's mistakes in Denver) We know EJ is weak and likely career backup material at best. And, EJ's contract is up...and like Losman, he will have played his rookie contract out....and, he may have the same result as Losman...never see game action in the NFL again.(EJ gone next year imho) The Bills have blown two first round QB picks, had both of them play out 5 year contracts......and don't have a QB to show for that decade of wasted effort.
  4. I would be surprised if ANY offensive player were selected in the first round. REX has his defensive reputation on the line, and he will force Whaley to get him some guns in the first few rounds. Would not surprise me if we didn't see an O player until the 4th round. More screwed up results from a setup where the head coach reports to the owner and can go around the GM to the boss when he wants to. So, Terry can make the pick.......no hope imho for a best player available selection. Rex will force a draft of whoever he thinks can help save his D reputation the most. If the Wr from ol Miss is there, he should be the pick....but, that can never happen with the management structure.
  5. Yes, our clown twin has also started to collect strays...at least they aren't former Jets.
  6. If Bills finish last.....they can fire the twin clowns to start.....and, since I am getting desperate....I would go all in on Whaley....and tell him to go hire the HC....and, if they don't make in in two years, I would clean house totally. It would be time, then, to find out if Whaley is a real GM....not just a sorta GM.
  7. Poloncarz is firing his musket in the press not liking the pressure from the NFL owners. But, to deal with those guys, Poloncarz is not much of a player.(Cuomo will be our guy) You deal with those guys in the conference room....you don't do it in the press. Poloncarz is more likely running for office here...its a political statement. He may be right in a lot of what he says, he just should muzzle himself and handle himself in a big league way. But, why did the last "retrofit" have to eliminate the drinking fountains......was it to sell more $5 bottles of water? Its about the money folks.......I am a current season ticket holder, but I won't be in any downtown venue...no tailgating and not enough roads in and out.
  8. Fitz has made a lot of money, he is set for life........Fitz other option is to retire....and the Jets know that. He doesn't want to work for chump change d(by QB standards)
  9. Thinking about the dome vs open issue......I think a dome would have made the field available for the Jets game a couple of years ago (moved to Detroit) But, that game was delayed/moved because the county infrastructure and services could not handle game traffic in the middle of a storm emergency. (the NFL got that one right btw) A dome would not have helped in that situation in terms of having the game go as planned at home. and, I don't think the infrastructure situation is any better in downtown Buffalo, probabily worse actually. So, a dome doesn't buy anything in those circumstances imho. Perfect Practice makes perfect......you have to practice in the conditions you play in. Maybe you have to repeat the work outside after the mental part is covered indoors. Comfy practice does not make foul weather play better!!!
  10. You only have a home field advantage in bad weather if you practice out in the bad weather regularily. But, the Bills practice inside in their dome when the weather is bad...you have to put in the game plan, you know. So, I am not sure I buy the bad weather is an advantage argument unless Rex has the team out there when its really bad. Practice outside in bad weather to prepare to play in it. what they do now is practice outside when its sunny and a nice day. :doh:As a result, I don't think the Bills really have a preparedness advantage that some speak of here.
  11. Basically no.........vet minimum, well, maybe if money is available for that.....with some incentives to make it worth while. His degree of brittleness is the problem....he never plays a full season....and, he will take up a roster spot. He gets hurt, he gets his money again for doing nothing...last year, collected 6 mil for what, 5 games. In addition, I thought his presense on the field took away from Sammy being #1......Ryan feels the need to justify bringing in one of his strays. (yes, Ryan collects stray dogs, particularily ex Jets)And, that doesn't make him a recruiter. I think we should pass on Harvin and go elsewhere. And, because of the brittleness issue, I think our former third round draft choice, Goodwin, also has to go.Goodwin is hard not to like, but his production is zilch in three years. Neither has skills or a body type to be a blocker on the outside like Hogan was. (yes, that is a requirement in our run first O)
  12. Maybe tried non surgical rehab that didn't work.......
  13. R Johnson has to be able to start this year....or...he shouldn't be on the team...its year 3 folks. He was a monster out of college....need to see that materialize on the field in the NFL this year. I am guessing he will get that chance this summer. Rex D is intricate...and perhaps he doesn't have the head to play the D.........anyhow, its up or out this year for him.
  14. I was hoping they would keep this guy instead of Harvin.....Harvin was a waste of $6 mil....imho
  15. The Bills have to clear enough cap space to pay their rookies.....draft picks and undrafted rookie free agent signings. Don't know that exact number, but I think it would take most of what they have left after this restructure.
  16. You are assuming that he had good advice and invested in traditional ways....it would have been a good run for him. But, who knows, these guys are targeted by every fly by night "friend" with crazy schemes. I hope he was mentally strong enough to go to Goldman Sachs and ask them to handle it for him. "Private Wealth Management" is the service.......or, any other of the big name investment banks also will do this....... Getting out before he gets (more) head trauma makes sense to me if he is set for life.
  17. Kap has had off field issues in the way he has handled himself....described in t he above posts pretty well, and on field, he has regressed. he is an impressive physical specimen ....I true NFL QB body. TT, on the other hand....is a total professional off the field...and, although physically gifted, is not described at the prototypical NFL QB....his build being slight by NFL standards. And TT is learning how to start and be a winner. Yes, the jury is out on TT in terms of doing all the mental work on field that is required to be the long term starter. I , for one though, would not bet against TT getting there. I think the contract he got from the Bills was good for him....the Bills got a two year cheap audition...he got/is getting a serious chance to show what he can do.....so, another year will tell the story there. In terms of getting a deal for TT now, it would be a transition deal if negotiated, with both sides taking a chance....TT giving up money on the idea he might not make it...the bills getting a discount but having to committ to TT longer than next year. I am guessing no transition deal....TT will likely play out 2016...and hit the market, all this imho And, NO KAP trade....
  18. Bring in a good center w draft...and move Wood back to guard, where he played as a rookie. Miller has heart, looked a total wreck when playing the last couple of games last year....did not belong on the field as he was hurt...but, did not convince me he is a pro when he was healthy. I think Richardson will be gone...and KJ as well....unless he gets paid anyhow, then he may stay (like EJ) I would be happy to see one early draft choice for an O tackle.
  19. Hogan is typical of the journeyman pro's we are losing because of the cap problem. We will have some superstars (at least their paychecks will be) and a bunch of cheap guys filling the holes...who are not up to Hogan's competance level. Mark my words.....the talent level on the team is dropping because of the big contracts we are giving to the better players we have. Not going to come out well imho. 6-10 (again)
  20. I don't agree....the cap problem is causing us to get rid of journeyman pro's that are the heart of the team........Mc Kelvin is one......I think special teams may be a problem loosing Boobie, maybe Hogan....who knows if Easley can come back from the knee injury.........although I think loosing Brooks is a positive....he had head/control problems.....and he was a slow CB. I don't know how the Eagles found $6mil over two years for him. Ryan's move to "his" D is part of the depressing move from 4x3 to 3x4 to 4x3 to 3x4 etc etc that has been going on for more than a decade. We had great 4x3 D under Schwartz, and the personnel were mostly not 3x4c oriented. So, major turnover again........and again...and again......and again. Anybody else depressed about the franchise never settling down to one D scheme for 3 years in a row? In the current case, I blame the rookie owners for a bad hire in Ryan.....a clown....and we now have twin clowns.
  21. Comments out of Denver include the benching when Manning came back was taken personally, and BO had no intentions of ever staying in Denver. And, if he got an extra 3 mil a season for changing teams, good for him. Our situation w/ TT is going to be just as bad in terms of market salary, hopefully, though, without the ill will. And, if TT does well in 2016.....he will have been a two year starter, not a 7 game starter. He could get $20 mil/ year. However, if he is below average/poor even though starting....the Bills will look elsewhere and start all over in the QB quest. (EJ done after this year)
  22. I HATE JETS RETREADS,,,they didn't win in NY and they won't win here.......come on , man......
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