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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. I thought you were talking about long gone Freddies donuts in this context......not the rb Fredex.
  2. Unfortunately, I have more than a year to go on my contract......no leverage this year....(got the free Genie setup in my condo in Florida and that is GREAT) Of interest on this board is the trouble DTV is giving me about having a one account system. that is one account for my Buffalo area home and my Florida vacation home. (I am retired) They pushed me into the one account deal...which is good....turn off upstate NY and turn on Florida..and vice versa as many times a year as I want......only get charged for receivers that are on. Now, they are telling me the FCC is pressuring them to make me do two accounts....and Sunday ticket, which I might buy....would have to be purchased twice if I want it both locations.(two account system) Anyhow, Sunday ticket has now gotten prohibitive for me unless they continue to allow the one account system. (this also has to do with local TV stations somehow) Anyhow, I may have to do the cable and ditch the Bills/ticket when in the south. May need to get literate on the streaming options.
  3. I am a long time season ticket holder and watch all the games.....when comparing to what is around the league, Gilmore isn't top 5....maybe top 20 though....he has been brittle to some degree, and top guns play full seasons.....not miss major pieces of action due to injury...so he losses the productivity argument on that point. Also, he is not a ball hawk to speak of...yep 3 last year...but not in the Patrick Peterson league........thinking about similar situations, Jarius Byrd walked when the Bills didn't pay top dollar (rightfully so in that case) Gilmore is due a good, but not super great contract. I hope Whaley has his best judgement in play here........a walks if the money can't be resolved within a reasonable plan to keep the franchise QB I think TT is. Another words.....TT (if he produces, and I think he will) is more important than gilmore by a whole bunch.
  4. I haven't seen Gragg bring it during his time here.........I can't get it out of my head him catching the ball from EJ standing 3 yards out of bounds against Jacksonville, and then laughing about it. And, for a receiver TE, he sure drops a lot of balls. imho, Gragg is a junior varisty TE.
  5. S Lawson unlikely to be a factor this year....missing first half of the season. Then a few games to round into shape.....then the "he's just learning" comments from Ryan.....that will be true, him missing preseason games and all. Might get to see what he can do last few games of the season. Here is hoping those games mean something...if not, more preseason like games in December. wont really know about what he can do until fall 2017 imho. TT might step up big....that would be great for the franchise.......and, TT, of course. Now is his time...he will do it, or be a career backup. You don't get many chances to be #1 in the NFL. (EJ has used up all his 9 lives on that score btw)
  6. The terrorism I see is the authorities wanting to have homeowners waive their rights...........big Government at its worst. I am sure the authorities are well intentioned, but, when the cops come marching through, they will do crazy things and throw their weight around.......headstrong cops.
  7. A pro comes into camp in shape. Ergo, Karlos is not yet a pro.......just a grown up college boy. Grow up Karlos, you might miss the the chance of a lifetime.
  8. I have no interest in McCoy talking to the press on the bar fight issue. If its still under legal review, he should not talk to anybody anyhow. Get a brain Skurski....
  9. Ummmm......brave talk imho. Lets see the rookie against the big boys. And, even if he performs....the bills might cut him. (What was the name of that guy who lead the league in preseason rushing for the Bills, the bills cut, and has played for Detroit many years since?....Oh yeh Jaquine Bell)
  10. To be more successful from a predictive point of view, quick returns should be accounted for in some manner. Also, opponents who are coming off the bye and Thrusday night games. I assume some stats exist, and some smart guy will do an analysis, and come up with a modified list accounting for those factors. He will probabily write a column in a newspaper, and we can then all forget it. They still have to play the games one at a time.
  11. imho, SH is likely to be seriously under weight and strength......would not surprise me to see him on some list this year, as recovering from whatever. My wife had similar surgery, and lost a lot of weight...which is slow to regain. Wish him the best, though. Return as fast as possible, no faster though.
  12. Hartline would be a nominal replacement for Hogan as a receiver....and that means there is merit in signing him. However, I don't think he can play special teams like Hogan, who was valuable on the ST squads as he could tackle well. imho, that is one of the reasons Belicheck picked up Hogan...contributes in two areas of the team. At $3 mil though, Hartline isn't cheap...but, I recall, Hogan got $4mil a year for three years from the Pats. I would just as soon see a free agent tackle though.
  13. Gilmore is a good, not great corner. He is not Patrick Peterson.......Looking back in Bills history , I see him as not unlike Nate Clements......who was a good, not great CB that the Bills let walk to SF. He never lived up to the big contract......makes me uncomfortable about paying Gilmore big time. We don't see the ints a premium CB should have, we don't see the year in year out duribility.......had a lot of lost games. Certainly not a big hitter.........still, the Packers said he was the "best CB they had seen all season" two years ago. I can't make the call, but getting him paid is OK.......just put a rip cord in the deal if he doesn't deliver (ala Kapernick)
  14. I see the "brittle" issue as legit. I also see the Bills have used gilmore as a PR/advertising "shutdown corner" for several years. Problem is, I haven't see much of that behavior on the field. He is not a Patrick Peterson or Richard Sherman. He might yet be, but not yet.......so, my view, the contract offer should be incentive laden......which reduces that hit if he doesn't perform. Frankly, I think the Bills have believed their own PR a little to much. I see a lot of parallels here to the Nate Clements situation a few years ago....Nate was B grade CB....and got megabucks...elsewhere. In retrospect, it was a good call to let him got to the 49's (I think) He finished in Cince if I recall correctly. Anyhow, Gilmore has not yet done the all pro thing....he is a very good CB...but hasn't shown A player status yet imho. He wants A player cash......I hope Whaley can sort this out and limit what they pay to what is justified based on performance. Rex, of course, wants all the D he can get to resurect his reputation as a D genius, so he won't mind overpaying. And, if it comes down to getting one only, I want TT...not Gilmore!!!
  15. Incognito selection would be politically incorrect, despite his fine season last year.
  16. Reports have us signing a LS as an undrafted FA Would not have noticed the all black list, but it came up here. Hopefully, this means that Whaley picks the best football players, and isn't trying to be politically correct (via a split ticket) I, for one, do not read racist intent on Whaley's part. However, I do see the validity of the comment on the current state of our society, in that, for sure, a white GM picking all white draftee's would be lambasted by the politically correct crowd, and that Whaley will not be lambasted..perhaps because of some statistical argument I just read on this board.
  17. They can, however, save a roster spot..... As a calculating risk taker, I like this play. Might hit....not much ventured in terms of draft choice......
  18. Shaq Lawson.....Manny Lawson.......starting a new name cluster.....Williams was getting full.
  19. Bradford played some decent games last year. But, long term, he is brittle, and not the QB we want...especially at $16mil a year. Lets see Tyrod again before we spend that kind of money.
  20. I remember the Bills taking Willis McGahee.....didnt play the first year........and, not enough attention paid to other factors regarding his draftablity. For example, McGahee never learned the play book....had to be signaled by the RB coach each play from the sidelines to know what to do. In his case, he was undraftable because of his mental capability. A clean miss on the Bills part. Ultimately, his physical tools returned to some extent, and he had a decent and fairly long NFL career. But, he was never a game changer that his #1 draft pick status should have indicated. My view, stay away from damaged goods guys....they might make it partway back....McGahee made it 90% back...and that was good enough to play. But, at 80% back , he would have been a wash out.
  21. A good word...used to describe all the jobs in the USA that have gone off shore. In the case of footplayers, it means he can play elsewhere with his skills.
  22. Yes, actually, we went to little Italy!!!And, the food was fab.
  23. Our group went to the Raven's game about a decade ago....we stayed a ways north of the city in a motel, at a location very near a train station, and took the train right to the stadium....yes...there was a station at the stadium. The tailgating at that time was all PGA like.....closed corporate tents etc.....not a tailgate in the sense we do that at the Ralph. The stadium is decent enough for football, we were upper deck..a long way away. We also went into the inner harbor in Baltimore (Camden Yard is also there) and did some walk about....hitting some great resturants and enjoying the area. BUT, after the trouble there just recently, I would not visit down there today,recalling the riots and the burning of buildings/CVS store. Camden yard was canceling ballgames during all that.......use your own judgement on that issue...but, that is mine.
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