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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Gronkowski will be on the practice team, not the 53 man roster. Henderson will get to take the year off...non football etc.(good writeup above on that) I am not sure about Meeks........Blanton might keep the slot imho. Lattimore did look good, but I don't see a slot. Disappointed that after 3 years, Randall Johnson will be cut. He was supposed to be a stud, but never made it onto the field as part of the D.
  2. Unfortunately, really no choice imho. Cardale not ready to backup........and need at least one who has been through camp...unless you pickup an old timer.....like Sanchaise.......Pleeeeeasssse.....don't do that to us.........
  3. Well, the Rams are loaded in the D line.....so a castoff there might still have talent. I am a little tired of looking for Jets retreads though.........Rex D is like a Swiss watch, and hard to learn apparently. In the end, though, the reason not to sign him....as indicated above, is the lack of fire in the belly.......its lots easier to tone a player down (see J Hughes)...than it is to jack them up.
  4. I can tell you what Marrone was doing with Pears at guard. He was playing guard(not very well btw)...AND, he was telling Henderson what to do on every play at RT. (I am not making this up....that was the motivation of moving Pears to guard..on field coach)
  5. I watched the game......extended action for EJ. I have been watching him four years now.......he kept his head mostly against Washington. But, his long throws were bad....he has never been able to throw the long ball accurately like TT. He still misses by 5-10 yards. A strong arm....YES....and accurate arm, NO. Sooooooohe will be our backup this year....but I am not sure he gives our bills a chance to win........here in Buffalo, he will never live down the meltdown in London against the Jags. (even though he brought the bills back and they had a chance to pull it out at the end) EJ is playing out the contract here....and I wish him good luck where ever he lands next year. Always a class act...he just doesn't have #1 skills in the NFL. I saw Bill Polian's comments on ESPN just after the Bills brain trust drafted EJ. Polian was beside himself, calling EJ a project etc etc. Turns out Polian was correct....but the alternative...Gino of the Jets was probabily a worse choice. The Bills just drafted a first round QB in a bad QB year. Shows front office weakness....Polian knew, none of the Bills brain trust knew.
  6. I saw it too, and again on replay. Yes, the body slam was excessive, but I was more worried about the helmet hit he took to the ribs when he was up in the air. I could see a couple of broken ribs from that hit alone. If you have it on tape...take a look again.
  7. Goodwin should not be given a roster spot.......need to fill with healthy wr's. Despite what he may be when healthy........he is way to brittle for the NFL game......something like Roscoe Parrish.....but more brittle. (if that is possible)
  8. The Bills will use the PUP list for him..meaning 7th game I think. I like all the feel good stuff about S Henderson here.....but, its a long road back from a big cut like that. And, his digestive track needs to be able to processes the calories it takes to play the game. And, if the Fl newspaper was correct, he still needs to get back 10 lb more. I think SH may be headed for injured reserve....non football or something like that. My feeling is he is not two weeks away from real football shape....maybe 2 months....but not two weeks.
  9. I think Rex was part of the decision.....Carlos lost his mind, and, wasn't going to play much at all this year....as he was not in shape, and had no training camp to speak of.....others WAY ahead of him in terms of preparedness. The fact that he showed up at Camp weighing more than he was at OTA's speaks volumes. And, Rex and the coaches are not babhysitters. Now, I could argue that the team incl front office should be providing some support for those that need it.....think how Dallas takes care of their prima donna wr..Dez.......but, can't do that for everybody.
  10. OK, but I have not yet put Shaq in the star category, as he has yet to see the field. MD IS a star...shaq...tbd.
  11. He played many plays well. But, he did get beat when EJ came in and EJ was blindsided....of course, TT would step out of the way, but EJ was clueless and got wiped out......still, it was on Kujo. Also, when the Bills went for 2 after the third TD......TT had to call timeout....as Kujo was not on the field......leaving TT to spot there was not left tackle. So, 23, a third year pro...and his head not yet in the game so to speak. Still, he does look much better than I expected this summer. And, I would not rule out the bad knee theory about his best position. Of course, we have CG......and, moving CG to right tackle to make room for Kujo seems nuts to me as has been suggested elsewhere. Still, we might have a better line overall if we did that. I am guessing Kujo will play out his rookie contract here and be gone..who knows where.
  12. So, if the suspension is really 6 games....for DV....and Lawson gets that penality..........maybe, just maybe, the muscle problem was a cover story....and they were planning on not having Manny for 6 games............who knows. They clearly knew about Darius in advance....so many extra DL on the team. Couldn't understand the recent signing until today.....
  13. Well, at least we know why the Bills have been bringing in all these new D linemen.....they have certainly known this is coming for some time imho. So, Dareus replacement is already on the roster. To those on this board who think this should be legalized, you are certainly entitled to that opinion. But, in business, you conduct yourself by the rules of your employer, or you face the consequences of lack of compliance. And, a significant portion of the season ticket clints might also agree with the league rules. (see the corporations that have the boxes as a minimum) Now, Dareus isn't Hankerson.......so you don't cut him.....but Dareus is not going to be helping the Bills much for at least the first 4 games. Lets see......how many all Pro D linemen are we now down from two years ago.....two I think.....
  14. These recent signings are desperation moves to fill a slot with available (mediocre) NFL retreads. Our only chance at making this D something special was to have our 1,2,3 draft picks come in and play well....so much for that stragedy. OK, whaley and Monos are filling the slots......but, with what caliber of player? I am not expecting much of this D this season, despite all the Rex BS we have been getting. Who besides me finds everything Rex says lacks plausibility? And, calling this a veteran D is technically true....but, that doesn't mean these off street marginal journeymen will play well in Rex very complicated scheme. So, years of play, yes, that makes them vets....but experience in playing this D, not so much. You want to know why we keep getting Jets retreads? Because they have a year or 3 learning Rex super complicated D. They might be sub par athletically, but they know the scheme. (UGH)
  15. Not sure about Gragg....would not surprise me to see Dray put Gragg on the street. Haven't even seen him as a competent TE. And, I still remember him catching the ball 4 feet out of bounds in the London game....pass from EJ, and him laughing about it. He blew it and it was funny. Doesn't seem like a pro reaction to me. And, about Stryker.........OK, he has skills, but is smallish....we don't need another Donte Whitner....who never really produced for the Bills, and was undersized for his position.
  16. Well, Matt Leinart was here for a preseason....might as well bring in his running mate from USC in for one as well.
  17. As a free agent, Foles will get his choice.....of at least a couple of opportunities. I am guessing the Bills will not be his choice. Jets would be a good guess, as they have lots of QB's who have not shown anything positive. He could last a few years there,,,with an incentive laden contract. If Chan buys in, that would be my bet.
  18. Yesterday's news......nothing left in the tank...might as well talk about resigning TO.....and, the Bills have taken in enough strays.
  19. In the days of Knox tenure at Buffalo, Mr Wilson was a serious hands on owner.....not as much in later years....but, I think, Knox also had enough of that and headed back west. How do I know that....well, I was a business person traveling back and forth to Detroit weekly in those days (by plane), and, I often saw Knox shuttling over to Detroit. Way more than a coach in total control would have to do. And, he usually traveled with 3 or 4 others....don't know if they were administration, or coaches, but it was a regular group on that circuit.
  20. I wonder, if the Steelers trade him to the Broncos...and pot is legal in Colorado......would he then have grounds to challenge the NFL rule about being a pothead/stoner? I guess we can leave that to a current member of the Bronco's roster..........
  21. We got our cards, they work OK...had to mail paper tickets to acouple of games, but OK. this is our last year, however. The Bills (and the league) have ultimately disrespected the bills ticket holders this season...four home games after 27 Nov......really, in an open air stadium in Buffalo....the fans are getting zero respect when that happens. Anyhow, I am so done paying money to be trashed by the Bills....this isn't the product...which could also be better....its the DISRESPECT of the schedule. Fair? That would be two home games in Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec. Anyhow, our group is done...........
  22. Season ticket holder here....I attend for the football...not the T&A the Jills provide. glad they are gone....no need to bring back at all.....
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