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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. But, But, But...REX is going to Hollywood!!!.....will not be able to muzzle that clown this week!!!!! OK, Marcel...yes, I agree. Shaq...well, he was a #1.....but he hasn't played a down of NFL football, even in the preseason...not expecting anything from him except maybe cameo appearances.
  2. Yep, he was a total wuss on that play. Didn't want to play football, just wants to cash his paychecks. We should move on from him imho.
  3. Dareus will help....Shaq....who knows....he might not even make it back on the field this year.
  4. A reasonable version of this test is coming up on Oct 29, 8th game this season at New Era field. I would settle for beating them then.....have to wait for next year for your test. there is still LOTS to improve on, especially on the O side.
  5. I am a many decade season ticket holder. for the last 20 years I have been in Sec 112, behind visitors bench, lower bowl. The crowd has significantly changed.....used to be a sitting crowd...now it stands much of the time. Sunday, we were about 50/50......up for all defensive 3d downs......this section was virtually 100% sitting when I moved there 20 years ago....and now has some games with almost all standing. The crowd is no longer regulars...we used to know those who sat next to us....now, they are all owned by folks who sell the tickets in the secondary market...hence the attendees are mostly one time visitors, and don't have any sort of idea they might be infringing on those who have difficulty standing a lot. I am 71, and likely will have to give up the whole sunday event at New Era. I go for the football, not to drink...although we do eat a lot at our tailgate. But, I have to say....the product on the field is a much bigger problem than the standing up. Really tired of paying for a big league experience that hasn't been in the top half of the big league for 16 years. And, not holding my breath this year again. Fans can complain.....not much will be done. I complained about the water fountains being eliminated. Nothing is done about that either.....they want to sell $5 bottles of water. And, last Sunday...you needed a drink out in the Sun on the north side of the stadium.
  6. Mid season firing is extremely unlikely.....Pegs will keep Rex for remainder of season....but, when the season is over, all bets are off. Rex is the blowhard we knew he was and hated in NY. I couldn't understand how they hired him in the first place. The Jets got it right in hiring Todd Bowles. There are a number of qualified candidates in the NFL....for the coaching job. Now, Whaley.....that is another story. He has done a few good things, but is really not getting it done overall The Watkins trade looks bad in retrospect....yes, talented guy, but, at this point, you would have to put him in the injury prone category. That makes him an NFL non producer........at least to the degree he has not lived up to his substantial price. (2 #1 picks) So, I count that as a failure. And, the Manuel pick..another wasted #1....Manuel going the JP Losman route...play out the rookie contract...and out of the league after that. The Shaq Lawson mess. guy was damaged goods....and was not deserving of a #1. Bills have made this mistake before (see Willis McGahee) I admit Raglund was just bad luck, but, there were pre draft concerns there as well in terms of physical condition. Now, does a Jerry Hughes pickup offset a big miss on the #1s...year after year? Not sure...of course, there is always the minority aspect of Whaley being GM......I suspect the league might pressure the Pegs to keep whaley a little longer.....won't see that in the papers, but I sense it.
  7. Actually a legit idea. I don't see it happening, but, they have a need. We got ride of half our rb tandem....why not the other half? Well, wait a minute....maybe that does sound like a little to much free thinking.
  8. Way to much discussion here about organizational functional issues. My view.....the O was definitely needing something more than it was getting from the coaching staff.....bad play calling, incoherent game planning to some degree. I am not upset about Roman's departure...the O needs fixing. Hoping Lynn is up to the job....I don't think that Pegs/Rex could do this without an adequate replacement on the staff. Lynn obviously has Rex confidence as "Asst HC" (I actually did not know that before this came up) Anyhow...I don't read anything more into the move than they wanted the O in different hands, and they had an alternative available. Good decision imho.........and, about the D..that is a different discussion....the OC change is a stand alone issue.
  9. I buy the logic that if TT is to be discarded/not allowed to finish the contract, then Cardale is the logical starter. But, in what world is REX back if TT screws it up that bad..........and REX has no incentive, then, to play Cardale. So, I am think TT is it for this season baring injury. TT has a ways to go, I have been diappointed in his short throws this year, did not notice that problem last year. He still throws a credible long ball however....that part is NFL arm all the way. I hate to say it....but TT reminds me of JP Losman in the inability to do the short routes. I do think TT has a better head than JP, though. (he would have to, actually) The parallels even go to the point that both are/were model citizens....of course, so is EJ.
  10. There is a problem with having him out every week, even if he tolerates the pain to some degree and there is no reinjury risk. That is the body will do what is necessary to prevent pain....as an involuntary matter. So, when Sammy pushes off....its not full tilt....and, without his speed, he is just a body. The opposition has already caught on to that..........speed now needs to come from elsewhere...Goodwin if he can stay healthy.......Anyhow, I would rather have a healthy body out there....I don't believe an 85% Sammy can succeed in the NFL...the league is just to good overall. He needs 100% to be the player he could be.
  11. No, in one word, No. The Pegs are not micromanaging imho. They may talk to Rex...Rex reports to him/them you might recall. But, I believe REX when he says he made the decision.
  12. Despite the legitimate sarcasm and criticism of the Defense here in many comments, I don't find roman's firing to be illogical. the O has not looked good.....its a long week to the next game, and if the season is to be righted, it is now. Scoring 24 points....well, ok, but one td was during prevent time....the Jets were playing back, and the Bills (finally) put together a drive against the prevent D. The other two were lightning bolts......the Goodwin play was excellant....the Salas td was a scramble...and not a designed play. Anyhow, the O has not been good, so I am OK with a change. Having said that, the D also needs fixing...lets hope that is also underway.
  13. Yep, going to be a long season for sure. Just back from the game......the D got trashed.......and the O can't move the ball. TT bad in most short/intermediate throws.....does throw a long ball....three TD's....one a nice long ball call (88) and two scrambles (Salas and gillesselee) But, can't run the ball either. At this point, Watkins clearly playing hurt....get him out of there...hopping on one foot a few times, and no speed burst there. So, we need to see Powell as fourth receiver, Salas as third, Goodwin as second, and Wood as #1. At least they would be healthy.
  14. Yes, I never bought the duke Richardson happy talk....and he can't run/cover Mike Wallace.....we saw that........hope he sees less time on the field, and that Aaron Williams can return to full time duty.
  15. Quite a few years ago, when the old man died, the kids all went off on their own...using the Bocce name. And, some are better than others I must admit. I patronize the two run by one son.....the location on Bailey avenue and the one on Hopkins road. the quality in those locations is the best as always. I have tried the one on Transit in the plaza, it doesn't quite stand up to the other two I frequent.......but it has the name and is still decent. I understand there are a couple of others....one on Elmwood...never been there. Anyhow......I still do that regularily. And, when my sons return to town to attend the Bills games with me....they always have to get a Bocce Club Pizza. Curious what location you purchased from..?????
  16. I been going there for more than 50 years, and, I do not agee with you. You must be a person of little judgement when it comes to excellent PIZZA!
  17. Miller was hurt so bad last year in the final games that he did not belong on the field imho. I saw him in the Dallas game, and he could barely walk off the field. He should not have been out there imho. Healthy, who knows, but has to be better than last year post injury.
  18. Some NFL customers put great store in obeying the law in all 50 states. (read corporations with boxes, tv ads guys, etc etc) So, they HAVE to enforce the law of the land........you can have your opinion, but, the law is the law...wherever. The NFL, then, cannot say they now approve stoners in league.
  19. Actually, McGahee was a good pro...not great but good....8-9 year career. Of course, he didn't have much of a head on him...they had to signal in the plays to him separately.....yes, they did that for Sspiller also.
  20. Another possibility, instead of trying to look so deeply into why the single wing plays against Detroit. Maybe Rex was trying to NOT SHOW our regular offense on film to early season foes. I am thinking we won't see the single wing stuff again this year............he was punking Harbough...........study this single wing stuff....and don't work quite as hard on what we have run in the past........so, basically, I am saying, the single wing plays at Detroit were a mind game for the Ravens.
  21. I still have hopes for O Leary...........he did look good Thursday night catching all those passes from Cardale.....who, for some reason, really likes OLeary as a receiver. No drops........OLeary was a go to guy at FSU, he has been there before as a receiver. But, he has to do the blocking to be an effective TE in the league. Anyhow, without Gragg (also mostly a receiver type TE), OLeary was the best choice for now. Who know, OLeary may yet surprise us...sometimes it takes a while for new men to get up to speed in the league.
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