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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. I thought Ed Reed was supposed to be that guy.....apparently not.
  2. TT is better this year than last, and will only get better imho. He is here under the new contract for the duration imho. Of course, that could change, and I agree the next 7 games are important to demonstrate improvement.....but, NEXT year is his year to be a full blown QB....he is almost there......still learning. I am looking forward to seeing him the next few years. He will get Bills, finally, to the playoffs. Seems to me, though, that the Phin's a going to do it this year....unless, of course, the bills can derail them on christmas eve.
  3. Hoping to join Hogan on Belicheats team....but for way more than the $3mil/yr Hogan gets.
  4. I saw an interview on ESPN with Bill Polian about when Rex was hired. The announcer ask Polian if Rex could take the Bills great D (4th that last year, I think) and make it even better. Polian said NO! Rex D is a swiss watch compared to Schwartz simpler schemes. He said it would take two years for the players to learn the system....and that every game the D had to be gameplanned.....whereas Schwartz D just allows the players to react in a limited number of ways to different offensive moves. Polian, on that day, was Sooooooo correct. Our D still doesn't get it....half the time (I overstate perhaps) the Rex D players are looking at each other, and not at the offense when the snap goes off. Rex D is flawed with all the adjustment every play...the swiss watch Polian was talking about. Long term, the Bills will be better off when Rex and his D schemes are gone.
  5. Seems a good summary....I would argue a couple...TT for example....I think he going to be the next long term QB....really played well at Seattle. If Henderson can't beat out Mills next camp, we are in trouble...and SH has to go. I think a draft pick in the tackle business is needed, but not a 1. (as Mills also has to go) Sammy is a semi bust...brittle doesn't make in the NFL. We will be talking about Sammy next year like we are talking about Gilmore this year . Woods is a really good #2, skills and heart imho. If Sammy isn't our #1, got to go get one. So, Woods belongs on the up list I think. Goodwin is improved this year, actually playing wr and catching a few. He represents a problem for the D whenever he is in.....and, I guess I would put him on the little plus list. But, he is also in a contract year, and will be gone imho.
  6. Good commentary. I am concerned A Lynn might get promoted out of Buffalo if he keeps showing the capabilities he has shown as OC. It seems early, but in the NFL strange things do happen.
  7. She is not subject to the CBA........sorry to go legal on you, but that is pretty obvious. And, she does have her first Amendment rights of free speech. I thought it was hiliarious myself.
  8. Part of that trend of never coming from behind is the team that Whaley/Rex have built.....the bully running game philsophy. The Bills have little (if any) quick strike capability. The are a grind it out team...not designed to come from behind. That overall scheme is not on TT. TT is the QB they have picked to execute the plodding offense.....and he may well be the best choice for that role with his skill set.
  9. The right answer in WNY is to put an air supported dome over New Era field....problem solved.....except, of course, the NFL's desire to jack up revenue to extract maximum revenue from the fans. And, if a mega snow storm hits again like before the Jets game a couple of years ago, we have to shut down the game because the emergency needs of the community outweigh the playing of the game...another trip to Detroit, then. The dome will not guarantee playability of games during major snow events....the infrastructure can't stand the big snow either, even if the stadium could. (And, downtown, it would be even worse than in OP with to few roads in and out)
  10. Did his immitation of a hurdle when Jimmy Graham hurdled him.........he stood there and waited for the hit...which never came. A real football player would deliver the blow, and not get the great view of Grahams butt flying over his head.
  11. I think the NFL prohibits signing CFL players during the same year they compete north of the border. (so the injury is irrelevant) But, next season would be fair to consider. Naaman, however, is now an old pro.....and he never had great speed by pro standards......wr's not like qb's, they don't get better with age.
  12. I think Percy Harvin will relish a few touches against his old buds.......and, with Goodwin back, the Bills might actually go deep more than once. So, Having said that......its tough. I would take the Bills and the points if I were in Vegas.
  13. Getting tired of all the uni changes. This is done to appeal to non traditional markets? Anyhow, I am watching for the football........not the fashion optics. I don't necessarily dislike all these variants....but, I like to know which team is which with ease. Consistency from game to game, then, would be a positive.
  14. Comment is intellectually challenged from a football knowledge perspective. TT will finish the season...unless hurt...and if the Bills are out of it, you might, just might see Cardale. EJ will be gone next year....and the Bills will add a couple of QB's to compete for the backup w Cardale. If the Bills are still in it, you might see EJ play based on Cardale's lack of readiness.
  15. I think TT has all the makings of a closer. He can run when the chips are down.....more than he runs normally. I was extremely disappointed in the Dolphins game in the fourth qtr when they ran the wildcat from the 20 yard line on first and 10. Mike G loses 10 yards, and TT is back under center 2 and 20. They need to FIND out about TT, they certainly didn't put the ball in his hands that series. Lynn still a rookie OC, and it showed on that series. At 2nd and 20, TT was already in trouble.
  16. Coaches demonstrated a lack of confidence in TT when, with 6 minutes left, and 1/10 on the 20, they ran the wildcat with TD Mike....went for a loss of 10. TT takes over 2/20.....and can't deliver. Well, that was TT's time....but he deserved to start with the 1/10 play . Shame on Rex and Lynn...they didn't believe \in their man. I was sorely disappointed, as I thought TT was going to do it.....oh well....a rookie OC made a bad bad call. And, TT was not terrible today. Yes, the O was terrible, but not TT.
  17. Time for TT to show his stuff, win with a partial cast. That is what big time QB's do!
  18. Spikes was always a DL playing LB.....really large man.
  19. These reporters will eventually realize that the Buffalo area is a LONG way from the left coast. And, a long way from the NYC lefties as well.
  20. McCray is contributing......don't see him going....maybe an OL guy is my guess......or, a DB And, lets see who gets hurt this week.............
  21. Point taken. I was at that game....and Biscuit and Bruce had Elway's head on a swivel.....a memorable debut for a rookie. They did put Elway on the carpet a few times that day.
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