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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Did his immitation of a hurdle when Jimmy Graham hurdled him.........he stood there and waited for the hit...which never came. A real football player would deliver the blow, and not get the great view of Grahams butt flying over his head.
  2. I think the NFL prohibits signing CFL players during the same year they compete north of the border. (so the injury is irrelevant) But, next season would be fair to consider. Naaman, however, is now an old pro.....and he never had great speed by pro standards......wr's not like qb's, they don't get better with age.
  3. I think Percy Harvin will relish a few touches against his old buds.......and, with Goodwin back, the Bills might actually go deep more than once. So, Having said that......its tough. I would take the Bills and the points if I were in Vegas.
  4. Getting tired of all the uni changes. This is done to appeal to non traditional markets? Anyhow, I am watching for the football........not the fashion optics. I don't necessarily dislike all these variants....but, I like to know which team is which with ease. Consistency from game to game, then, would be a positive.
  5. Comment is intellectually challenged from a football knowledge perspective. TT will finish the season...unless hurt...and if the Bills are out of it, you might, just might see Cardale. EJ will be gone next year....and the Bills will add a couple of QB's to compete for the backup w Cardale. If the Bills are still in it, you might see EJ play based on Cardale's lack of readiness.
  6. I think TT has all the makings of a closer. He can run when the chips are down.....more than he runs normally. I was extremely disappointed in the Dolphins game in the fourth qtr when they ran the wildcat from the 20 yard line on first and 10. Mike G loses 10 yards, and TT is back under center 2 and 20. They need to FIND out about TT, they certainly didn't put the ball in his hands that series. Lynn still a rookie OC, and it showed on that series. At 2nd and 20, TT was already in trouble.
  7. Coaches demonstrated a lack of confidence in TT when, with 6 minutes left, and 1/10 on the 20, they ran the wildcat with TD Mike....went for a loss of 10. TT takes over 2/20.....and can't deliver. Well, that was TT's time....but he deserved to start with the 1/10 play . Shame on Rex and Lynn...they didn't believe \in their man. I was sorely disappointed, as I thought TT was going to do it.....oh well....a rookie OC made a bad bad call. And, TT was not terrible today. Yes, the O was terrible, but not TT.
  8. Time for TT to show his stuff, win with a partial cast. That is what big time QB's do!
  9. Spikes was always a DL playing LB.....really large man.
  10. These reporters will eventually realize that the Buffalo area is a LONG way from the left coast. And, a long way from the NYC lefties as well.
  11. McCray is contributing......don't see him going....maybe an OL guy is my guess......or, a DB And, lets see who gets hurt this week.............
  12. Point taken. I was at that game....and Biscuit and Bruce had Elway's head on a swivel.....a memorable debut for a rookie. They did put Elway on the carpet a few times that day.
  13. Seems like an overstatement of likelyhood. Playing well for three games.......but not exactly a jaugernaught yet...to many problems on the O side yet.
  14. Karlos likely back to pickup the last of his personal belongings........perhaps his fav toaster oven for reheating Bocce's........
  15. Never an NFL down of football. Some learning curve stuff ahead. Not a starter this season....but, next year likely.
  16. He will likely have a new contract who knows where when Raglund returns....unfortunately.
  17. Yep, let J Byrd take a hike.....and the Saints are suffering for ever more......
  18. Cameo appearance for a rookie lb who has never played an NFL down....even in preseason. He is not likely to contribute much this season imho. However, if somebody goes down.....in the LB core, then he will get a real shot real quick. It will be interesting to see if Alexander gets benched while leading the team in sacks. (tied anyhow, Hughes has 4 also) Whaley and Ryan have a lot invested in Lawson, and that may get him on the field more, especially if the Bills are out of the race later in the season. We know that Lawson, being one of their picks, will get his shot sooner or later. And, same with Raglund.....and the likely reason that Z Brown will be elsewhere next year. Won't pay big bucks to keep their #2 on the bench.
  19. Gilmore is an interesting case. Great cover most of the time...intercepts a few....not a league leader, but some anyhow. Doesn't tackle particularily well, and doesn't do returns...doesn't like to hit........his statue last week when the big Rb from NE came at him was a revelation to me. gilmore is a little like neon Dion....great cover, not so much on the run....but he does no returns....thus, he is not Patrick Peterson. He deserves a good but not great contract. Whaley let J Byrd walk, and that was geneus.....based on what Byrd has done in NO.....I think retention of Gilmore is under a 50/50 chance....and, we need a plan B. Darby will hit, and seems like the more complete CB in the long term. Maybe we should let gilmore and resign Zach Brown.....who will get big bucks now based on this years performance....oh, wait, R Raglund is their guy....they will let Z Brown walk also.......
  20. Not so fast.....10 wins seems like a lot for this crew. Expecially without their #1 receiver.....I don't think the O skill players other than McCoy are up to doing a 10-6 year. Taylor, perhaps....is the other one who could do....and, should 10-6 really happen, would validate TT as a true NFL QB, no matter how he does it.
  21. Frankly, I was surprised at how effective it was against the Pats....like they didn't believe it was coming, and they didn't prepare for it. Expecially with gilly in there.
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