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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Ahhh, not so fast. He was an underachieving first round pick for the first three years here. He has done well sometimes the last two years, but is still afraid to hit....might cost him big money....I understand. He is sort of like Dion Sanders in that regard, without the interceptions. Now, he has 5 this year......and counting...but, I don't think he had 5 his first 4 years. His body of work, then, is good recently, and was very average the first three years here. I would say he will get paid big....but, I would rather keep two or three other A players around and not spend the big bucks on one position. (Z Brown, for example...on a 1 year contract) The Bills have the most free agents in the league...and some will leave just because they don't want to be part of the fiasco that is the Buffalo Bills. the Bills are serving as the minor leagues for the rest of the NFL. (btw, McKelvin returns an int for a TD today....I can't recall Gilmore ever doing that in his 5 years here)
  2. PLeezzze.....no more EJ......worst passer the Bills have had in several decades. As a season ticket holder, I see all those long balls missing by 10 yards. EJ can throw it far, but, not accurate like TT. TT has had a few tough outings...but, I have to say, Sammy looks out of sorts and not in the right spot like a guy who was out for 8 games, and didn't practice for two months.....oh yeh....that is his situation. TT would be better with first rate receivers. Woods showed what he can do against Seattle and a couple of others. Unfortunately, he will be gone for BIG bucks after this year. TT needs receivers....and hasn't had them much this year.
  3. On the topic of elusivity......TT is the fastest QB I have ever seen, and I have seen Mike Vick. His elusivity would be even better if he made the move to run a little quicker. the run is often there, and when he gets caught it many times because he is looking downfield to long. Bills had another guy with the physical skils like TT...Rob Johnson about 15 years ago....he held on WAY to long....TT just way to long sometimes.
  4. The Billsl have ruined a lot of QB's in their time......don't rush Cardale into the game until they think he is ready to get a shot. I don't agree that TT cannot be the Qb of the future. I don't know what to do about the foolish contract the Bills gave him. Would not surprise me to see him play elsewhere for same money as he might not get here. Ossweiler go $18mil a year...and has shown less than TT.........TT will never be Andrew Luck....but, he might be Alex Smith
  5. Well, TT starts until maybe the last game...which will be a preseason like Jets game. Lets give Cardale some time then. EJ...he is the past and will not be on this roster next year. (don't slam the door on your way out) Cardale may be the future.....but, so is TT. I think TT has improved this year over last, and will do it again in his 3d year as a starter. Now, the money thing is a problem....and Whaley was the guy who negotiated the Bills into this situation. (he was an EJ guy until Rex brought in a legit alternate TT) don't know how that plays out, but, TT will make 18-20 mil somewhere next year, I am not worried about him finding work. I think the Bills have to stay with him imho.
  6. CJ's career circling the drain at this point. Nice guy, but was a bad pick for the Bills at #9 in the first round. Had his moments....but, they were to few.
  7. The REX hire was the result of greenhorn owners....buying REX line of bull. We should have given Schwartz a chance, best D we had had in years. I know, he didn't do well as HC in Detroit, but Marv Levy was on his second gig in Buffalo....he was at KC and Montreal before coming to the Bills.
  8. The lack of takeaways is the "feel" problem. The lack of big D plays that turn the ball over. The db's aren't catching the ball.
  9. Well, the CBA allows this.......suspension. However, a good lawyer could drum up a pretty good case on the civil rights basis, and overturn the CBA and the NFL's policy here. Medical mj might be the right treatment for him. Perhaps an Independent Medical Opinion (IMO) should be used by the NFL in such cases. (I borrowed that term from my professional career, where a union contract I was familiar with had various roles for IMO's) I think such a standard could be fair to all concerned.
  10. A real deep threat is important. And, with Goodwin on the other side, against the #2 cb, that might work out as well. don't target Goodwin often, but, he has had three bombs this year...he is due another. Anyhow, Sammy, when 100% needs to be a 10 -12 targets a game...and Goodwin deserves a couple of bomb shots as well.
  11. That tackle move is not the worst idea I have ever read on this board....in fact, might be the right thing to do....best tackle against best end....but still would have to help Cordy.....as Mack has got it goinnnnn..so, they likely won't do that.......assignments switched etc etc....if they do it, we read it here first.
  12. He showed the rest of us today what a pro is....he delivered......it wasn't easy.....but he made the big play.......got a couple of td's and a tough 2 point conversion....the 2 pt was on muscle, not speed. He is multidimensional. I used to think he was overpaid....today he earned his pay.
  13. Actually, blame REX for this.....Harvin is one of REX's former JETS. I am tired of those retreads....REX just cannot give up on Harvin........Whaley is doing this signing because REX ask him to. You want hot water for Whaley...talk about Hogan...not one of REX;s former JETS, and expendible.
  14. Lots of pain killers besides pot........not worth naming....but, get a script if you need it. Say, Tramadol........
  15. Dez Bryant had the same injury....and missed the rest of that season a couple years ago. It would not surprise me at all if Sammy did not make it back on the field this year. I saw the clip on Ch 7 of his first workout....he looks no where near game condition. Not this weekend imho....and maybe not at all this year.
  16. Yes, after watching the Cinci game, I agree, Harvin has lost a step or two. He is a burner only by reputation.
  17. The throw to Harvin.....yes, I was bothered by that one also...but, I am asking myself....was that a spot pass....did TT miss the throw.....or, did TT hit the spot, and Harvin fail to get there. This isn't like playing catch in the yard...TT is not always looking at the route and hitting the guy in stride. Sometimes it is a spot pass. So, as much as I was also frustrated by that play.....I don't know exactly where the failure lies. For sure, TT/Harvin not on the same page...and maybe that was it....in better days that is Sammy, and it connects.
  18. Woods has shown his stuff over several seasons....not as explosive as Sammy, but somewhat more durible..even though he has been injured a lot. Sammy, imho, has not yet earned a big deal coming up after his first contract. CAn't pay off big on potential...have to have seen the goods. Haven't seen that w/ Sammy yet. Brittle....reminds me of Paul Paulzony....back a few year....he was brittle in Buffalo...and signed elsewhere (Jacksonville) Still there playing so so...collecting on his big deal.....a good decision to let him walk. Managing this cap stuff is tough...for sure. NO, I think Hogan is the #2......amendola is #3...Hogan has better deep speed than DA by far.
  19. Travel to Mexico has its perils, even in the big cities. You do have to watch where you eat....no street vendors...or Montezuma's revenge will certainly get you. Now, I expect that meals will be brought in from qualified sources, as will the drinking water. I guess the NFL has not clear the hotel kitchens...or perhaps they outsource to local resturants that are not NFL inspected. Anyhow, if a whole team got ill, it would derail the NFL mission to Mexico and hurt the teams in the standings. I wonder if there ever has been an NFL forfet due to food poisoning? And, they will be drinking bottled water.
  20. Goodwin may or may not be gone. He actually made some plays this year.....and I would not mind seeing him back next year. That is a change from my view a year ago. Listenbee is fast....but, totally unschooled in route running....he has said he only ever ran one, the same route, all the time in college. This guy needs a year of redshirting. Another specimen who may or may not be a football player. (another Dan Brandenburg, for those who remember that 80's lb specimen)
  21. Romo is damaged goods....a physical wreck.....we don't need him here. TT is going to be the man for the next 5 years imho...even after Rex is gone.....which might be sooner than later imho.
  22. Yes, the Bills should have taken AJ Green that year....who went #5 in the first round.
  23. Wait a minute....Duke NOT so fast, and not so smart, apparantly............Adious Amigo!
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