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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. That tackle move is not the worst idea I have ever read on this board....in fact, might be the right thing to do....best tackle against best end....but still would have to help Cordy.....as Mack has got it goinnnnn..so, they likely won't do that.......assignments switched etc etc....if they do it, we read it here first.
  2. He showed the rest of us today what a pro is....he delivered......it wasn't easy.....but he made the big play.......got a couple of td's and a tough 2 point conversion....the 2 pt was on muscle, not speed. He is multidimensional. I used to think he was overpaid....today he earned his pay.
  3. Actually, blame REX for this.....Harvin is one of REX's former JETS. I am tired of those retreads....REX just cannot give up on Harvin........Whaley is doing this signing because REX ask him to. You want hot water for Whaley...talk about Hogan...not one of REX;s former JETS, and expendible.
  4. Lots of pain killers besides pot........not worth naming....but, get a script if you need it. Say, Tramadol........
  5. Dez Bryant had the same injury....and missed the rest of that season a couple years ago. It would not surprise me at all if Sammy did not make it back on the field this year. I saw the clip on Ch 7 of his first workout....he looks no where near game condition. Not this weekend imho....and maybe not at all this year.
  6. Yes, after watching the Cinci game, I agree, Harvin has lost a step or two. He is a burner only by reputation.
  7. The throw to Harvin.....yes, I was bothered by that one also...but, I am asking myself....was that a spot pass....did TT miss the throw.....or, did TT hit the spot, and Harvin fail to get there. This isn't like playing catch in the yard...TT is not always looking at the route and hitting the guy in stride. Sometimes it is a spot pass. So, as much as I was also frustrated by that play.....I don't know exactly where the failure lies. For sure, TT/Harvin not on the same page...and maybe that was it....in better days that is Sammy, and it connects.
  8. Woods has shown his stuff over several seasons....not as explosive as Sammy, but somewhat more durible..even though he has been injured a lot. Sammy, imho, has not yet earned a big deal coming up after his first contract. CAn't pay off big on potential...have to have seen the goods. Haven't seen that w/ Sammy yet. Brittle....reminds me of Paul Paulzony....back a few year....he was brittle in Buffalo...and signed elsewhere (Jacksonville) Still there playing so so...collecting on his big deal.....a good decision to let him walk. Managing this cap stuff is tough...for sure. NO, I think Hogan is the #2......amendola is #3...Hogan has better deep speed than DA by far.
  9. Travel to Mexico has its perils, even in the big cities. You do have to watch where you eat....no street vendors...or Montezuma's revenge will certainly get you. Now, I expect that meals will be brought in from qualified sources, as will the drinking water. I guess the NFL has not clear the hotel kitchens...or perhaps they outsource to local resturants that are not NFL inspected. Anyhow, if a whole team got ill, it would derail the NFL mission to Mexico and hurt the teams in the standings. I wonder if there ever has been an NFL forfet due to food poisoning? And, they will be drinking bottled water.
  10. Goodwin may or may not be gone. He actually made some plays this year.....and I would not mind seeing him back next year. That is a change from my view a year ago. Listenbee is fast....but, totally unschooled in route running....he has said he only ever ran one, the same route, all the time in college. This guy needs a year of redshirting. Another specimen who may or may not be a football player. (another Dan Brandenburg, for those who remember that 80's lb specimen)
  11. Romo is damaged goods....a physical wreck.....we don't need him here. TT is going to be the man for the next 5 years imho...even after Rex is gone.....which might be sooner than later imho.
  12. Yes, the Bills should have taken AJ Green that year....who went #5 in the first round.
  13. Wait a minute....Duke NOT so fast, and not so smart, apparantly............Adious Amigo!
  14. I thought Ed Reed was supposed to be that guy.....apparently not.
  15. TT is better this year than last, and will only get better imho. He is here under the new contract for the duration imho. Of course, that could change, and I agree the next 7 games are important to demonstrate improvement.....but, NEXT year is his year to be a full blown QB....he is almost there......still learning. I am looking forward to seeing him the next few years. He will get Bills, finally, to the playoffs. Seems to me, though, that the Phin's a going to do it this year....unless, of course, the bills can derail them on christmas eve.
  16. Hoping to join Hogan on Belicheats team....but for way more than the $3mil/yr Hogan gets.
  17. I saw an interview on ESPN with Bill Polian about when Rex was hired. The announcer ask Polian if Rex could take the Bills great D (4th that last year, I think) and make it even better. Polian said NO! Rex D is a swiss watch compared to Schwartz simpler schemes. He said it would take two years for the players to learn the system....and that every game the D had to be gameplanned.....whereas Schwartz D just allows the players to react in a limited number of ways to different offensive moves. Polian, on that day, was Sooooooo correct. Our D still doesn't get it....half the time (I overstate perhaps) the Rex D players are looking at each other, and not at the offense when the snap goes off. Rex D is flawed with all the adjustment every play...the swiss watch Polian was talking about. Long term, the Bills will be better off when Rex and his D schemes are gone.
  18. Seems a good summary....I would argue a couple...TT for example....I think he going to be the next long term QB....really played well at Seattle. If Henderson can't beat out Mills next camp, we are in trouble...and SH has to go. I think a draft pick in the tackle business is needed, but not a 1. (as Mills also has to go) Sammy is a semi bust...brittle doesn't make in the NFL. We will be talking about Sammy next year like we are talking about Gilmore this year . Woods is a really good #2, skills and heart imho. If Sammy isn't our #1, got to go get one. So, Woods belongs on the up list I think. Goodwin is improved this year, actually playing wr and catching a few. He represents a problem for the D whenever he is in.....and, I guess I would put him on the little plus list. But, he is also in a contract year, and will be gone imho.
  19. Good commentary. I am concerned A Lynn might get promoted out of Buffalo if he keeps showing the capabilities he has shown as OC. It seems early, but in the NFL strange things do happen.
  20. She is not subject to the CBA........sorry to go legal on you, but that is pretty obvious. And, she does have her first Amendment rights of free speech. I thought it was hiliarious myself.
  21. Part of that trend of never coming from behind is the team that Whaley/Rex have built.....the bully running game philsophy. The Bills have little (if any) quick strike capability. The are a grind it out team...not designed to come from behind. That overall scheme is not on TT. TT is the QB they have picked to execute the plodding offense.....and he may well be the best choice for that role with his skill set.
  22. The right answer in WNY is to put an air supported dome over New Era field....problem solved.....except, of course, the NFL's desire to jack up revenue to extract maximum revenue from the fans. And, if a mega snow storm hits again like before the Jets game a couple of years ago, we have to shut down the game because the emergency needs of the community outweigh the playing of the game...another trip to Detroit, then. The dome will not guarantee playability of games during major snow events....the infrastructure can't stand the big snow either, even if the stadium could. (And, downtown, it would be even worse than in OP with to few roads in and out)
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