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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Actually Nate Hackett was doing that......that year I recall he did some fancy thing like forming a corp, and selling shares in his future income stream. He did this ala Robert Griffin III Not sure how that is coming out for EJ........but could not be good for those who bought the shares.
  2. All this QB shopping is interesting....but, the cap causes another big decision....do you pay the QB (TT, Bradford, whoever) or, do you pay gilmore the CB big bucks.....likelly can;t afford both. I would dump the CB and pay a good QB. (TT my choice, but whoever)
  3. IMHO, the only good thing REX did at Buffalo was bringing in TT. I favor his retention. This franchise is seriously disfunctional, and I don't doubt they could make a bad decision wrt to Tyrod. TT will come out OK, however, he will start somewhere in the NFL next year, and make his 15-20mil/year.
  4. Dream on....EJ was always a character guy, but still the deer in the headlights guy when the game speeds up. And, although his arm is strong, it is inaccurate. Sammy will go nuts if EJ stays. EJ cannot throw a long accurate ball like TT. EJ has to be gone.......why isn't Cardale ready to get a development game in........did somebody spend a fourth on a guy who could not get ready to play a game after a year on the roster? Really....that is administrative incompetance. Probabily the same administration that drafted a #1 with a bad shoulder, and a #2 with a bad knee.....
  5. I think TT is at least the intermediate answer..next 3-4 year...at QB. If Bills let him go, he will start somewhere else in the league next year and do just fine. This is about cap money imho, not TT's ability to improve and be an NFL starting QB. And, the cap is whaley's mess.
  6. Actually, we know EJ is not worth keeping. Starting EJ is an admission that Cardale, after a full year on the roster, is not yet capable of playing an NFL game. THAT is an inditement of Whaleys draft for Cardale. Seems to me Cardale should be ready for a developmental game...and if not, xxxxx!!! Why was he, drafted at all then?
  7. Yes, this is correct. Pettine was a high caliber guy, but his D had some of the same problems that Rex D does....as, it was basically the same D....a 3x4.....Schwartz came in and did a much better job with the same talent in the 4-3. So, this comment is dead on correct.
  8. If the injury clause is the reason....to start another QB...OK, then Cardale. EJ is never anything but a backup.....an audition...for what? Whaley is a problem....has to go also. If TT is let go , he will land elsewhere and get into the playoffs with another team....don't cry for TT...cry for Bills fans. I am dumping my season tickets if I see EJ Sunday. I could support giving Cardale a game (sunday) to help him for the future. But, EJ, stupid stupid stupid. I have no ill will for EJ, I just want him gone gone gone!
  9. Lynn has done a great job taking over roman's O.........and shows the ability to put together effective game plans most of the time. He has gotten out coached a time or two, but that is the nature of the game. I , for one, would not object to giving Lynn a shot.....would hope he would bring in a new D coordinator/new D. I don't want to keep the Ryan intricate D....we need a Schwartz like D that reacts and has simple choices...so the players can play, not have to be part of a swiss watch D. and have to over focus on what to do, rather than just doing it. That, imho, is the problem with the Rex D two years in...some of the personnel as still thinking...not reacting and hitting out there.
  10. J Byrd was a ball hawk.....but, as a cover goy, he wan't much at all. And, he was slow...slower than the lb's the bills had during his time here. Whaley did a good job not overpaying for Byrd. thank god the he didn't take the Bills (still) substantial offer...yes, he got more money.......Whaley really gave the Saints a torpedo below the water line on this one.
  11. Bills ruined Jets playoff hopes last year last home game........so lets do it to the Phins this year.
  12. Marrone did not get on with Whaley either. Whaley believes in his acquisitions, to a fault. EJ the worst example........
  13. Glennon will have lots of opportunity for pretty big money. what makes him want to come to Buffalo with its disfunctional organization? Absolutely nothing other than a salary so big nobody else will pay it. Anyhow, I don't think the writers can see that far down the road...and, I for one, think TT is going to be a great QB yet....look at Cousins...5 th year I think, and finally showing he can be the guy. It takes a long time. TT will get his money...maybe not from the disfunctional Bills, but somewhere who is willing to continue to develope with him.
  14. Bills secondary will play nice.....Landry will not get what he deserves....its a money league.......and nobody will risk fine to speak for what Landry did to AW. See the other thread on this topic.
  15. Well, interesting discussion here. I thought the Landry hit on A Williams was vicious....and unnecessary. He enjoyed getting into AW that way. Was disappointed that no Bill took after him that day...but, this isn't High School, its a money game. And, I don't expect any illegal hits on Landry this time around either. However, these players, some of whom hit hard in the course of the game, do extend "professional courtesy" to one another during the game when they so choose. When the receiver is down not by contact, they will tap him on the shoulder and , then, the receiver is down. I would wish that the Bills not extend that professional courtesy to Landry...in fact, I would prefer that they legally hit him a full shot given that opportunity. Now, as discussed here, our DB's don't really have that mentality. Gilmore is playing for his next contract and will not stick his nose in anywhere. Robey-Coleman, Darby not so much either. I can't think of a real hitter back there who would do the job that I would like to see. Maybe one of the lb's, but, Alexander, Z Brown are one year rentals......don't see that mentality either there. Maybe Brandon Spikes understands what should be done......but he isn't seeing the field much these days...these Bills are still capable of winning two more....not sure they are going to take the opportunity for even a clean lick on Landry, as very deserving opponent. (for those of you old enough to remember, these Bills need a Leonard Smith type safety, a real big hitter)
  16. Rex was a bad hire...I was disalusioned day one. His ego gets in the way and his bs is offensive to me. Having said that, he does get some things....he picked TT over EJ......and, I think Rex is correct about TT....TT will be a good, if not great, QB in this league. But, Rex is biased......to many old NY JEts picked up.....just becasue they know the intricate Ryan D......not the best players. And, to many Clemson comments as well...OK, his son goes there....but if Shaq fails to be NFL caliber player, thats on Ryan....anyhow......I won't miss him if he goes. I just can't stand going thru another decade.....of rookie ownership stumbling around. I have decided to let my season ticket participation go after more than three decades....can't stand the side show anymore.
  17. I just wish they were a little more intelligent about what they say.....
  18. I guess the board would say I am mixed up.....but, I want to see Ryan go....I hated the hire day 1. But, I would like to see TT stay....imho..TT still developing, and really has good tools. He isn't complete yet, but is getting better. TT will make his $20mil next year somewhere......just maybe not with the Bills. do you supposed Whaley is still pissed that his guy EJ sat the bench behind TT for two years? And, glad to see EJ finally go too. I think we have rookie owners problems right now. I am dropping my season tickets after many decades (really)...can't stand the ongoing hot mess with the bills anymore.
  19. going to loose a few guys on one year contracts. Zach Brown likely for one......the Bills will rationalize that Ragland is that player replacement, of course, we haven't seen that....but Brown is north of 100 tackles and can cover. He will get premium dollars in the free agent market...and, the Bills will get some sort of draft choice imho. But that pick is 18 and its a long time until that replacement hits the field.
  20. The ability to practice in snow is hampered by the CBA...the Teams are only allowed so much practice time each week. They need to install the game plan for the next week, and indoors with good conditions makes sense for that activity. there isn't an extra hour a couple of times a week to go out and run plays in the snow, sleet, rain etc. since the weeks practice allotment is used up. This is a case where the union negotiated to the players desires....and won. And, the quality of the game has suffered...as the players are less ready. We didn't get a ticket price reduction when they decided jointly to degrade the quality of the game.....its one of the reasons I am not renewing my 4 tickets next year.
  21. I expect a stinker of a game....another 6-3 debacle....with who knows on the scoreboard as the winner. There will be two losers of this game...the Browns and the Bills.....make that three..include the fans who paid money to see this meaningless game.
  22. Rex will not be canned during the season. Who would take over?.......ALynn is the only candidate, but , then, the Pegs face either giving the job to him.....or, discharging an acting minority HC. Al Sharpton will be up the Thruway in a heartbeat screeming on 55 about racism. Better to let A Lynn interview with other candidates....and pick the best one. I would like to see a big name...Cowher, Urban Myer, Gruden (J)...whoever. A Lynn has to much of Rex on him for my liking. the other tactic is to give Whaley the job of selection.......and, if the new coach fails, then, boot the GM and coach to the street.
  23. I am tired of this split control. I say give Whaley the job of getting a coach he can support. If they don't produce, then, heave ho the pair. The only way to get out of this spiral of failed coaches dumped in two or three years. I am not totally buying what the media is shoveling on Rex yet......I was opposed to his hire day 1....and my view is vindicated imho......but, owners who bought his line of bull at time of hiring might continue to buy it for a while longer to try and "save" the specter of acknowledging they made a bad hire to start their ownership. time will tell....you know, Marrone went to the mat with Whaley to get Orton...and Orton was a ton better than EJ....and Rex was never a EJ guy either. Now, REX appears to want to not play Cardale......and......I see both sides. It sad to see TT developing so slowly. He missed a couple of easy ones today.......but, there were at least 3 drops that hit is receivers in the hands.
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