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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Gilmore is a decent cover but no tackle cb........we need to pass on this guy.
  2. Is there no chance Henderson will stop using weed and pan out as a player for the Bills at RT? How many games left in his suspension? 10 to serve....I don't recall how many he got served last year. BTW....I think he needs to get a good lawyer and sue the NFL and the Players union in his circumstance, he can make it really uncomfortable for the NFL and Union and might just win.
  3. I get the physcial paper when at home in Niagara county...Buffalo News, that is. But, when in Florida.....I read the digital version. I can tell you the on line version is not as satisfying as the written word......despite the time delay. First of all, the website has little national news....I have to go to another website to get that coverage. (I subscribe to Wall Street journal for that) The hardcopy version has that national news as well.....and, I am not a slave to small screens. (I use both PC and iphone) the Buffalo News continues to hold it together for the most part. When I am in Florida, I am still caught up with the local WNY news. For sports coverage, local is the only way...as the national media don't really give a rat about the Bills, Sabres, UB, Cansius, Niagara, St Bona and the high schools. And, NYS news is also well covered by Buff News....although I admit WSJ also has a NY section. As a Bills fan...I do occasional read an article from both the Rochester and Syracuse papers...as they do have beat writers, and those guys are sometimes better than the several dogs at Buff News. (only Carucci is on spot imho) (Joe Buscaglia is also btw) Anyhow, I hope the print news survives.......as I don't like national only coverage and the broadcast media is the drive by media to borrow a phrase.
  4. yes, that is true....but it enables a new HC to field his team of coaches with folks he knows and trusts....and for a fast start at getting it done...and not having to learn about each other via an off the street hire....things can be moved along faster.
  5. This crew has legit credentials........Rex crew...well, not so much. Rex coaching staff was substantially inbred.....and results showed it. He did keep Crossman....and I think thats OK....given the horses....he can coach them up. I t hink the coordinators are a strength.........not so sure about the position coaches. Would have liked to see some continutiy on the offensive side....Kromer maybe....but, I guess every new head coach wants mostly his own people. With a better receiver corp....and another tackle, the O might be good. Lynn actually was capable as the O coordinator, more so than Roman as we saw. I worry, though, that the new coaching staff will have some time to get to know each other and players. I don't expect to much the first year.........as opposed to Ryan's crew which was a lot of Jets retreads. Rookie owner mistake bringing in Rex and crew to the bills.
  6. Goodwin to brittle, has to go. A miracle that he played that much in 2016, after two years of not playing at all. Listenbee, however, may be fast, but really has almost zero route running skills......and, was held out for "medical" reasons......ummmm...well.....he would not have seen the field in any event. I think Listenbee is practice squad material in 2017.
  7. Whaley didn't want Hogan back...not worth even a contract offer. So, NE gives Hogan $3Mil a year for three years....as a #2 wr (Edelman #1) and Hogan catches 600 yards and 5 td's this year. Hogan is a legit #2, but wasn't good enough for the Bills. Makes me wonder about the talent judges in the front office.
  8. I gave mine up...I am a local....but, after these many decades...yes decades, circumstances have changed. The stadium experience isn't what it once was....I hate going thru the security lines...even had a near miss on a safety issue at the Jets night game this year as the crowd knocked down barriers, and my wife and I were lucky not to get hit with the fence...we were right there. In addition, the crowd is no longer a football crowd...more of a party crowd, there to attend but not necessarily for the football in many instances. Also, we are out of town a lot now....6-7 fall weekends a year......and , the fact that tickets for Cleveland and Miami game this past year could not be GIVEN away. I also feel that the Bills do not stand up for their attending fans....cold weather games have always been harder sells....but, how do they have four home games on or after Nov 27 like this year? TOTAL disregard for the stadium fans, that is how that happens. So, no more money from me for the Bills.....we had 45 yards line seats in the lower bowl. I can watch by the fire at home...or by getting to a Bills bar if out of town.
  9. Yeh, best QB available......maybe even two.....as we may hve two slots open.
  10. Actually, I think TT wants to stay.....but, he will have plenty offers to move on if the bills don't keep him. Unlikely, says me, he will stay with a renegotiated deal....already did that with the Bills.....and if they opt out, he will go looking to the same money or better elsewhere. rumor mill says Denver, but there are other candidates....Jets, for example, who are in as bad shape as the Bills.....where gino, hackenberg and petty are all ng......and we know Fitz is done in NY.
  11. Defensive linemen can play for long careers if they can muster the will. I think the complete redo of the coaching staff will give him pause, and he may just retire. (recall A Schobel) I think he can contribute substantially if he is healthy.....$7mil is pretty heafty though..but, he likely earns it on a production basis. I would like him to stay.
  12. Not a well thought out thread. I mean....we have Shady McCoy, a stud of a running back....and he and Chip Kelly have bad blood going back to Philly days. Now, you can have one but not both. I vote to keep McCoy.........Kelly will NEVER be in Buffalo while McCoy is here.
  13. Actually, Crossman did a pretty good job here, once an adequate priority was placed on having good players on the ST. I would hope Crossman would stay.
  14. Yes, the Bills are a farm team for others.......there is a price at which Gilmore is not a good deal for the Bills....Whaley got it right wrt Byrd....lets hope he gets it right for Gilmore.
  15. I would not be surprised to see TT end up starting for the JETS.
  16. Amen....but, I am already dropping my season ticket....so, I can't vote again with my feet!
  17. Ahhh......... 399 points is not failing to move the offense.....the chains moved plenty this year. That is 25 points a game....with a bad D that got very few turnovers.
  18. I am dumping my season tickets, no more money for this franchise from me.
  19. A stud receiver???? Well, not this year. A stud who couldn't do the cut moves because it hurt to much.....and, likely, should not have been out there at all. He wasn't healthy, and A Lynn knew it. He did come back and play with the pain, but his best moves were not available. So, the stud was really more average when he was on the field at all. So, the targeting arguments do not apply imho.
  20. In the end, cap management and the Bills stragedy to spend the cap to deliver a playoff team is flawed. Whaley, it seems, believes in cheap (not great) QB's and putting the money in the D line, and apparently CB's (if he pays gilmore)and perhaps running back. EJ can't play...maybe whaley will sign him for the vet minimum.....currently looking for a HC who will agee with that. Now, Lynn has seen EJ in action, and I expect that we won't see both back. Lynn will be HC with no EJ....or new HC, and miracle of miracles, the new coach wants to give EJ another shot. EJ's next shot should be the arena league, if that is still around. He needs to follow the JP Losman model.....of course, JP never played another NFL down after leaving the Bills (yes, he was on a couple of rosters for a few weeks.) I think Whaley is wrong to toss TT...maybe he wants him to resign for less bucks, but, who exactly wrote this current contract that the Bills want to use to dump him? Whaley put the bills in this situation. TT is the best QB in ten years....and, he is developing. Cousins is coming on in his fourth or fifth year....his fourth playing I think. (sat behind RG3 for first year) TT sat for 4 years at Ravens, and now two on the field. TT will sign elsewhere, and untimately show that Whaley is wrong letting him go.
  21. Bills 2016 passing game was designed to go outside the hash marks (source A Lynn) So, TT worked in an O designed to throw to a limited part of the field, and to throw less than almost all the other QB's. That was the design of the O......TT didn't throw over the middle much....HE WASN"T SUPPOSED TO!!! Need a new O coordinator with a new O, and TT will be just fine. I am all for paying TT the money and getting a better modern O in place. If Bills dump TT...well, he will get his money elsewhere. Now, he has a good contract here, but, he CAN get one elsewhere. (at least imho)
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