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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Defensive linemen can play for long careers if they can muster the will. I think the complete redo of the coaching staff will give him pause, and he may just retire. (recall A Schobel) I think he can contribute substantially if he is healthy.....$7mil is pretty heafty though..but, he likely earns it on a production basis. I would like him to stay.
  2. Not a well thought out thread. I mean....we have Shady McCoy, a stud of a running back....and he and Chip Kelly have bad blood going back to Philly days. Now, you can have one but not both. I vote to keep McCoy.........Kelly will NEVER be in Buffalo while McCoy is here.
  3. Actually, Crossman did a pretty good job here, once an adequate priority was placed on having good players on the ST. I would hope Crossman would stay.
  4. Yes, the Bills are a farm team for others.......there is a price at which Gilmore is not a good deal for the Bills....Whaley got it right wrt Byrd....lets hope he gets it right for Gilmore.
  5. I would not be surprised to see TT end up starting for the JETS.
  6. Amen....but, I am already dropping my season ticket....so, I can't vote again with my feet!
  7. Ahhh......... 399 points is not failing to move the offense.....the chains moved plenty this year. That is 25 points a game....with a bad D that got very few turnovers.
  8. I am dumping my season tickets, no more money for this franchise from me.
  9. A stud receiver???? Well, not this year. A stud who couldn't do the cut moves because it hurt to much.....and, likely, should not have been out there at all. He wasn't healthy, and A Lynn knew it. He did come back and play with the pain, but his best moves were not available. So, the stud was really more average when he was on the field at all. So, the targeting arguments do not apply imho.
  10. In the end, cap management and the Bills stragedy to spend the cap to deliver a playoff team is flawed. Whaley, it seems, believes in cheap (not great) QB's and putting the money in the D line, and apparently CB's (if he pays gilmore)and perhaps running back. EJ can't play...maybe whaley will sign him for the vet minimum.....currently looking for a HC who will agee with that. Now, Lynn has seen EJ in action, and I expect that we won't see both back. Lynn will be HC with no EJ....or new HC, and miracle of miracles, the new coach wants to give EJ another shot. EJ's next shot should be the arena league, if that is still around. He needs to follow the JP Losman model.....of course, JP never played another NFL down after leaving the Bills (yes, he was on a couple of rosters for a few weeks.) I think Whaley is wrong to toss TT...maybe he wants him to resign for less bucks, but, who exactly wrote this current contract that the Bills want to use to dump him? Whaley put the bills in this situation. TT is the best QB in ten years....and, he is developing. Cousins is coming on in his fourth or fifth year....his fourth playing I think. (sat behind RG3 for first year) TT sat for 4 years at Ravens, and now two on the field. TT will sign elsewhere, and untimately show that Whaley is wrong letting him go.
  11. Bills 2016 passing game was designed to go outside the hash marks (source A Lynn) So, TT worked in an O designed to throw to a limited part of the field, and to throw less than almost all the other QB's. That was the design of the O......TT didn't throw over the middle much....HE WASN"T SUPPOSED TO!!! Need a new O coordinator with a new O, and TT will be just fine. I am all for paying TT the money and getting a better modern O in place. If Bills dump TT...well, he will get his money elsewhere. Now, he has a good contract here, but, he CAN get one elsewhere. (at least imho)
  12. Actually Nate Hackett was doing that......that year I recall he did some fancy thing like forming a corp, and selling shares in his future income stream. He did this ala Robert Griffin III Not sure how that is coming out for EJ........but could not be good for those who bought the shares.
  13. All this QB shopping is interesting....but, the cap causes another big decision....do you pay the QB (TT, Bradford, whoever) or, do you pay gilmore the CB big bucks.....likelly can;t afford both. I would dump the CB and pay a good QB. (TT my choice, but whoever)
  14. IMHO, the only good thing REX did at Buffalo was bringing in TT. I favor his retention. This franchise is seriously disfunctional, and I don't doubt they could make a bad decision wrt to Tyrod. TT will come out OK, however, he will start somewhere in the NFL next year, and make his 15-20mil/year.
  15. Dream on....EJ was always a character guy, but still the deer in the headlights guy when the game speeds up. And, although his arm is strong, it is inaccurate. Sammy will go nuts if EJ stays. EJ cannot throw a long accurate ball like TT. EJ has to be gone.......why isn't Cardale ready to get a development game in........did somebody spend a fourth on a guy who could not get ready to play a game after a year on the roster? Really....that is administrative incompetance. Probabily the same administration that drafted a #1 with a bad shoulder, and a #2 with a bad knee.....
  16. I think TT is at least the intermediate answer..next 3-4 year...at QB. If Bills let him go, he will start somewhere else in the league next year and do just fine. This is about cap money imho, not TT's ability to improve and be an NFL starting QB. And, the cap is whaley's mess.
  17. Actually, we know EJ is not worth keeping. Starting EJ is an admission that Cardale, after a full year on the roster, is not yet capable of playing an NFL game. THAT is an inditement of Whaleys draft for Cardale. Seems to me Cardale should be ready for a developmental game...and if not, xxxxx!!! Why was he, drafted at all then?
  18. Yes, this is correct. Pettine was a high caliber guy, but his D had some of the same problems that Rex D does....as, it was basically the same D....a 3x4.....Schwartz came in and did a much better job with the same talent in the 4-3. So, this comment is dead on correct.
  19. If the injury clause is the reason....to start another QB...OK, then Cardale. EJ is never anything but a backup.....an audition...for what? Whaley is a problem....has to go also. If TT is let go , he will land elsewhere and get into the playoffs with another team....don't cry for TT...cry for Bills fans. I am dumping my season tickets if I see EJ Sunday. I could support giving Cardale a game (sunday) to help him for the future. But, EJ, stupid stupid stupid. I have no ill will for EJ, I just want him gone gone gone!
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