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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Shaq didn't have much, if any, impact this past season. although "healthy" after he came back.....he missed camp and was really just getting a taste of the pro game. I have no idea how he will do next year, but by the draft position he should be a player in the NFL. More likely we will be disappointed if he is only average....we need the #1 picks to be big hits. Same for Raglund...who was also touted as a potential #1. allegedly a work-a-holic that is a success factor.
  2. Henderson's situation here is at play in this discussion. His 10 gaem suspension has 4 games to run......but, can he go to camp? And play in the preseason? Don't know........in other situations, that is allowed...don't know about inside of the 10 game sit down. would like the new staff to take a look and determine if Marrone and the more recent OL coaches were wrong.....or is Henderson an NFL player. He certainly had his ups and downs, but his physical issues (Chrone's) may be behind him. Anyhow, if he is any good....he might play in here more than discussed so far. Of course, he may be a bad risk on the basis of his love for the cannibis plant...and...is the next one a year or lifetime. He does seem to be headed down the Josh Gordon path. (maybe for medical reasons, but rules are rules)
  3. Listenbee played a really simple offensive package at TCU . He ran only a few routes.....and got by with his speed against slower defenders. Now, with the pro's, that tactic won't work. He will need to learn moves and a complex offense. I look to him to be practice squad material really while he learns his trade. Same would have happened last year imho. the physical skills are good, but not great. I read on this message board that Listenbee was as fast as Goodwin. I don't think so, his 4.39 will not stay with Goodwin at 4.23 (I think it was ). Still, a low round draft choice healthy again, we can hope.
  4. Great returner, but needs to give up the stat hunt for the good of the team. I love the signing just for that. But, he was also a great fill in receiver, and did some run after catch that was excellant. Good man to have...a pro if he has anything left in the tank. Let McD decide that......
  5. If Tyrod gets hurt, we might not win a game after that.........so, record speculation is game you can't win. Jones has yet to show he is a pro...that is takes the necessary study seriously and practices with perfection. ( Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.) The prior coaching staff (I know, clowns among them) felt CJ was immature and not yet a pro.
  6. No based on hard skill sets. Also, no based on the intangibles...Sherman a loud mouthed bad actor, McCoy a professional in all ways, at least in his stay in Buffalo. NO NO and NO!!!
  7. Your 1A comment is correct. Because.....the Bills need to be prepared for Sammy's contract renewal......coming up one of these years. We don't need another Gilmore situation, where the heir apparent is not in the house. (although I could argue that Darby should be that guy in year 3)
  8. An offer sheet doesn't yet mean he will be a Bill. Shady, if he get his 1000 again, will be back into 2018. Guy is a beast.
  9. If the OBD management dumps TT, they will "lose" the locker room imho.
  10. Don't like that contract now? Then fire the guy(s) who negotiated it.....and, that wasn't REX.........Whaley Overdorf now cleaning up their contract mistake at the expense of the on field product. TT the best QB in 10 years for the Bills. (although Orton did pitch the rock some better)
  11. If Dareus fails another one, its a year out, at least. Would do a lot to solve the cap problem, anyhow, and this is not a zero probability.
  12. There are a lot of cases of D linemen playing well into their 30's age wise. Kyle, if he has the desire, might go on for several years more. His salary might need to be restructured...giving him more money over ,say, 3 years......say......$15 mil for three years.........thus effectively paying him $3.5 for the last two years of the deal........Risky, but, not overly so.....but, again, does he want to do this...he has made a lot of money already....and, he did a painful rehab.....does he want to risk that again. Or, is football just in his blood.....only he knows.
  13. Can't have Byrd back....he was to slow, had bad attitude here the last season or two and quit on the team. Worse than Mario by far. Besides, his father is the coach for the DB's and can't have neopotism that obvious on the team. Searcy might still have something left in the tank, however. Bills let him go as a FA becasue they didn't have the money to sign him. He didn't unlearn the game at Tenn....likely, they are just churning.
  14. If they keep TT and draft a QB, they should draft somebody who can operate in the same O mode. That is a QB who has wheels...won't find a QB with wheels quite as good a TT, but get somebody who can run. I actually don't know if Cardale fits that description. Reworking the O if TT get hurt is a major problem mid season.
  15. The GM doesn't pick the QB who starts....that prevents Whaley from making that decision. Cardale is a specimen for sure, but, not sure he has it mentally. And, all the coaches who helped tutor him this past season are gone......new staff will be starting over with Cardale. I wonder how much he really learned. The fact he was reported to have watched at least one Ohio State football game in full uniform tells me maturity isn't his strong point. Letting TT walk might do two things for Whaley....eliminates a competent QB from the competition...thus giving Cardale a better shot. And, of course, it lightens up the major cap problem a lot. I have to say I am really tired of Whaley advocating for "his" guy.....TT not being "his" (REX's) I say the new HC gets the final word on starting QB....and I am going to be real surprised if Cardale gets the nod. Whaley did arrange to have EJ "audition" for the QB job at the last Jets game........we all saw how that turned out....EJ gone......Bills need to picup 2 QB's if TT is let go. And, I don't want a rookie backing up the starter. MAYBE Cardale is the backup this year, but who is going to start if TT is let go?
  16. Letting Byrd (son) walk was one of the few whaley highlights.......don't make the mistake of bringing him back. He was bad attitude walking. And, I think bringing in his father is a PR mistake of the first order. The name is toxic in Buffalo and with me.
  17. Lets see...a couple more years, and his contract is up....and the Bills investment in him will hit the marketplace. If he can play, the Bills will have to bid for him, Really wondering about the stragedy of him using a Bills roster spot to develope for 3 years, and then departing. Seems like project guys are a bad bet in the NFL. I would cut him now. (Same scenrio with EJ, but he never became good)
  18. don't forget Kurt Warner two superbowls....he, in fact was an arena football QB at one point.
  19. I am a big TT fan......and agree keeping him is the way to go. Having said that......no way does reload apply........even with TT running the O. Reason....we are getting a new offense and defense.....and, the players will be learning a new system. That will have its bumps and missed assignments......and, really, the offensive and defensive systems are going to be rebuild........crazy Ryan D to a 4-3 ala Carolina/Philly. And the O will go from crazy ground and pound to a more balanced attack. (Yes, carryover special teams though)
  20. When you have Jim Brown in the backfield, it should have been illegal to throw at all. And Graham was the QB when Brown was in Cleveland....all those Browns powerhouses of the 50's. (I am not making this up, I said "Browns Powerhouses")
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