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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Helping here, I never believe a word of the hype for the new draft class. Media looking to put positive spin...help sell tickets etc. Show me on the field, then, and only then, will I believe.
  2. Watched Polian yesterday on ESPN....he said after hearing this report....that "YES, ROSEN WAS THE MOST PRO READY OF THE DRAFT CLASS THIS YEAR, BUT, HE IS NOT READY"! The chick announcers got a big laugh about that.....but the other guy0 (I forget) looked like he agreed w Polian.
  3. Well, I think the Bills want to see what comes out of 2018....see if AJ McCarron has the right stuff......give Josh Allen some games for development. Did you notice all the vets that were dumped? that is not a win now approach. Billls won't be terrible, but not likely to contend imho. A step back year, not a tank year, but a step back.....5-11 kind of year.....and Cutler has no place in that scenrio.
  4. Having crossed paths with Mr Tepper during my professional career, my opinion is that he is a not a man of high character. LOTS of money, but lacks character. Still, that won't disqualify him from owning the Panthers, as he is not convicted or accused in the newspapers. (that will come later)
  5. Rosen would have been fine....I am leary of the Allen pick.....I think Beane etc saw Allen in the Cam Newton mode ...that is big, tall gun of an arm. I am worried about the lack of accuracy reported in the media and statistically ........another EJ Manuel we don't need. EJ had plenty of arm strength, he just could not hit the receivers downfield.(and, of course, the lack of field presence) If that is what we got, we will be regretting this pick for a decade. JP was another problem...he had an arm, but not a head for the game.....oh well , another swing at the plate...hoping for the best for the Bills.
  6. This comment is spot on......that calculus is important. #32 is better than #33 by more than one draft position because of that effect. Good topic to discuss imho.
  7. Way back in the 60's, the trade of Dayrll Lamonica to the Raiders for tom Flores
  8. We had row 34 seats in the lower bowl many years....and have done one time seats as low as row5. I would not go below row 20 as thee lower you go, the harder it is to gauge the depth of the play. A little elevation helps follow the play imho.
  9. Keeping the picks is the best idea. A 1 in 3 shot in the top 5 for a franchise qb is not the kind of odds I bet. Admittedly, a lower pick might be 1 in5, but, got to wieght having some newer rookie starters. Two or three more like Tre White works for me.
  10. I don't know about all those other wr's ,but, Sammy Watkins has not shown yet that he is worth the money the Chiefs paid to get him. And, if he goes down again, he won't be worth the big time contract. (he will be injured again imho)
  11. Tribinsky didn't start for the Bears day 1, Watson didn't start for the Texans day 1, Aaron Rogers didn't start for the pack day 1........sooooooo...I don't agree w you on that statement.
  12. Yep, which is why the Bills won't likely get a crack at him. Unless, of course, they trade away all their picks that are sure fire starters. (1's and some 2's) I surely don't support the trade up scenrio where they dump all the choices......maybe a modest move up, but, not to #2 for sure.
  13. The problem w trading into the top 5 to get a "franchise guy" is that the odds of getting that caliber guy are still only about 1 in 3.......that is a bad bet imho. I would take a good looking QB in the first couple of rounds, and fill all the holes. Its the route to winning faster......and, if we had kept Taylor, we might have won with him at QB. Face it, the Dennison era was a diaster for the O.......he only wanted his system to start, which didn't work, so he had to revert to some of what worked in the past. And, the receivers we had were bottom of the barrel. (yes, even Benjamin after he was hurt) Keeping those picks and getting a handful of starters is the way to go. NEED wr, qb, ol,lb, cb......yikes.....need some serious help here. Glad I dropped my tickets.......
  14. A rookie QB, if there is one, may not even be playing if the Bills are still in the hunt. A rookie QB might be playing, however, if the bills are out of it, or if both the Jets and Bills are out of it. (Mahones got one game last year in that circumstance) So, it might be Peterman or AJ McCarron under center. And, the Jets new guy...who knows.....
  15. Many teams could use an all Pro rb......thats what is causing it.
  16. Got to sign a lot of live bodies if you are going to dump all your draft picks on a trade up stragedy. (not necessarily quality fb players unfortunately) I am not a fan of the trade up stragedy.
  17. I am not a fan of this stragedy. The Bills have way to may holes to fill. Lots of sub par journeymen being signed, so, the trade up play is set. Unless McCarron is a genius we are going to have a bad year or three. Not enough lb's,wrs, defensive line guys etc etc. This is watkins version 2.0. And, odds are it will come out the same way. I don't have an opinion on the top 5, but, even at best, quoting the stats elsewhere on this board, chances of a franchise qb in the top 5 are 1 in 3. Not my kind of bet. Color me disengaged and taking two years off as a fan if they do the trade up.
  18. Welcome I had a taste of being a Bills fan in Asia for one year. (Japan) Not easy, as games are on in the middle of the night if you want to watch live. NFL.com allows purchase of games on line if the web address is outside the USA if I recall correctly. But, mostly I watched recorded a day late in an American club while eating dinner, so it was a good experience. You make interesting point about Rosen.....but, I didn't even know he was Jewish until you mentioned it. That fact remains of no interest to me however, as I don't think that kind of marketing thinking (land in NY, Miami or LA) goes into the draft process anyhow. They do check character, but not what church the guy goes to. Same w the racism angle....the NFL is majority black these days, and nobody cares if a QB candidate is black or white....just can he play.
  19. My view is that Allen is the most Cam Newton like.....and likely what Bean and McD like........if he is gone...might not take an early QB........another wildshot thought anyhow.
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