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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. This is starting the trend toward the stadiums really becoming TV studios.....and in 50 years, there won't be many fans there at all. With the MEGABUCK TV fees, the income from the in house crowd is a negligible part of the revenue stream. They are treating their number one income stream right (TV networks that is) and screwing with the smaller income stream. Its good business stragedy, but lousy for the in stadium fans.
  2. Dabol has done a decent job....occasional brain cramps in play calling, but lots of good planning imho. After the fiasco that Dennison was, I am glad to have a pro like Daboll there. since Josh improved so much in yr 2 under Daboll , lets see if that improvement curve can continue. I would not mess with it were I McD......
  3. A process guy????? What planet are you from?
  4. enclaves will result...defactor segegration will say the activists. But, if you don't speak the language, you don't wanna be there. Pretty simple really, and not racial in any way.
  5. Dallas had him on the bench an awful lot when they had their season on the line. He is not the big FA receiver we need in that light..... But, I will go with the Bills brain trust on this issue.
  6. Wade had never played football.....yes, he seems to be able to run...but a year to learn the game on the sidelines was rright for him. Any notion he should have been on the field this year if way off base imho.
  7. The downtown location lacks the road infrastructure......massive traffic jams. And, the tailgating culture would have to disappear.....you think all those downtown bar owners will allow that across the street? Loss of the tailgating culture would mean a substantially different ticket customer base than currently exists in WNY. I would predict that such a new stadium would fail in terms of revenue generated...which is the NFL owners dream objective! The WNY market will not support x3 in ticket prices the NFL owners really want...they don't care where they play actually. But, WNY ain't LA or Dallas....... ( OR....maybe a stadium in Hamilton, ONT....draw from Toronto and Buffalo...then there would be zero real NY teams.? )
  8. Yes, unless that is fixed he is not the tight end of the future. He gets another season to show he can do it....then adious.
  9. Resigning Spain would be a great move, he was excellent this year. A proven starter...use some cap space there. As for receiver, the draft is the way to go. I am not a Cooper believer and think Green is to injury prone in his later years, so not a fan of signing either. Edge is critical, and that will be the #1 pick......and, another corner is always a good idea, a bigger on at that who can tackle better than the guys we have now. And, who knows how much White will cost when the time comes........I am not forecasting how that dialog comes out.
  10. My son, when in grade school, made the only sure thing bet I ever knew of on the Superbowl. He bet another kid a quarter the game was on Sunday, not Saturday. He of course won, but his teacher made him give back the quarter after she heard about the wager. Bad lesson for the kids, who conducted their business honorably, but were undone by the do gooder teacher. My son is long grown now, and a sometimes commentator on this forum. I hope he reads this.....anyhow, it can be important to know the game is (currently) on Sunday
  11. McCoy has made lots of money.....and even this year he made $4mil. Good to go to SB, but he would have played in Buffalo. Still think his weeks on the injured list in KC likely would have been the case in Buffalo as well. I think, however, he would have been a good example (maybe not mentor) for the young Motor. Shady in his best years in Buffalo was better than anybody since OJ. (TT was good but not as likely to go the distance as Shady)
  12. Although Tannehill and Tenn did well, it is not a forgone conclusion that they will be back together again next year. (Tannehill is a free agent) Money talks, and who knows the calculus around QB's. It does involve Millions of dollars, however. And, the Vrabel/Brady connection could come into play here imho, they certainly know each other well as they were Pats for years together.
  13. Yes, he was the OC for the 'boys before being HC.
  14. The desires of the season ticket base will not factor into the NFL's scheduling calculus. They don't care if its cold at night in Buffalo...real cold. I gave up my seasons because of the NFL willfully ignoring the wishes of the holders. Particularily, the logic of two home Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec games illudes the NFL schedulers. The bills over the last decade and a half had many seasons with 5 or even 6 games in Nov Dec. That is to motivate fandom to want a dome. (ain't happening)
  15. I will never forget the EJ Manuel meltdown the last time the Bills were in London.
  16. More money in the NYC area won't buy as much as he has in this area......not to mention his family in the area.
  17. this will have benefits if they also stabalize the players as well. Knowing the system is key to making it work. Should have a lot of that next season...not 9 new starters on the O particularily. (if we can resign them, anyhow) Daboll is part of Josh Allen's progression, and that is what the rest of the league is noticing. Bringing on a young Daniel Jones is what the G men had in mind. Denying interview for a laterial is fine....give Daboll a raise and an attaboy.
  18. I felt the same way. He might break one, and, I know he won't make a bonehead play back there. No more Ray-Ray back there......
  19. Various organizations handle the lateral moves to another organization in different ways. The corporation I was in for 35 years, allowed management to deny a lateral move if they wanted to.......but, could not deny a promotion interview unless you have concrete plans for that individual to be promoted in the near term. Maybe the Bills coach wants to go...who knows. Maybe he doesn't. And, nobody here at this website seems to know the actual rules of engagement on these matters in the NFL. (although many here say its a two level game.....HC and others. I doubt that myself as DC is a bigger title than DB coach and would lead to more HC opportunities)
  20. Shaq really wan't much the first three years....this year.....middle of the pack at best. I won't feel bad if he is gone....he was a disappointment for the Bills. they won't pay him big. some other team might, lot of bad judgement out there.
  21. If we change backup QB's (IF), and we are looking at the field of available options, I think looking for the backup should consider who might have a similar style...that is a pass/run threat. Barley won't run....and it changes the calculus of the O system a lot, especially if Josh goes down during a game.
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