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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Is his son still enrolling at UB this fall? Was as of a year ago.
  2. Makes sense from an epidemological viewpoint, but a non starter from a legal point of view. Age discrimination. As for no alcohol at the games, I go for the football, no problem for me personally. And, maybe I won't have to dodge the drunks when I do attend.
  3. Expanded Practice squad...beyond the NFL players contract just ratified. Yes, the players would not object to more practice squad guys making 10 grand a week.
  4. TE improved in his second year, just like Josh Allen. If they both take a step up again, the Bills will be tough this year. Lots of losses on the D, but, apparent replacements have been brought in. Not sure if a 9 sack replacement for Phillips is on the roster, though. But EO might get a dozen himself, so lets see how it goes.
  5. white is good.....as good a Gilmore has been for Pats? Maybe, maybe not....I keep wondering why Gilmore showed so much more for the Pats.....coaching? scheme? Anyhow, White will get a big payday. He is great in the zone scheme.....I don't know how his skills translate to a team that is not zone centric like the Bills. And, Edmunds may improve to the point he is also worthy of a big contract. He is not there yet either, like Josh, but both trending to deliver that performance level.
  6. Dalton will start for the Pats, and won't do that badly. A good system and coaches make a difference in individual performance.
  7. If Rogers goes down w injury, and Love plays well, GB will look like genius touched them.
  8. Never could catch very well. got the drops in the NFL....maybe to much weed or whatever.
  9. I like that ranking to be real, but, I just don't know yet. We will see. The Bills had an easy schedule last year....and won't this year. Second place schedule much harder than a fourth place schedule.
  10. My expectations are not super high. They will be playing a much tougher schedule this year, they had a cream puff schedule last year, with lots of losing teams. It would be a huge leap to do 10-6 imho. And, that might not win the div or make the playoffs. So, a good year w/o playoffs could still be an improvement. And, sadly, I fear there might not be a season at all this year.........
  11. Yes, but McKelvin stayed in the league for a decade....he was a pro for sure.
  12. Let Diggs perform to earn it. All those highlights in MINN don't mean anything. And, I think he has several years to go. If he sits out, lettem sit....no more caving like the Jason Peters situation. And, Oliver has not shown his chops yet....likely will, but you never know.
  13. We have seen his act...brittle and can't be on the field enoough.....no return for M Goodwin.
  14. Pegs tinkering w the structure of their management organization. It was inevitable, to me, that old timers would eventually go. But, McBean are new timers..Pegs people, and not going anywhere imho. Now, PSE could potentially imact the Bills, but, lets hope that McBean have a proper disrespect for management. (I didn't make up that term)
  15. Not so, really. CJ Spiller was a 7...and, he had so much trouble learning the play book that the Bills had the RB coach signaling in what to do from the sideline...he couldn't get the calls in the huddle.
  16. EJ was never going to make it. He was missing TJ Graham by 10 or 15 yards on all verticle routes early years. He had a few good games, but, I will never forget the fiasco in London. EJ, like Losman, did not have the head for the game imho. A decade wasted on those two guys. And, then there was Todd Collins......oh, never mind. (a failure in Buffalo but 15 years in the league)
  17. I recall his tenure. Yep, an old guy. The coaches wanted to give him a chance to make it, but he had a terrible start to the season, and the players felt he was "shaky" back there. So, the Bills cut him, he lost the confidence of his teammates. I was not surprised he resurfaced in the league, but, he had worn out his welcome with the Bills.
  18. Interesting parallel...I see it! No, real players availble in rnds 2-3, and sometimes in rnd 4-5 the one reason to get back into the first is you get to keep they guy for a fifth year if you want.
  19. I believe Romo's success as a commentor (he is great!) is making networks look at name brand QB's as future commentators.
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