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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Its a tough call because these are the same guys who kept the guy from Pitt and started him a few times. Lets hope they can see whats going on here this time. (Peterman)
  2. Not Jarious Byrd for sure. I had to look at Wikepedia to see who he was........
  3. Has Gilmore recovered from his lack of desire to hit on running plays? He was a wuss the last couple of years here......Any consideration of that fault in this ranking?
  4. If hee developes instincts and learns to plug the run, he will be all Pro. Right now, he can chase them down with the best, but, Chris Spielman like run plugger he is not. (yes, I remember Spielman)
  5. with the potential of no fans at games this year and the $5Billion loss of revenue for the league, I wonder about the cap situation going forward. One year deals are going to abound, with the cap , perhaps, going down next year. If it can go up, it can go down. If you got signed , you were smart or lucky (Poyer Spain come to mind) TV bucks for the NFL are big, but , $5 Billion + is a big hole in the revenue stream.
  6. Yes, he came from Wyoming.....not the SEC and didn't face the strongest competition in college. He has almost 2 seasons under his belt now as a pro...and, imho, is still on the learning curve. His head is right, and I think the stability of the coaching staff and his O line is a big factor. It is also true those folks also will improve this year...Daboll and company, and the O line as well. Adding Diggs and a better 2d running back will also help.( although Gore was a real pro for many games much to my surprise based on his age.)
  7. In Japan, they use the parking lots for shopping malls as drive in theaters after the malls close. Also works imho.
  8. That would make his price drop? likely not.... Yes, but I also am looking for his former safety instincts to kick in and get a few picks......he is worth watching for various factors. He is, of course, a fitness freak, and when right is what we want out there.
  9. Allen needs to improve again this year. But, so far, the improvement curve is encouraging. My bet is he gets better. Franchise QB, maybe not next year, but, still going to be headed that way imho.
  10. I don't see this guy as that guy....I mean the 35 mil man. And, I see the cap going down as long as there isn't a vaccine....meaning lost $5 bil of revenue to the league with no fans in the stands. The public health govs will see to that. I think Dak better grab this now, as later might be less. This virus thing is gonna take some years to clear....I wont' touch a vaccine the first year......I don't want to be the canary in the coal mine so to speak. Others will feel as I do , I am not bullet proof and neither are many others.
  11. Not clear how to pull this off, but they will try. And, some version of this idea may well be part of it. Just another enhancement on the face mask idea that was new 60 years ago. Such innovations won't be perfect, but could have some moderate effectiveness imho. got to do something about the oxygen and water bottle thing on the sidelines, though. Huddles? well, a lot to work through. I won't bet against the NFL wrt the players playing. Now, fans....thats a problem with the regulators in the game here. Lots of different states, counties going to have a voice.
  12. Ahhh...two oranges....squeezes the cup to hold one in to make the cup appear empty. Oh well......
  13. Leadership is where you find it, there is no formula....Steven A is wrong here. Kingsbury is one example that has yet to play out as a correct selection. But, John Lynch, the GM in San Fran 49's, is a good one. He never had a job in the NFL other than as a player. Everybody thought ownership was nut s to hire him, but, he has done a great job. There is no "road" to senior positions. Those candidates are "where you find them", not a specific place. GM's and HC's also have to have the confidence of the ownership. That is no small thing to accomplish...and speaks to that ill defined entity called chemistry. Could it be that minority candidates might have trouble generating that kind of relationship with some owners? Yes, I think so. No set of rules is going to solve that problem. Now, Buffalo hired McD without looking elsewhere...other than Anthony Lynn who was acting HC at the time. but, AL was flawed as a candidate with being from the Rex era.....performance has now shown AL has been competent w the Chargers, so the Bills might have done OK with him. Of course, McD was an all star pick, and getting Bean to join was just as good. Remember, the NFL teams are privately held...not corporations (except GB) and the owners call all the shots they want to call.
  14. On the positive side, salary cap relief for a few games.
  15. The bench may well be in the slammer. Druck driving, he can skate on that with a good lawyer. Weapons......slammer time.
  16. Games a hastle these days. Airport like security, fans standing the whole game...can't see over or around them. Now the virus. I will watch from my living room. Long time season holder here.
  17. At the risk of being the bearer of bad new, I think the calculus on Sunday ticket will be very different this year. DirecTV is on hard times.....and, their owner, ATT has decided to sell the entity call DirecTV. You might notice that there are no longer adds for their services on TV. The Wall Street Journal article on this topic said that a merger w Dish network may be the only out for ATT. ATT going to focus on direct streaming product they are developing. I have no idea what they might charge this year, I am wondering when their "franchise" for the sunday ticket will expire. I am working on another scheme for TV for my primary home....likely U-tube TV using a Fire stick. Anyhow, I will be watching this forum to find out what the experience is for loyal Bills fans as they try their various techniques to deal with subscribing (or not) to DirecTV and Sunday ticket . As I am in Florida for a lot of the season, the directv is now more appealing...last year I watched the Bills games at the corner bar/grill and ate pretty good wings in the process. (Ft Myers) Now, post virus, the bar is PERMANENTLY closed, and I am rethinking the Sunday ticket....many smaller bar/grill venues only have three or four screen liscenses w Directv, and getting them to put the B ills games up is a challenge.
  18. Could win it, but, NEVER count out the Pats when Belicheck running the show. McD is good, but, Bill B is proven all world.
  19. I think 1/4 stadium occupancy might work. Every other seat empty, and every other row empty. Tell the season ticket holders they get two games, not 8. No concessions open. Social distancing in the rest rooms. Better than turning the stadiums into TV studios, which is the more likely way this will go.
  20. Me too, the team that never quit was what I was thinking as they pulled off the amazing reversal. The Bills did light it up after the game was over. (EJ's famous deer in the headlights incidents also come to mind earlier in the game)
  21. A contract is a contract. the players get a percentage of revenue. If revenue declines, the cap will go down. I think any extensions going forrward need to be stopped, until the smoke clears. And, the chatter above here is right, if you are over extended on the cap, you might have trouble fielding a team. Will Brady give up his $30 mil.....I am thinking not. But, the Bills don't have that guy (yet anyhow) And, those that do extend are going to have to take a haircut, as they say. Poyer got it just right imho, did his deal before all this hit. Valuation drops with revenue. The boys are not worth that today, as their revenue prospects in the short term are substantial down. (the Wall Street guys say the decrease is "material")
  22. I attend a Chiefs/Bills night game quite a few years ago, guessing 80's. My sole memory of the game is a fan crawling out on the net support guide wire at the entrance end of the field. I was mad because I didn't come to the game to see some drunk fall to his death. The guy made it all the way out to the net, turned around, and came back. He came down on top of one of the boxes roof, and was promptly arrested. Don't even remember who won........
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