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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. They did this once before.....the strike shortened season in the 80's.....Jim Kelly era. I opted out and used the money to buy a pure bred St Bernard.
  2. Cam wants to be #1. The Bills don't want a challenger to Allen on board at this point. I agree w that assessment. Barkley is #2, knows it, and is supportive of Allen from a vets perspective...perfect to help get Allen's head right.
  3. voters are forgetting that not only is he a former #7, BUT, he also has two years in the league under his belt. the 2 years is a BIG deal. He gets multiple picks , maybe two #1's included if the Bills wanted to trade him. I just can't fathom how this is a reality based exercise.
  4. I recall Trent Dilfer.....a leader, not a big league thrower. And, Josh Allen is more than Trent Dilfer imho. (Dilfer won a Super BTW) We need to ride Josh up the learning curve here. Will he win a Super Bowl....I look forward to seeing how that goes!
  5. I think virus will play in how the season comes out, irrespective of format. Teams that avoid infection will rise. Those that need to bring up practice squad players will not do as well. I even forsee games where teams can't dress 46, as they don't have that many heathy bodies. Avoid the virus (and injuries) and you can have a decent season....if there is a season. I know the lip service plan, but, nobody really knows. They will try, but, .......
  6. He had a partner, he had to pay taxes......his number, still large is likely less than half of that. Taxes alone likely cost him 45%, between federal and state taxes.
  7. The NY media are hopeless homers. Its always especially sweet to beat the Jets as I love the NY media crying. Didn't Rex used to love the NY Post? Oh well, beating the Jets a couple of time will even up things for me.....for the insult. This article will play in NYC btw, as it plays to the jets fans....ya gotta sell papers you know to pay the bills.
  8. He had a few great games for the Bills. I was surprised a little when they let him walk and didn't resign. Must have been other issues we didn't see on the field. Sad his life has turned into this situation.
  9. I don't think the NFL can compel a signing by any team. As Pointed out above, a CK signing would be a marketing diaster in many cities...including Buffalo. LA does make sense, and NE doesn't (as I said in the other thread...Bellicheck and Kap isn't good chemistry imho) Thing is, Kap might not make the team in LA. What happens then, more riots? A risky signing in any event.
  10. The only thing from college that follows you your whole life is your transcript. Not good to h ave F's there.
  11. I was a season ticket holder that year. I got a lot of money back on the games not played. The first game back against Miami was so bad, I wished I didn't have seasons. One week of practice, and the game was sloppy like little league, penalities were many on both teams. they were not ready to play, and the money was to important to keep the NFL from fleecing the fans with a sub par product. I still feel cheated today.
  12. Actually 12 of them in Minn. they didn't all burn down I am thinking...but all are closed I think. Target HQ is Minneapolis btw.
  13. simple reason for a no vote: I pay to see the football game. I pay to be entertained. I do not pay to be lectured to about any political belief of any brand. So, I am being expected to adopt a specific view based on kneeling players and coaches beliefs? I do not value their view in the stadium forum, they are entitled to have to views and express them on their time. but, as Billy Joel says in the song..."NOT ON MY TIME" Do your politicking when not in uniform and when I am not forced to be there because I like to watch football. I am not saying there are not problems these movements should impact.....I am saying, I don't like being subjected in an entertainment venue. TAKE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!
  14. Buffalo apparently decided to make their riot control unit voluntary. All these guys are still Buffalo police officers. the combination of factors mentioned above probabily summarize why all of them quit. No legal cover, good enough reason to no longer participate. I wonder who gave the order for 59 riot gear clad officers to clear Niagara square. And, I wonder what the activist wanted walking up the officers.? I guess we will find out at trial. But, I am guessing the truth will not see the light of day here. Scape goating may occur...I hate to see it be the two officers. Media said "they walked right by the fallen demonstrator"...well, yes, I saw the video. I also saw them try to stop, and the supervisor instruct them to go on as he called for medical help. Looked like a book action....clear the square and the supervisor handles the wrinkles in the plan. And Josh, it would have been better to dodge this issue, you don't know how this will play out. I know one of the cops families, they are good people, and I feel for them as much as for the demonstrator, who may well get a couple of cop scalps to brag about to his cohort.
  15. I saw Young beat the Bills at the Ralph as a rookie w the Oilers. He did it with his legs. His later tryout w the Bills ended in preseason as he would not run the O, called what he wanted. Yeh, carzy.
  16. Well, Tyrod could run for sure, but Allen is the only one who can knock a DB out of the game by taking him head on. Saw that year 1, and don't want to see it again. But, when Josh gets loose in the open field, he is more like a TE than a running back, and just as hard to bring down.
  17. Yes, some of the time. But, the threat of Josh busting up the gut makes the D play certain ways. Just need to capitalize on that adjustment. Cut Joshes carries in that situation in half would be good though.
  18. I don't like the adjustable. Fitted is right for me...I will pay more, but its hard to find for me. I have a large head and many times I find none.....so I insist on trying on before buying. No online for me unless I have one already from that source.
  19. OJ was great in Buffalo. His troubles were much later. Leave him on the wall, not worth the effort and the bad feelings to remove.
  20. I got a look at the new Vegas stadium under construction last June. $6 Billion dollars, and located very near to down town. The locals were scratching their heads a little at the cost, but funded by big money investors as stated above. Another fear of the locals was that the Raiders' gangster mafia following will come from Oakland and ruin the Vegas city image for those who come in for the game supporting the visiting team. If going to the game, plan on a taxi, not Uber, and taxi's are the superior ride near the Strip in Vegas. (less cost and more available, Uber pickups are harder to find imho based on my week at WSOP)
  21. Kaep and Belicheck seems like bad chemistry to me. So, that's a don't sign argument. And, Kaep was lousy in 2016 when we saw him at New Era. However, I view the Pats as QB talent light and I think there will be another signing or two even to provide alternatives. Likely not Kaep though. Maybe a practice squad guy....like Davis Webb after the Bills cut him, say. And, that would give t he Bills playbook to the Pats, although the Bills don't play the Pats until later in the season.
  22. Dennison was a clunker. Daboll was year 2. Everybody has to iterate some to get a good mix.
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