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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Needs to learn to catch the ball more times......
  2. The answer is simple: Look at the Ravens game film....they stopped Lamar Jackson pretty well.....THAT is how they are gonna stop the option!
  3. I read in the Ft Myers paper the economic impact to a resturant that we frequent in down there that this decision is a major blow to their situation. They are the host facility for the southwest Florida Ohio State booster/fan club. they loose 12 days (or more) of about ten grand in receipts. Lots of economic fallout for hospitality businesses for this health/football decision. I dont think its wrong, but, the country is going to have fallout from this situation....many of these resturants/bars will be closing under the duress of no customers.
  4. HIs time as a safety in college gives him coverage instincts that other lb's don't have. I think he has big play/ints in his future as those instincts pay off.
  5. Not sure this is accurate. Beane came of his own choice, McD might have been a factor, but the Pegs hired Bean, and he is their guy, not McD's. The fact that McD and Bean had an extensive history just makes it work well, as they didn't have to go through the dogs smelling dogs stage of development of how to work together. As for the Sabres, they still have a way to go...and who knows if the new management can make it go...I surely wish them well, but I am mostly a football fan so I don't have the anxiety many do over the Sabres.
  6. W/o Star L, who knows. Stopping the run was a problem in the Wrecks years, and early in the McD era. that stopped when Star arrived. Overpaid, maybe, but, he did his job! And, I thought he got it going a little better at the end of last season. He is a loss this year.
  7. If revenue continues to collapse, the league and union will be in turmoil like we haven't seen. Some of these big contracts will cause the teams to have trouble fielding anything but minimum contract vets and rookies along w a couple of well paid guys. Lets say revenue is down 1/4 for three years (not out of the question folks), management will have to cost reduce including the cap. Somebody is gonna get left out the cold....the journeyman vet, is who. I hope that doesn't play out, but its in the spectrum of possible outcomes of this pandemic era. Pandemic is not gonna be over in 2021.......
  8. Way to much COVID in Ga, were I him, I would be glad to be in WNY. BTW, despite the PC crowds efforts, that flag will be around a hundred years from now. Just not on any buildings or businesses. People will express their views.......
  9. Not going to get much from the rookies, then. Its a good year for having traded your #1 for a vet.....yes, the Bills did that!
  10. A job action to stop the preseason and camp should cancel the season imho. I attended games back in the 80's after the strike, and, they came in with one week of practice. Worst pro game I ever saw, sloppy execution, out of shape players. But, the vets think they can do it. Experience tells me otherwise. If the preseason and camps are canceled, you will see the worst display of football ever seen in week one.
  11. TO was dropping balls in his one season in Buffalo on the downside of his career. He never totally solved the problem. (he was a total pro while here, however)
  12. The naming rights they purchased was bad mouthed by the county executive (Polencarz) Said he won't use it anymore. If he works harder at it, he might get New Era to leave the city and state outright!. good work Mr County Exec! Citizens can then pay the taxes that New Era no longer pays. (except, of course, the employees who choose to relocate to Texas with the corporate HQ)
  13. Companies will do whatever it takes to survive imho. In the end, some will not anyhow, and ALL the jobs will be lost permanently. Face it, all the cap business could be managed from China.
  14. Good choice......in NY the governor has decided he will mandate no attendees. Credit to the Maryland governor.
  15. San Antonio Hogs.....or, actually, Memphis Hogs. (thinking BBQ there)
  16. If TV studio football is more profitable, then the big stadiums will no longer be used. I thought all along this would happen....as free Tv in the local market took its toll on attendance. But, the Virus has accelerated the trend on a big way. To bad, I liked Sundays at the stadium, drunks and all.
  17. You mean the most prosperous nation in the world?
  18. The name is really a marketing icon. The money will talk, the NFL likely doesn't have the juice to force Snyder to act. However, the dollars might, but then again a billionaire like Snyder might just retain the name as an in your face responce to pressure. Or maybe move the team and start over elsewhere, no loss of face changing the name then. Anybody know a city that would like an NFL franchise? I can think of a few......not all in the USA.
  19. I don't know the Bills are named for that historical person. Your source of that trivia, please. I have lived in WNY for more than 70 years, that is news to me, a lifelong Bills fan. I suspect you made that up, actually. (I was born before the original Bills which existed in the late 40's, name was readopted in 1960 when the AFL was formed)
  20. The legal problem here, is although you can sign for yourself, you cannot sign on behalf of your kids, maybe your wife. So, the NFL can still be in court and loose. Wavers of this sort are a futile effort w big lawyers on both sides getting paid.
  21. Doesn't matter for Bills fans......the Cuomo Administration has decided for you....you cannot attend a game, even if you are the only one in the stadium. This is BIG BROTHER telling you how to live. That's why I moved to Florida!
  22. EJ was to busy selling shares in his future income stream. (yes, he did) He was emulating RG3 who also did that. Didn't work out for investors in either case.
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