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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. He is at the end of his career at about 62 I think. Give him a four or 5 year contract at $5 or 6 million a year, and he can get out after, whether he gets fired during the term of the contract or not. Rex R had a 5 year $5mil per year contract, and he collected every penny even though he was let go after less than two years. So, imho, he would have to go if he got the offer. He probabily makes 2+ mil with the Bills I am guessing, but don't know. I like that long tall safety at ND......reminded me of John Pitts. You younger guys need to look him up.
  2. Interesting comments here supporting a dome. There was a time when the Bills considered playing outside in the elements to their advantage during the winter, as other teams didn't practice in the conditions common for the Bills. Since the field house....the advantage has evaporated. The coaches like what they can get done inside, and the players union has limited the practice time of the players, outside practice is minimized. Yes, the home team should know the winds better than the visitors. Last night I sensed that Allen, Bass were as clueless as were the Ravens about how to handle the stadium winds....shouldn't be that way.
  3. The NYS government has decided you are not competent to make your own choice here. I think you should have the right to choose, but, my view doesn't matter. And, I think the stadiuim limit number is arbitrary...using the uppers would allow lots more fans in. I think 10000 in the lower and 6000 in the uppers would be fine if they spread out. But, the state will talk about restroom facilities and other such things as the reason they will keep the number low. If you want to change that mentality at the state, you will have to vote to support your view. But, upstate, we have little chance imho.
  4. I guess it would surprise me....as LF took a fail in Minn. But, then again, Marv Levy took a fail in KC and came back to lead the Bills to greatness.
  5. Anthony Lynn did a good job replacing Roman when Wrex fired Roman. Just sayin...... Daboll and Herbert might work big time. But, you never know....chemistry is an unpredictable thing. Josh Allen is the biggest part of this years success and another O system, now, would have to be learned.....however, Josh is now big time NLF trained and will flourish whoever is OC. I see a lot of continuity being maintained however. I don't know how to do that organizationally, but that is what McD is hired to do. Lets let him do it. (Bean will help if asked, but its McD's staff)
  6. Not without the Bills permission, and not clear that will be forthcoming. Unless, of course, contracts are up. No contract means free to go.
  7. I will speculate the Bills could go short in another position and elevate Williams and Yeldon. See how the weather and the game goes. Might need a power back, and Moss was that guy. Williams would be that guy if they need to grind it out in the snow. Yeldon in a pro though, and an excellent receiver. Would not be surprised to see him out there. Lets find out what Daboll wants to do, and he will call the shot. And, the idea here is both might be active.
  8. Nice the Bills have so many guys capable of having a big game and making a big play.
  9. Well, yes, Moss is out, but the Bills have backup running backs. If its Yeldon...which is my guess....Daboll will game plan to the strengths of the addition to the roster. That is Yeldon is a very good receivingback, better than Moss or Singletary. I am guessing we will see some of that.... If they bring up the impressive rookie...he showed well as a power back...and that is a move the Bills could use.....we will see that at times. But, I am guessing a rookie doesn't get a shot in the playoffs at this point. Point is Daboll will make the game plan fit the personnel. No Moss will change the calculus......
  10. Both, I think. Depends on the player. I am thinking Brown will be let go saving $8 million, and Sills is his replacement for next year at somewhat less than Brown commanded. Now, don't get me wrong...Brown is a great player, but, Gabe has developed into a #2 it appears, and Beasley is the slot guy. Sills could be a #2 or a slot guy, and McKenzie can get a new contract and replace Rogers it appears. (although Rogers is also very good) So, I see the receiver moves here as positioning for next year, unless one of the big three go down. Duke looks like his last year with the Bills, he would have played by now if they were going to trust him at all. Think they might be foolish w all the wr's on the practice squad.? Bad breaks can happen. I recall about 50 years ago in the AFL days, the Bills lost two strong safeties in one game in LA The signed a guy right out of the stands to be the replacement (Bill Simpson) and he flew back with the team. No practice squad in those days.....now things are more organized and the level of play should be more professional because of that.
  11. That would be bad for Darold imho...as Saleh is a DC at heart. Would need a great OC....Chan comes to mind. Is Chan really retiring, or, leaving Miami because he thinks Tua hasn't got it. Bring Chan to the Jets to see if Darnold is fixable.
  12. The Bills can block staff raiding if contracts exist. If contracts are done after the season, then, they could go. We don't know that status...but be sure Bean is watching that situation. Actually, I think that discussion will be professional between the individuals here. they have worked together for three years, so it will be above board.
  13. Yes, I got sucker punched from behind at a Bills game a few years ago. Damn drunks.
  14. These guys get paid unless its a contract year. Its their security blanket up front. Usually 4-5 years. Rex had 5 years and got paid. Salary is in the $5-6 million range. So, Pederson has no problem taking a year off and getting paid. I would do the same btw.
  15. I wonder if Schottenheimer spent part of his youth in the Buffalo area. His father was a Bill for a long time in the 60's.......
  16. Yes, 50's kids game was hitching cars. Catch a rear bumper on a car....and squat down and enjoy the ride behind the car sledding on your boots....hoping you didn't get killed. I confess to having tried it, and quit, after deciding living was move important.
  17. Yes, but High School was a long time ago, and they were two classes apart.......I am thinking that tie isn't as big as many think. But, yes, they have known each other a long time.
  18. These three guys will all get around 20-25% of the teams cap going forward. What that number might be remains to be seen. that uncertainty has to be bothering both sides when considering that issue. NFL revenue is not guaranteed, not clear why players think their income should also, then, be guaranteed. Giving a QB a "piece of the action" instead of a fixed dollar figure makes sense to me.....
  19. A good discussion, I don't know how this plays out. But, if he gets any offer, the money will make him go. 2 or 3x his current compensation......and a guarantee of some years....and, I don't think he will strike out on all the interviews. I don't think all this should be allowed when teams are still in the playoffs. When this process goes on, the interviewee is no longer in his job...and focus is lost. Bad image for the NFL imho.
  20. Enjoy the game. Interesting read here. Anatomy of a Divisional Round win: What the Bills need to do to stop the Ravens offense (yahoo.com) Anatomy of a Divisional Round win: What the Bills need to do to stop the Ravens offense (yahoo.com) I don't know, would not paste as a link.......
  21. I recall he was called the "doughboy" when he was here....refering to his appearance of slightly overweight ( a Pillsbury Doughboy was an advertising thing at the time.) Is Mulakey still around? Also the line coach from Lockport is still in the league...his name escapes me.....
  22. Yes, good assistants make $2-3 million per year. Head coaches make 2-3x that per year. He will have to go if offered a HC job. Urban Meyers is reported to be getting $12 mil/year to take the Jacksonville job. That would be 4x for Daboll. Just sayin........
  23. Sorry, no time for learning under fire here. Needed to happen earlier in the year. He sits on the practice squad
  24. Allen keeps working over the off season like he has, he will progress even further. Yes, he is performing with the elite now, but, he c an get even better. What excites me is that I think he realizes that.....
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