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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. As late as the Bills pick is this year, if one of the two top RB's is available, get him. (Harris or Ettiene)
  2. MT if he doesn't get any offers......two year reset? could happen....
  3. Depends on how screwball a schedule the NFL sends the Bills way. Nights games in Nov and Dec at home punish all. (especially the fans) And, how many West Coast games, how many late evening appearances. And, how many flexs to other dates and times......the breaks have an effect, and speculating on statistics isn't productive. I like the objective above, though. super bowl MVP is the best objective!!
  4. It would be fun to see what he can do....but, I suspect the wear and tear of the hits are to much. Preseason will tell. If the Bills got a roster exemption in the regular season for him, I would favor giving him a shot. Jacksonville becones.....as the London games will need a local fav to sell out. He fits that bill.
  5. At 245 lbs, he is no Lee Smith replacement, unless you are talking about occupying a roster spot.
  6. The empty stands are not guaranteed to be filled this fall. Wishful thinking perhaps at this point in March. Time will tell, but we could be in another lockdown. Big bucks will not be wagered on the come wrt full fan viewing this next year. Its in the contract, and, I was taught by some union folks, the contract is the contract.
  7. When he signs elsewhere in a year, we get credit for losing a #1? That seems like part of the deal.....
  8. Keeping both unless they decide one can't play.
  9. Physical talents alone don't do it, need football players.
  10. Yes, but the Florida income tax thing (0) and nice climate.
  11. The HH TE Pats signed beat the Bills when he was on the Ravens.
  12. wrt not drafting mack....yup too bad.....I remember, back in the day (60's) the AFL had some sort of regional preference built into the draft so local favs could stay in market. I think the Bills got Richie Lucas that way (Penn State qb) The NFL post merger ditched that idea......causing the kind of angst we now have about KM here in Buffalo. (yes, I am pretty old Bills Mafia)
  13. Pats betting Cam has something left in the tank. He almost beat the Bills so I won't rule that out. Cam is not the physical specimen he once was, but, he has a lot of starts under his belt, and knows how to handle the game. They could do worse, especially if they draft a QB and let him sit a year or two. Remember, Aaron Rodgers sate three years behind Farve.
  14. The old man was a safety, not a cb. He was not the impact player we should have gotten w a #1. (to small)
  15. HIs old m an never lived up to his draft status.....
  16. Milano's cover skills make me believe he will contribute big plays via INT in the future.
  17. I remember the Seattle game.....Klein has his role....and its important. Not as dynamic as Milano when healthy, but, still a player.
  18. Brittle player.....a wasted 3d round pick by Bills. He did have a couple of good seasons w 49's though, much to my surprise.
  19. a year off football. we will see if he can still play. I have my doubts....the owners got hoodwinked on the opt out thing...STAR is nearing over the hill for sure. And, yes, Bean had a brain cramp on this contract.
  20. The only way to surpass Marv is #1 to win a Super bowl....or#2 Lose 5 times in the Super Bowl🙄
  21. Called Edmunds a marginal starter...an unbiased outside view. I am afraid that's true, even if he is only 22. Bills will likely pickup his 5th year option, giving him a chance to develope for two more years before commiting to a long term big bucks contract.
  22. Lets see....Monday night playoff football in the open stadium in Buffalo in January......naw.....I will pass. (frostbite adverse I am)
  23. Another Cousins like fiasco brewing here. In Cousins case, if was a fiasco for both Washington and Minn..for a mid tier QB
  24. AT&T Carves Out Pay-TV Business in Deal With TPG - WSJ AT&T sells part of Directv and deconsolidates from its own finicial reporting. Directv looses a lot of money on the Sunday ticket contract. Reporting from other sources on this shows Directv continuing to complete the Sunday ticket contract which is 2021 and 2022. But, another conduit is likely for 2023, with Amazon and Disney the likely outlets. They both have over 50 milllion subscribers whereas Directv only has 17 million (and falling) Anyhow, there is usually interest on this board about Sunday ticket, and that is what is coming in 2023. Who knows how the new ownership of Directv will handle the Sunday ticket in the last two years of their contract. AT&T Carves Out Pay-TV Business in Deal With TPG - WSJ Couldn't get the link to copy
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