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Posts posted by bigK14094

  1. Actually,, the cornerback play today didn't lose the game. Both Gilmore and McKelvin had decent days. Bryan Scott showed his age, however. And Geroge Wilson was a no show, as well. gilmore is doing fine as a rookie, and will make plays when he gets totally oriented. I recall that a number of our 1st round db's weren't good at interceptions early. Starting with thomas Smith (remember him?) winfield was better at it later years in Minn. Clements was an inceptor/ball hawk when here, but only in games he decided to play hard in. (half the time) McKelvin may well be the next 5 year Bill #1 to go on to do well with another team, after making all the mistakes with us learning how to play. He sure looks a lot better than Williams did when he was in there. Williams is no cornerback. Maybe he can replace Wilson at safety, though, since he is a hitter. Oh well, enough CB history

  2. Yes this team is as bad as Jaron era teams.....and may not get the 7 wins that Jaron produced. The O is terrible, other than Spiller, no game breakers. So, other than the New England game, one offensive touchdown in three games. Pathetic. Heads need to roll. The D actually did fairly well today, allowng 14 points. Some of the guys playing don't have it though. Ron Brooks is slow, should not be planning for him to be a corner of the future. Hairsten was undressed by Mathis, he can't play. LB's didn't make plays. Gilmore and McKelvin did OK, even Justin Rogers made a big play. George Wilson a non show. Mario gets three sacks, and looked like the 100M man first time this year. Gailey may get another year, and he will give Wannestat another year, and then they will both be gone. Gailey has picked poorly for his D coordinators, of course, there is a slight problem in that no legitimate coach wants to come to Buffalo, so Gailey's selection choices may be really limited.

  3. So many players to be replaced. Coaches as well. Hairston undressed by Mathis, we need Pears or another LT. Brooks can't run with the wr's, need another cb. Rogers with the int, and getting the long penality. LB's getting beat regularily, need some of them too. Fitz arm runs hot and cold. Our receivers are not good. Steveie has heart, but not speed. Need some big time help. Offense is terrible, Defense is bad also, but better than the first few games. Not much to look forward to in Dec

  4. Well, I think it depends on which version of our defense shows up. The D has played well that last three games, if they keep it up, the game will be competitive. The O has to score, and it would help if they got lucky on special teams, again. I think its no better than 50/50. the bills are down 2 games in the standing s to the colts, but they are not that far behind in talent. Lets say they win the two they could have (Pats and titans)....then standings are a push.....but the analysis stays the same. So, I don't put much stock in the relative records.

  5. He is a playmaker, but not a top physical specimen. But, you take what you get in terms of a #2 draft pick, and you would take this outcome everytime. He will get paid, hopefully by the bills, but there are lots of others in line as well. Bleacher had a good list just a day or two ago. Levitre, Urbik, Reinhart (yep all top three guards) on the list. McKelvin (yep, they will try to sign him as well, but somebody likely will go megabucks for him) I think the Bills will keep most of their talent. They did fine letting Bell go last year, but have let some talent go in that past that they should not have. this is a key success factor in franchaise success. And, oh yeh, Eric Wood!!!!

  6. Mathematically still possible.


    Sure we can pull it out. The team is trending up quickly and starting to look like something.

    The missing defense has arrived and is looking as if they are " fitting those damned gaps ".

    Hope is awesome.

    Go Go Go Bills. Keep hope alive one more week !

    Issues and disorder in the brain ? yes i have that too. Probably a virus going around western ny again.

    No team that fails to score an offensive touchdown in two of the last three games is trending up quickly!

  7. And Sanchez burying his head into the turf was icing on the cake




    Get over it man, that was 8 weeks ago. Obviously the Jets are spiraling out of control and we are gradually getting better. We will get revenge in week 16

    Well, the Bills are sort of getting better. The D is now doing some positive things.....last three games anyhow. But, the O, no toudhdowns in two of the last three games, so regressing there. Special teams about even. If the O wakes up, and the D continues to improve, the Bills could win a few of the last 6.


    that 3 turnovers for TDs needs some special music ....





    The big money D line will get another year to prove itself, so no high picks on defensive lineman. Look for a LB early!!

  8. The next three would be great to get, make the franchaise respectible again. I would love to have the Jets game at season end mean something, and chew them up in the last regular season game. Its so much fun to hear the NY media bleed when the Jets loose.

  9. Fitz is a starting NFL qb, maybe not top 1/3 though. His stats quoted above say its so. His paycheck says its so, you could never pay a backup that money. But, he isn't getting the 15-25 mil per year that Brees/Manning command. (He gets 10 I think, alex Smith getting 9 I think) Two middle tier guys. Now, Smith has a better supporting cast, and is winning, but he turned it around last year after many Fitz like years, and with the right supporting cast, Fitz would also do that. I agree the David Lee thing has caused probelms, Fitz has not been the guy who started out on fire last year with the long ball. In the end, as a season ticket holder, I have been entertained by Fitz play, and can wait for a draft choice to be developed for a change at QB. You know, we had Losman, he lacked the head to play but had the arm. Fitz is great on the mental side, but lacks the big arm. Thats how it goes, I guess.

  10. Gotta agree. Ugly as sin. And the large size is useless for everyone in my family.


    You'd think they'd send something a bit classy to their best customers. This thing is like the Bills version of Army surplus.


    Actually, I like the hat. Sort of camo effect, only red and blue. And the size was perfect....ususally they are to small for me. You can please all the people all the time......

  11. I don't think anyone expected the Bills defense to be as bad as it has been. Not just bad, but historically bad setting new NFL records for being bad for the first 9 games.


    They have started to get better the last few games and pulled themselves out of last place for worst run defense. Currently they have the 27th ranked defense 18th against the pass 31st against the run



    If the defense had at least been top 15, I would think the Bills would now be at least 6-4.

    To the surprise of some people (not me), McKelvin is a part of this improvement. This is because Williams is galactically bad as a corner back. Need to consider moving him to safety where his cover weakness is less a problem. McKelvin doing the job, read Gailey's comments in this am's paper, in the middle of the Gilmore article.

  12. One of the problems with the night games is that the regular folks many times cannot attend, so they sell/give away the tickers. And, you get a younger, first time let it all hang out crowd. Been that way always. I remember a game in the 70's against KC I think, where a guy crawled out the the wire holding up the net behind the goal posts. thought I ws going to see a fall/death. But, he crawled back, into the arms of the police.

  13. Spiller/Jackson splitting by series is wrong in my view. I think that Spiller should start, be the first down back, But Jackson should be the short yardage back, and both should be on the field some of the time, get your best players out there. So, I agree with those that want a different mix. I am almost ready to make Jackson the 3d dwon back, but thats still wrong, Fred is to good for that. So, both are 1 and 1A types, and saving both for the long term by sharing the hits is smart. Chan needs to change it, but I really don't know exactly how to do that in this offense.

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