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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. How can the Pats* release the best WR in the game today??? His stats say so! He's the best! You just don't give up those stats! Oh, wait. It turns out if you're a big enough douchnozzzle, you AREN'T measured by your stats. You're measured by how obvious it is that you have so little regard for this game that you'll piss away $30M simply because you're stupid enough to think you can. Suck it, AB. I hope you never play another down in any league that doesn't include the words 'pee' and 'wee.'
  2. Let me qualify what I'm about to write by gladly admitting I am a homer, but I have a lot of confidence in the discipline of this team to play well against Cincy. The only concern I have about this game is the rush this team is going to experience coming home to open the season 2-0 with road wins in NJ. The Ralph is going to be as insane as it's been in years, and people like Beasley and Brown are going to be jacked up. I think the one newcomer who won't get too overly hyped will be Mitch Morse because the closest thing to a full house at OBD is a full house in KC. Years ago, under a different group, this is a must win. I don't think anyone playing for the Bills right now needs to be reminded how every win matters.
  3. I think it was somewhere between the Bledsoe injury and the moment the team coughed up a million bucks and a first-round pick for cheating.
  4. Hey, I hate the Pats* and I'll never forget Brady*...first player in my life who got caught cheating.
  5. I think maybe Aikman made the comment last night that the Thumbtacks are not a come-from-behind team. They are a grinder. In the end, Mariotta was just really bad.
  6. Again. Pats* fans. We know who they are. And now AB is dropped by Nike. Do you know how effed up you have to be to get dropped by Nike?
  7. There's a difference between not caring if someone is a role model and being okay with a guy who has a history of sexually abusing women just because he helps your team win. You don't seem to care, but that's a trend among Pats* fans, so I'm not terribly surprised.
  8. Do you have children who play sports?
  9. You know who probably wished they had more guns? All the boys who were drugged raped and murdered by Clinton and Obama donor Ed Buck.
  10. Sickening to read the disgusting stuff the Dems allowed Buck to do while still taking his hush money. How do you cover this up, Dems? Why? Epstein banging kiddies. Buck drugging, raping and killing whores? You !@#$ pigs. I guess we all see Buck's pending suicide, right? Another Arkanside coming up.
  11. Not acceptable. I already pay a schiit ton of taxes. Why don't you just pay my share since you like paying more taxes. I'm assuming that works for you given how free you are to raise taxes. Wait. It doesn't work for you? Well, then, STFU about paying more taxes until you're willing to pay my fair share. Deal?
  12. Since you're not following football, let me help you out: Miami has become the AOC of the NFL. They show up. You see them going through the motions. But when the dust clears you close your eyes, shake your head and ask yourself "What in the holy phyuck did I just watch?"
  13. The other night I watched Jerry Seinfeld's show with comedians, cars and coffee or whatever, and he's with Mel Brookes and Carl Reiner, who eat dinner every night in Reiner's living room on those old collapsible TV dinner trays while watching Jeopardy recordings. As Brookes is leaving, he says good-bye and turns to Seinfeld and says "You know the difference between a frenchman and a Jew? A frenchman leaves and never says 'good bye' and a Jew says good-bye and never leaves.' "
  14. It jumped from 21 to 22 1/2, which should make Jets fans happy since they're still at 22.
  15. This is a bit like the Eli benching. It's a move, yes, but it isn't going to fix anything.
  16. You can always count on a leftist to avoid facing the truth by pointing out a typo. Wait. Let me guess. You're one of those guys who still believes Trump colluded with Russia, right? Or wait...maybe you one of those people who thinks Kavanaugh raped women in spite no women having any knowledge of being raped? Or wait...maybe you're one of those people who thinks Trump called all Mexicans "monsters." Or wait...maybe you're one of those people who thinks Trump raped women with Epstein. My sense if you probably believe all of that. P.S. I put intentional typos in this post to ensure you had something to respond two.
  17. Dear Leftists, Thank you again for raising an important issue regarding President Trump. It's impossible to express how grateful we are for each and every complaint -- big or small -- that you hear, fabricate, blow out of proportion, and share as unnamed sources. We encourage you to be diligent in your efforts to continually bring these items to light and spend every waking moment committed exclusively to trying to impeach Trump. Never give up. Do this every day. Thank you. Sincerely, Trump/Pence 2020 Re-election Campaign Headqarters P.S. The more you can show Schiff's face to America, the better.
  18. Let me be more clear for you: no genuine football fan would be appalled. The loudest dumbasses on both side of this issue...the snowflake SJWs and righteous righties...are not true fans of the game or they would at least STFU while the games are on. But no. We suddenly need to start every game early to scan a camera to see what players are standing or kneeling. You think the fans want that crap? No. Two kinds of people want that crap: people who need to whine about white America and people who hate people who always whine about white America. Get out of your bubble, brother. Turn off the news and people with megaphones and you'll quickly see how very little most people care about Kaep. Oh, and you may want to keep that whole BLACK DOLLAR crap to yourself. You'll never be able to get past any of this until you stop basing everything on skin color. Try judging on character. Just a thought.
  19. That's not fair! How I am supposed to get through the week without my friends from throughout the country sending me videos of idiots jumping on folding tables and lighting themselves on fire!
  20. Nobody would be appalled if he was signed. In fact, we wish someone WOULD sign him so the SJWs who blame everything on white America would STFU for just a few minutes while we try to enjoy a sport we love which is only played for a short period every year. And in the end, this is the one truth folks like yourself have a hard time understanding; whine about Kaep all you want...just STFU while the season is playing out, and get out of the way of the TV so we can go back to enjoying the sport. When the season is over, whine all you want. Just stop ruining it for the people like us who love the game.
  21. There was more to their suckitude beyond QB play.
  22. That was brutal, and often overlooked in the Kap discussions. What some people have difficulty accepting is that, in the end, if Kap was still a good quarterback, he'd be playing for someone. He's not out of the league because of his protests. He's out because the league caught on to his style of play and he became obsolete. As I've said repeatedly in other Kap threads, if Michael Vick can kill dogs by hanging them from trees, putting bullets in their heads or drowning them in a bucket of water...and come out of prison to a multi-million-dollar deal, they'll take anyone...provided you can play.
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