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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. What's the dumbest thing the Dems could do to further embarrass themselves beyond the stupidity of this impeachment effort? Put Schiff in front of a microphone to talk about it. I swear, you leftists are like the Jay Gruden of politics: "Our best chance to win is to keep Case Keenum under center!"
  2. You need to go old school for the game, Pooj. Fort Schuyler. Get ya some.
  3. You are basing everything on (a) complaint from a whistle-blower who never actually heard the call, (b) the complete transcript of the call showing the favor was not about Biden and (c) the guy on the other side of the call who said he was never pressured about anything. Treason. You guys kill me.
  4. Holy crap, Dems. After reading the transcript, I'm actually stunned you went full ###### without first making sure you had your facts straight. After you all schitt your pants on Russia, and schitt your pants on Kavanaugh, and schitt your pants on Trump/Eptstein, I thought it was impossible that you even were able to schitt your pants is such a grand manner. I apologize for underestimating you, leftists. You apparently aren't happy with the ton of schitt you have in your Depends, so you had to soil yourself again with this Ukraine thing. You dumbasses need to take a break from trying to trip up Trump because he's making every one of you look like a complete dumbass.
  5. What you see as Trump spending 2 1/2 years clearing his name from his association with Russia is seen by people who think for themselves as Democrats spending 2 1/2 years desperately patching holes in a lie that falls apart -- almost weekly now - in hopes of keeping Average Joe from realizing how the whole thing started in the first place. You folks are the left's answer to birthers, and outside your little Twitter/MSN/CNN/Google echo chamber, the world thinks you guys are ridiculous. Remember this post when you find out that trying to impeach Trump is the reason you'll watch his second inauguration.
  6. I'd consider her as an independent.
  7. Williamson is a goofball. Gabbard is a combat vet with brass balls. She knows Kamala Harris is two blowjobs shy of being Biden's #2, and that she'd set back women in politics for years. It's too bad I don't like her policies, because I think she's a pretty good person with genuine intentions.
  8. I don't recall Clinton disciples rejoicing about his trips to Pedo Island with Epstein. Do you have a link to this?
  9. Hey, are you one of those people who still thinks Trump colluded with Russia, too?
  10. I love Gabbard. I hope she spends the entire night explaining to everyone that Kamala Harris isn't black.
  11. Wow, look at you, graduating from Pointing Out Typos 101 and moving right into Insults A 3rd Grader Makes.
  12. I noticed today that the wife of the Shark Tank dude was charged following the death of two people because of her carelessness with her boat. So how long before CNN discussion panels argues that we need to ban this model assault boat before it takes yet another life? Yes, leftists...THAT is how unbelievably stupid you all sound about this topic.
  13. Apologies for not reading 5 pages and if I'm repeating someone, but one of the best defensive plays this past weekend was the Kevin Johnson sack of Dalton. He was lined up to Dalton's right side. Dalton called an audible, someone on D (I believe it was Hyde) was jumping and waving at Johnson like a madman, and Johnson didn't see him. While Dalton was preparing to take the shotgun snap, Hyde ran over to Johnson and urged him over to Dalton's left side. Johnson ran over to Dalton's left just as Dalton took the snap, never missed a beat and got Dalton before he knew what was happening. Kudos to Hyde (or whomever was moving Johnson).
  14. While I'm a pretty big homer, there is no shaking the predictable ass beatings I expect the team to receive at the hands of the Patriots*. We've had some close games in the past, with defenses confusing Brady* and keeping the game close. But the offense or special teams (I'm looking at you, Leodis) fumble it away to give them that one additional opportunity a better team would never allow. Put another way: you know the scene in "The Wedding Singer" when Adam Sandler's character is doing a bar mitzvah, and talks to a chubby, freckled red-headed kid who doesn't ask girls to dance because he knows he's not cool, thinks he a loser, and would never have a chance at getting a girl to dance with him? Twice a year, I'm the chubby red-headed kid and the Patriots* are the girl who won't dance with me.
  15. Good point. I appreciate Maiorana's writing, but I'll reserve judgement until I hear from someone who has vast, proven experience as an analytical writer who can truly evaluate MLB play. Someone like, y'know, Jerry Sullivan.
  16. Just want to let you tree-huggers know I'm doing my part to make a difference. I recently bought a new truck, and on the sticker is a thing that rates the vehicle emissions on a scale of 1 (bad) to 10 (great). My truck is a solid 3. Only because I couldn't find one that had a lower score.
  17. Have not had much time to dig into this Ukraine stuff too deeply, but you have to admit it's funny as schitt that once again the left creates an unsubstantiated story created by an anonymous person who wasn't anywhere near the unsubstantiated story, and after a few days in the leftwing media echo chamber, it turns around and bites the leftists on the ass as another old angry white man is suddenly TRAILING the old angry white woman whose education and career was built on lying about Pow Wow Chow. What a schittshow. We have one of the craziest presidents in our history, and you nutbags are too !@#$ stupid to do anything about it beyond shooting your own. You'd think you'd leave the party just for its incompetence, but that's an action taken by someone who thinks for themselves, so...y'know...carry on leftists. I'm sure you REALLY got Trump on the ropes this time.
  18. I watched this girl's speech and all I heard was Veruca Salt singing "I Want It Now!"
  19. It doesn't matter because that's not what we need. We only need one thing: a 300-yard passing effort. And that's all we need. A 300-yard passing effort. And this ashtray. And these matches. And the remote control. And the paddle ball. And that's it. And nothing else.
  20. This is a good point. Is Kitchens able to keep everyone focused, or will the OBJ's of the world start to gripe?
  21. And Landry. And Chubb. And a very good defense which almost won it for them last night if the offensive play calling wasn't so bad. Frankly, I was convinced they'd be a sleeper team this year, but I didn't know enough about Kitchens to factor that in.
  22. Frankly, I don't disagree with what you're writing. I bring in the Pats* to show the absurdity of the claim that the Bills have shown nothing because 3-0 came agains 1-8. The problem is that virtually ALL of us know the Bills aren't going to the SB. The hope is to make the playoffs again. Given the state of the AFC...especially the AFC East, 3-0 is a great way to get there. Are we supposed to think this team is perfect? No. But are we supposed to think the team is getting better? Yes. There will be bad throws and bad games and bad moments, but the number of those items are starting to get reduced. Folks like me find this VERY enjoyable. I don't give a ratsasshaire if it's against teams that are 1-8. We're 3-0 with a VERY young team. And anyone who finds it necessary to point that out right after a game should either sleep on it until the next day or ask Jerry Sullivan for an internship. The rest of us are just trying to enjoy the moment. Cheerio pissers, quite honestly, can !@#$ off. That's all.
  23. You're digressing. What you were saying is 3-0 against 0-9 doesn't mean greatness. You're wrong. As you note above. Or maybe folks like me need to stop coming here after a victory expecting everyone to be excited about being 3-0. There's always folks who need to piss in everyone's Cheerios. Well done. Glad I don't have to listen to you in the office tomorrow.
  24. So you think the Pats* are not great? I mean, they're 3-0 against 0-9 teams! Some people just need to be unhappy. It's how Jerry Sullivan has people who follow him.
  25. I'm with the OP on this. Andy Dalton came into this game with over 700 yards in his first two games ALONE! And he's....ummmm...he's....ummm. Okay, he's 0-3, but STILL! We need a 300-yard game or we're doomed!
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