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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Community college adjunct professor. That's some funny stuff. I thought he meant being jealous of what CA has to offer. But thanks for the laugh.
  2. Jealous about what?
  3. It's impossible for me to list all the things for which I am thankful. But you can add to that list that I'm thankful my parents didn't have access to Twitter. "Why is my son attending the junior prom with a blind date?" #fuglyson #yourbrothersneverhadtroublegettingadate #daughterweneverhad "If you see my son at the club tonight, tell him we found his stash of porn and roaches." #ronjeremyyouain't #whyishernamechristycanyon #canonlyaffordskunkweed
  4. I completely agree with this as well as what @GunnerBill posted. My only point was that this is why some of us stay away immediately after a loss. It's not because the team lost and we somehow feel embarrassed to show our faces around here. It's because too many people emotionally puke out a stupid post, and my preference is to wait for all the puke to drip to page 2.
  5. I can't speak for other 'certain posters' but the reason many of us appear to go into hiding is because of the number of 'certain posters' who only come out when things DON'T go well. And then we have to sift through some of the most ridiculous threads on the most ridiculous topics because they are convinced that sitting on a sofa qualifies them to size up a pro football career that is just a quarter of the way through its second year., Trent Edwards Relived! Have You Started To Lose Faith In Josh Allen? Will Offense Operate Better With Barkley? Where is Dick Jauron When You Need Him? Why's Allen Not Getting Peterman-Like Treatment? Foles Anyone? (Someone thinks it's a good idea to sit Allen and put in a guy who just had his collar bone broken? Really? ) This Game Has Me In A Dark Place! They even had their own "Crybaby" thread to keep all the nonsense neat and tidy in a single easy-to-ignore thread. But no. Random thoughts of disappointment rule the day after a loss. So, y'know, that's why certain posters don't come here after a loss. We wait for the ridiculous stuff to clear out so more rational conversations can fill the pages.
  6. These young kids and their immediate gratification. . They look around and see a Brady over there and a Mahomes over there and a Foles over there and don't understand why they can't have one of those magical players who can turn an entire franchise around in one magical season. Then sound like Veruca Salt, which is why it's so annoying to crusty old dudes like us.
  7. I would be very surprised to see the Bills lay an egg in Tennessee. Even with Barkley under center. This defense is one of the most ridiculous Ds I've seen in a long time. I expect Mariota to have a very Mariota day.
  8. I qualify myself as a homer before writing this, but I have confidence he can overcome it if for no other reason he was able to beat the Jets after an even worse first half than he had yesterday. It's just not going to happen overnight. I know there are a lot of posters here who hated the pick, and sit in their grandma's basement waiting for a bad game so they can remind everyone why they hated the pick, but, y'know, the thinking fan knows this is going to take time.
  9. Funny how people pissing on Allen forget how bad Brady looked yesterday. I'm not justifying Allen's performance...just pointing out that, at this point in the season, two of the very best defenses were on the field yesterday and both quarterbacks...BOTH OF THEM...had crappy games.
  10. I agree he needs to be more careful with the ball. I hate the way he holds it when he's running. But then I watch him roll to his right and throw a 20-yard dart with people in his face, and I become more forgiving. But I'm a homer, so I'm good with it.
  11. I also know he threw a pick that wasn't a pick that gave the Pats* 3 points they never should have had. "Shoulda" shouldn't be a measuring stick for a team's performance. Just an observation.
  12. Yeah. Okay. Take a nap, brother. Allen is a lot of things, but afraid isn't one of them. I swear, some of you dudes need to just stop watching fooptball and turn to watching professional bowling or poker.
  13. Exactly. He was absolutely horrible yesterday. I'm not a big fan of "If this didn't happen..." to justify our team, but if you remove the blocked punt yesterday, the talk today would be about Brady's embarrassing day against an outstanding Bills defense.
  14. Threads like this almost make me miss the offseason threads. Some of you folks should take a few days away from the keyboard after a loss. We don't need to be blindly optimistic, but the dude is essentially a rookie with new talent ALL around him. He's already shown he can shake off the crusty schitt to pull out wins. He needs to learn and move forward, and he's already proven he can do that. If you're in this for immediate gratification, you picked the wrong sport.
  15. I find the fastest way to make a Pats* fan disappear is ask them what they thought about Steve Grogan.
  16. It was a tough loss, but I think it's pretty clear now that Brady* is pretty useless against a good defense. His endzone pick was worse than any Allen pick today because he should have known better than to throw that ball. Not to mention, watching Brady roll out is like watching Herman Munster test out new shoes. I know they're 4-0, but if I were demented enough to be a Pats* fan, I'd be concerned moving forward. Why I'm optimistic: our offense has a lot of new parts and they will continue to improve over the season while the defense keeps them in the game. Going to be a great season.
  17. You would think that after embarrassing themselves with the lie-filled Kavanaugh lynching, embarrassing themselves with a lie-filled Russia story and embarrassing themselves over the lie-filled Stormy Daniels nonsense that they would pause for just a moment...just a single moment...to verify everything they were reading before running headlong into yet another embarrassing setback for their party. All they have to do is just shut up and lay low and 2020 is theirs for the taking. But no. More Pelosi. More Shumer. More Schiff. More lies. Little self awareness.
  18. Imagine how great it would be if you didn't have to live in CA and put with the crazies and still be able to have a 3-day company getaway in Napa.
  19. It has to be my mistake. You all sound alike to me.
  20. You'd think with all his MSNBC television appearances, Schiff wouldn't have time to post here as well. Busy man, that Schiff.
  21. I'm confused. How did your argument with DR go from "It's clear there is more to the Trump Ukraine story and he must be impeached!" to "Yeah, well, I bet your dumb coup consequences thing won't ever come true!'
  22. It's all fun and games until Newsweek breaks the story that Trump stole pancakes. Is nothing sacred? IMPEACH!!!
  23. Exactly. There can be no more credible evidence than the release of the call transcript and the denial from Zelensky. All of the evidence is in the open. It's so bad of a judgement on behalf of the Dems to move on impeachment that they literally are using Adam Schiff to not just lie about it, but then say he wasn't lying...he was just kidding.
  24. You seem to be implying that the complaint is reason enough to investigate. Even the simplest of minds would agree that step one in that investigation would be to release the transcripts of the call and talk to the Zelensky. Oh, wait. Both of those have been done. Oh, wait. Both show the whistle-blower was wrong. But let's not let facts get in the way of a good left-wing clusterphck. One day the left will understand that it's worth a few extra seconds to, y'know, think things through.
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