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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. While it'd be nice to have the D score, it's not near as much fun as Bills fans who later explain that if you don't count those defensive points, then the score proves their point that the team is just not as good as people think.
  2. He did bring that up, actually. He also told Clayton you should never apologize for your schedule. The game relies on all kinds of variables. The schedule is one of them. It requires no apologies. I've always like Kirwan, but this year he straight up admitted he was wrong about Josh Allen. He see's him getting better, and loves McDermott and company.
  3. Earlier today, Pat Kirwan was with John Clayton on "Moving the Chains," and a Pats* fan called in confused that anyone thinks Brady leaving the Pats* means there will be a different leader in the AFC East. He said he's seen enough of Darnold, Rosen and Allen to know none of them are franchise quarterbacks, but Bellicheck* is a QB-making machine, with Garappolo and Brissett as two examples. Kirwan reminded the caller (or probably taught him) that Garappolo and Brissett are gone, and after Brady* there is Jarrett Stidham, and he ain't Garappolo or Brissett. He also explained that Pats* fans would be foolish to think the Bills won't be a serious contender within the next two years. He said the coaching staff, the defense and Allen are for real and by 2021 they'll be a top contender, even if Brady is still playing. Clayton, of course, jumps in with "Well, they haven't beat anyone this year, so the team looks like fools gold" and Kirwan reminded him (I am now getting to the point) that the year the Ravens won the SB with Dilfer, nine of their wins came against teams with losing records.
  4. Dudes on SiriusXM NFL reported Gase said he will discuss Mosely's future after the game this week. They seemed to think they were going to move on from Mosely. Rough outing for the Jets this year.
  5. I don't think it's a stretch to say a large part of the reason Mayfield and Darnold are playing poorly is because neither has a coach who can help develop them. Kitchens is a new HC and has zero experience dealing with a rookie QB, let alone an NFL team. Darnold got saddled with Gase, which I believe will prove to be one of those hires the Jets will regret for years. He could wreck Darnold like we wrecked JP and EJ. (No, JP and EJ do not = Darnold...I'm just saying, they needed hand-holding development, and they didn't have the right people to get it done.) I know there are a number of Bills fans who think Beane and McDermott are in over their heads, but they have been very purposeful building this team around Allen and it shows. More parts are needed, and it's going to take another year or two to be a consistently respected contender, but the process for Allen is much better than it is for Darnold or Mayfield. What's critical is for Allen to keep getting better. Maybe not every single week, but through the season, you want to see the mistakes getting minimized from under center. It's undoubtedly happening. Is just needs to KEEP happening.
  6. This is why leftists lose all the time. "Do you want to apologize for saying XYZ?" "I didn't say XYZ. Someone else said something that is totally different than what you think they said." "So you don't want to apologize for saying it?" "I never said it!" Later on Twitter: "So and so refused to apologize for something he said, even though he never said it!" Embarrassing times to be a leftist.
  7. I wish it was just that stupid. She accused him of working with white supremacists when he met with Republicans recently in the "Do you still beat your wife" style.
  8. I've been watching her question Zuckerberg. She's a piece of work.
  9. Well, not until the 7-year-old explains his gender dysphoria. "So there I was, watching Frozen for the 18th time..."
  10. Dems love transgender children. It gave them all kinds of options when they traveled with Epstein.
  11. Trump campaign scoops up Biden's Latino voter web address, trolls his voter outreach. BIden announces a new Latino web address that no one on the Biden campaign bothered to purchase.
  12. I read the article and thought, "What did Pelosi do to piss off the Clintons THIS TIME?
  13. Medieval Diseases Are Infecting California's Homeless.
  14. Salena Zito did an amazing story during the last election; taking a bunch of leftist students on a drive with her through middle America. I can't remember all the details, but there were a number of rules they had to adhere to, such as "no driving on highways...only surface streets" and "no eating at chains...only eating at locally owned restaurants" and "No asking anyone how they are politically registered until they were leaving the area." Her article was brilliant, and it completely captured what was happening in the middle of the country to get Trump elected. The students were stunned the entire trip because they weren't meeting right-wing wackos. Many were life-long Dems. It explains why Dems want to abolish the electoral college. They have no idea how to approach these people because their elitist tenets don't play well with people who work for a living.
  15. Don't you get tired of falling for this stuff? It always starts with a "WOW" and is followed with "Someone you don't specifically know is looking into something that MAY have happened!" A few days later, it's revealed that no one is really looking at anything other than another fake story to pile on top of the other fake stories. We know you guys aren't that smart, but are you really this stupid for fall for this again? But he started the tweet with WOW! Right way you know this MUST be the one blow to take out Trump!
  16. It's way better than "deplorables" because calling right leaning folks "deplorable" motivated the right-leaning people to show up to vote for Trump. It was one of Hillary's worst unforced errors. Is someone stupid enough to think that Trump calling Never Trumpers "scum" will motivate more leftist nutbags to come out to vote against Trump? He's mocking the Jennifer Rubins and Bill Kristols of the country, and the hundreds of thousands of Americans who show up at Trump rallies get fired up about this stupid stuff.
  17. The PG&E thing is really ridiculous. Newson signed a law last September giving PG&E freedom to charge all of its customers higher rates to recoup all financial losses from the wildfires. Hundreds of millions of dollars. No idea why they're behaving like they're on an episode of Real Housewives. So many properties and families were wiped out. It was truly horrible. It only makes sense that those people should, y'know, cover the cost of the PG&E and the state's negligence.
  18. Dear Leftists, You will never, ever, ever be successful at anything, ever, so long as the tip of your spear is Adam Schiff. You will only be embarrassed, repeatedly, by failed efforts that have nothing to do with the interests of the American people. Sincerely, Literally everyone capable of independent thought.
  19. They ARE all created equal because they are all based on false premises to make a point that could never, ever be proven because the event has passed and the results are the only results to come of the situation. Yes, one may be created to sound more far-fetched than the other, but again, they both start as false premises, which are essentially the false starts of logical discussion. I don't mind fans saying things like "Man, if Yeldon only caught that pass..." What I object to is "The team is not as good/as bad as it seems because if this happened/didn't happen, then the result would be different enough for me to justify my opinion." That logic is a long, deep, never-ending hole.
  20. This is kind of what I'm talking about. "If not for the onside kick..." would be like saying "If Knox caught the pass from Allen..." For every "If this didn't happen, the Bills would have lost," you can come up with an equally dishonest "If this didn't happen, the Bills would have won by more than 10." There's nothing wrong with micro-analyzing among fans to discuss what could have been or should have been. I get that. How often do you think Oiler fans talk about what "should have been called" during the comeback game? But using those hypotheticals to support your position on the quality of the team? "The team isn't as good as you think because these things that usually happen didn't happen" is just lazy. But I'm a homer. So my take carries not water.
  21. I think JW is probably the best Bills beat reporter, period. I find this article interesting in that he's analyzing the team, and I simply don't recall him doing this very often. He generally reports on games, but his feature stuff tends to be more often tied to interviews, players, trends, etc. On the other hand, regardless of how much I like him as a journalist, the missed field goals bit is just a bad look. He should know that if you're going to approach analysis of a team and its games based on things that might have happened if certain other things DID happen, you open yourself up for a lot of "Well, if Yeldon catches the pass from Brown vs. NE*," or "If Hauska doesn't miss the FG against NE*",etc. And that's a waste of time.
  22. Do you see Allen progressing to the point where he'll be the guy to find those receivers?
  23. This is why it was stupid to get rid of Sammy Watkins. He was always healthy.
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