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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. According to Tibs, this is propaganda. Nothing this journalist writes is true. Everything in CA is fine. Besides, everyone knows The Atlantic is a right-wing propaganda machine, right Tibs?
  2. I've seen stories in the past of unions suing businesses for using goats to clear brush because goats, y'know, are not part of the union. There was a small case of it in Brea a couple of years ago. Imagine what it must feel like to have a goat do your job. Once they learn to type with their hooves, Tibs' job is next.
  3. Come to CA, and not only will they starve you, they'll light your neighborhood on fire just before they turn off your lights.
  4. Paid troll. When he's not earning nickels posting stuff in comment sections of online publications, he earns a few extra nickels posting stuff at a website he frequents because he's a BIlls fan. Toss him on ignore. It's the textbook example of 'addition by subtraction.'
  5. If Trump wins re-election in 2020, people will stand around in 2024 and look at the Dems and have an eight-year roadmap to the party's flow into irrelevance. Trying to tie Trump to something they did is literally ALL they do now. They actually do nothing else. They get up, they try to pin their actions on Trump, they go to bed, then get up and do it again. They literally are doing NOTHING for a damn person. And when I say 'literally,' I don't mean Joe Biden's interpretation of the word 'literally.' I literally mean literally. What a schittshow.
  6. I'm kind of disappointed Trump didn't tweet something like "The last time Washington won the World Series, Calvin Coolidge was president. I get elected, and they win. Coincidence?" Based on how embarrassingly batschitt crazy the left went over the dog photo, who knows who would schitt their pants over a tweet like that.
  7. I probably post this every year, but effin HATE Halloween, but especially people who dress up for work. If you dress in a costume and go to work somewhere other than a hospital, you deserve the schitt job you keep complaining about.
  8. Gee, it seems like only yesterday Schiff insisted he held proof that Trump had ties to (fill in the blank) and his impeachment was imminent. And now we find out Schiff is staging the whisteblower? If this keeps up the left is going to start clamoring for AOC to hire her campaign manager back.
  9. That owner can look forward to a nice little audit in his future. What the owner is doing is very encouraging, though. I love that he offered to bring the employees with him. One of the biggest reasons most people stay in CA is because of their job (if not, family). Helluva company, and you can bet any employee that goes with him will be lifers for him.
  10. Nicely done. You can always tell posters who are either (1) single, or (2) married for a really long time, or (3) trying to look busy in a crappy marriage, or (4) is married to a butt-ugly spouse. In the end, this is the stat that matters when it comes to 300-yard games. There are a lot of stats that say "When this happens (i.e. two or more turnovers in a game), your odds of winning increase by XX%" or "Teams that start 0-4 have XX% of making the playoffs." So it appears a 300-yard passing game wins half the time. Once again...it's a useless stat. I suspect people who bring it up all the time need something to keep them miserable. Kinda like believing that losing a game by 10 points is "a blowout loss." Thanks for digging into this.
  11. You can mock Mayfield all you want, but at least he has a 300-yard game.
  12. How does a 15-year vet, 2x Pro Bowler, 2009 Passing Yards Leader come off the bench to throw 52 times for over 400 yards to lead Atlanta to yet another loss? Gee, not sure. In fact, why is Schaub even on the bench? Maybe because he's 47-46 lifetime and throwing over 300 yards is a useless stat? Andy Dalton has three 300-yard games just this year alone. Where is he? Bench. When he comes off the bench to leads his team with 400 yards and another loss, can we expect you to bring that up, too? The 300 yard game is a completely useless stat. Frankly, I look forward to Allen hitting the number just so people will stop bringing it up.
  13. Too long. He'll never read that. But you're WRONG! I agree with all of this. It's fun to discuss this stuff. But right after a loss I need to give it a rest because there is a difference between discussing the state of the team, and the roster needs, etc., and explaining that we need to dump the coach and get a new QB or all is doomed. That's all. When I wait 24 hours, I reduce a lot of the threads that are irrational.
  14. Note to self: extend away time after a loss from 24 to 48 hours.
  15. Kool Aid Drinkers? What are you...12? You suggest there are Kool Aid drinkers as if every loss is yet another bullet into the the dark underbelly truth of some massive OBD/NFL conspiracy to fool Bills fans into thinking they have a team, while a select group of you are smart enough to not fall for the chicanery!!! How wise you all are!!! Do yourself a favor and don't confuse homers with people you think who are stupidly being duped. We're homers. We're actually smart enough to know that there is literally NOTHING we, individually, can do to correct the faults of the team. We have only two choices: keep watching and stop watching. We choose to keep watching. Not because we're stupid, but because we're homers who love the team and can't imagine not being a Bills fan. The reason we stay away from message boards after a lose is we don't like watching adult man piss their pants for 24 hours because their team lost a football game. It's just that simple. Kool Aid drinkers.
  16. You think losing by 10 or 11 is a blowout? Man, some of you people work really hard at being miserable.
  17. It blows me away Tibs believes the problems in CA with homelessness and drugs are all propaganda. Simply incredible. But as long as harvesting ballots is legal in CA, nothing will change anyway, so it's probably easier for leftists to pretend the problem isn't as bad as it seems.
  18. Few things are funnier to me in politics than when leftists go all Shooter McGavin with their rhetoric. Unable to convince the American people that they reallyt aren't a bunch of unhinged snowflakes, they start calling everyone who disagrees with them "unhinged" and "snowflakes." It's as if you're completely incapable of original thought.
  19. Few people have more contempt for our country's soldiers than the left. Unless they go AWOL, get soldiers killed while looking for him, or need a government-funded sex change. Now THAT's a soldier the left can get behind!
  20. He writes this about Robert Francis: Nails it.
  21. "Surpassing 300 yards passing would be nice as well." I wish they would have started the article with this line so I would have stopped reading it sooner.
  22. It cracks me up that leftists like Tibs believe the problems in SFO and LA are just little bits of propaganda. We were doing work down on Brannan in SFO, and my guys in the field couldn't believe the stench of piss as they walked around looking for a place to each lunch. People like TIbs have no understanding how many blocks in downtown LA are just countless homeless tents on both sides of the street. It's not one or two blocks. It's entire sections of downtown LA. But what does someone like TIbs say? It's propaganda. Go the 2 min mark of this video and start watching the propaganda.
  23. Yeah, but she's probably dating the guy who is about to attempt a field goal on 4th and 11, gets called for delay of game, and decides to go for it on 4th and 16.
  24. Being a Bills fan with a new girlfriend. "I've really enjoyed our first few dates. You have a lot of promise and I like where we're headed." "Thanks." "Any chance we can get together for dinner tonight?" "I can't tonight. I have to...:" "Yeah, screw you, b*tch. I didn't like you anyway, you fugly butterface! I hope you die, skank!
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