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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Defund the police! But ONLY if you agree with MY definition of defund, which I won't share with you because it's mine, all mine!! I have an idea, dumbass. Try saying what you mean instead of hiding your stupidity behind semantics. Oh, hey...I know why. Because you're too intellectually bankrupt to understand how unbelievably stupid you sound when you call for something you're not even smart enough to define without asking for help.
  2. Yes, he is, because all police are bad, evil terrorists. He needs them all gone. This will, apparently, end all the oppression in his life. And there's lots of it. Tons of it. I'm amazed he can even post here with all the oppression in his life caused by police. That's how badly he's being oppressed by police.
  3. This was my sense last night as well. They were unable to generate much pressure, and it felt like much of Cam's incompletions more more about bad throws than good defense. I was surprised because I genuinely thought Seattle had a better D than what I watched. On the hand, the strength of the Pats* defense is supposed to be the corners, and they got exposed for 5TD passes last night. What the BIlls can't do is have yesterday's defense show up against either NE* or Seattle.
  4. VIkings fans were all over Diggs on social media this off-season, chatting about how he was going to miss having an accurate quarterback throwing to him and regret the day he left Minnesota.
  5. It was great seeing receivers make incredible catches today. Diggs and Davis both had mind-bogglers.
  6. Exactly. He may be 0-2 this year, but at least he's not douchy with his injury reports! Re-sign Gase NOW!
  7. Kamala Harris has been very clear; Catholics have no place in any court. This should surprise no one given the amount of money she receives from PP. At least she is clear, unlike Biden, who claims to be a Catholic but fully supports late-term abortions.
  8. You'd think some of them would stop, read what they're about to post, and ask themselves "Does this contribute to the discussion or make me sound batschitt crazy?" They either never do that, or have no idea what batschitt crazy sounds like.
  9. I think the high ground is an important place to start. However the left has made it clear they will do everything in their power to destroy anyone who disagrees with them. The people and cities they've destroyed over the past four years is undeniable...all in the name of gaining power. They've played dirty from the moment Trump was elected. They would NEVER afford anyone the high ground. Ever. Take the medium ground; praise RBG, nominate her replacement with a conservative female and do everything you can to get her on the bench. Especially because it's clear Roberts is no longer a reliable right-leaning judge. You don't let moments like this go by for the sake of being a nice guy. Just my cents.
  10. Someone can feel free to correct me, but I believe the precedent for decades has been that a president in the last year of his first term with a majority in the Senate can absolutely nominate and move that nomination forward. It's more imperative than ever, actually, because the left has made NO bones about the legal steps they plan to take to fight this election. It will no doubt end up at SCOTUS. There is no way you can know this and think the play here is to keep the courts at 4-4. And let's be honest. Trump could name a national holiday for RBG and the left would throw a schittfit. Any gesture of goodwill...any gesture at all...on his behalf would be quickly pissed on by the left.
  11. It was funny over the summer watching Vikings fans on Twitter comment how Diggs was going to a inaccurate QB and was going to regret leaving the Vikings, only to be followed by Bills fans posting these highlights. It resulted in one of my favorite shirts from 26shirts.com
  12. Thanks for the discussion. I learned a lot more than I thought I would. Go Bills.
  13. Glad to have you posting here again.
  14. Apparently I'm not smart enough to see what you see about McDermott holding back injury information from the public. Help me see what you see. Help me understand why it's douchy. I'm always open to learning something. Feel free to contribute. Help me learn something new. Why is McDermott holding back injury info from the public considered a douchy thing to do?
  15. What's confusing to me is why you care to the extent you are being critical of him for it? Who is he being douchy towards by not releasing this information to the public?
  16. This is where the leftists scan your list explain how you didn't prove your point because you referenced townhall.com.
  17. Simply vote Democrat, sit back and watch your neighborhood burn to the ground!
  18. Okay. But again, what does it matter? Why do you care if he tells everyone earlier or later as long as the team knows and are adjusting accordingly?
  19. I'm not a fan of pointing out wins against weak opponents because it's still difficult to beat a weak opponent in this league, but my liver could've had a good game against the Cincy defense last night. Time will tell, but Cincy D was terrible last night.
  20. I'm not sure why his coyness really matters. Is it just a matter of being upset because you don't have the information you want? Wouldn't you want opposing teams to NOT know what was going on or who was coming in? Bellicheat* does this for years...even putting healthy people on the injured list just to cause a little confusion...and he's a genius.
  21. Burrow totally impressed me last night. Watching him stand in the pocket gave me agita, and I was surprised to see he stood at 6'4" because when the pocket started to close, it looked like it was closing over him, just not around him. But for his second NFL game, the dude was throwing some pretty nice balls and did a great job moving the chains. I understand he didn't have time for a deep ball, but it was impressive to see him not try to force hero balls and just take what he could get. After his second drive that ended with the snap that went past him as he tried to call time out, followed by another quick seven by Cleveland, I thought it was over. But Burrow came back relatively unrattled. If Cincinnati had anything that even remotely resembled a pass rush or run defense, Burrow wins that game last night. Browns got off the schnide, which was desperately needed for the fan base, and Mayfield's throws looked really good when he had time. But I'm very curious to see what happens when he plays against better defenses as the season moves along.
  22. Is the left back to believing all women again?
  23. You need a license to buy a dog. You need license to drive a car. Hell, you need a license to catch a fish. But they'll let any butt-reaming azzzhole be a mother.
  24. \ This must be why fewer people engage with you lately. You're all hyperbole. I disagree with you on something and you are quick to say I support police tossing grenades into baby playpens. I show you a street lined with teachers and principals devastated over the death of one of their students, and you think the sum of Antifa is "they damaged some buildings." Must be why David Dorn unavailable for comment. You're not a serious poster. You're a hypersensitive troll. But hey...I appreciate you helping me realize this before I waste more time with you. Bring you hyperbole to someone else.
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