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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. People who look at 6-2 and spend their post-game thoughts looking for disappointment will surely get it. Misery is a true indicator of quality of life.
  2. Oh, please. You can take everything you know for absolute certainty about the next 8 games, write it down on a piece of paper, crumble up the paper and comfortably fit it up the ass of a gnat. Some of you work really hard trying to determine when the party is going to end. Not even sure why you bother following the team if your plan at 6-2 is to predict when the next shoe is dropping. Relax. Enjoy yourself. Have fun. Wave your flag. Be a homer. No one will think less of you for it.
  3. This is completely correct. People who keep saying the Billsl are benefiting from an easy schedule are the same people who, somehow, have forgotten that past Bills teams would find ways to LOSE the games they were supposed to win. Now they are WINNING the games they're supposed to win. Yeah, it's a lot of ugly, a winning culture is difficult to create, so I can't understand why people refuse to believe the Bills teams is, overall, getting better.
  4. The year Ravens won the SB with Dilfer (2000), they played only six games against teams with winning records. They benefited from a very weak division. (Sound familiar?) I'm not saying the Bills are going to the SB, but fix the run D and keep improving Allen -- and everyone knows Allen continues to improve -- and in a couple of years this can be a great team. For reference in 2000, the Ravens Played: Teams with winning records: Steelers (x2) were 9-7 Dolphins were 11-5 Titans (x2) were 13-3 Jets were 9-7 Teams with losing records: Jaguars (x2) were 7-9 Bengals (x2) were 4-12 Browns (x2) were 3-13 Redskins were 8-8 Cowboys were 5-11 Cardinals were 3-13 Chargers were 1-15
  5. It wouldn't be the first time I was wrong about a quarterback. And as long as can spend the next 10 years beating the Pats*, I'm good.
  6. I can only repeat what I just told you: he's being used as a running back, and running back careers are the shortest in the NFL. His body won't be able to sustain those hits AND remain under center for the next 10 years. And look, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he can some Bradyjuice* and have a long career as a running back/qb, but the odds aren't in his favor.
  7. I think his larger point is that it's just not sustainable. Jackson is speedy fast, and the designed run plays with him had NE* puking down each other's throat most of the night. But there's a reason running backs retire faster than QBs, and no matter how amazing Jackson is, the body can't take all those hits for a long period of time before Jackson-designed run plays have to be removed from the playbook.
  8. Bellicheck* is something like 900,000 and 1 after a loss. But they have a long sled ahead of them, and all the people who keep saying the Bills aren't that good because they've been playing crappy teams are about to say the same thing about the Pats* because Brady* has decided he'd rather lose than get hit.
  9. Yes. Assuming they pull it off, they would have another perfect season. More SB wins than anyone else. It would be the perfect time to turn in the keys. I don't have any reason to believe this other than my own imagination.
  10. I always felt the power going out in that stadium screwed with the Niners somehow. They were unstoppable, then there was a power outage, and then they sucked. Meanwhile, I am one of those people who believes the Pats* felt they could run the table and finally get the perfect season, this time WITH the SB win, and if they did that, Brady* and Bellicheck* would retire. Watching Brady schitt his pants after his deep pick didn't change my mind on that belief.
  11. Or, "I can't believe we gave up Gilmore!"
  12. Looking forward to the game, otherwise known to some Bills fans as the "Why can't our quarterback do that?" game.
  13. Dudes, I was mocking doomsday fans. I need to work on my sarcasm.
  14. It IS a turnover...it's just not a real turnover...but it could have been a turnover and that would have altered the game, so WAKE UP SHEEPLE! (I'm just prodding fans who like to explain how "if certain things didn't happen, the Bills would have lost.")
  15. And as I seem to say a lot lately, a lot of fans like to predict failure -- by team, by players, by coach, by anybody -- because failure is the easiest thing to predict in the NFL. So it's in their best interest to point out things that point to them being right. Not to mention, did anyone watch the Jets today? Now THAT is a schittshow. The Bills are a team that are winning games they should be winning and have a shot to play in the postseason. If your first thought after a game like this is all the things the team needs to correct, you're just a miserable fan.
  16. Exactly. Just because we love seeing the team win more than it loses doesn't mean we're not realistic. But some people need to be unhappy.
  17. They DID turn it over. They just recovered their own fumble! Otherwise it would be a turnover that would have led to a change of possession which would lead to them not covering the spread! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
  18. In all fairness Joe, if Allen doesn't hit Brown on the 3rd and 18 and lead a touchdown drive to close out the game, the Bills don't cover the spread. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE! (Sorry for the steal, Tom.)
  19. He'll come to CA. The Dems can put him anywhere in the state and guarantee him a seat in Congress.
  20. It's not happening in CA. It's never happening in CA. No one will ever rise up enough in CA to convince people of their woes because the Dems own the ballot box. Ballot harvesting is how every single county turned blue last election. Every single one. You can not beat ballot harvesting in a state with 40M people, even if the state was on fire and the power was turned off. Mark my words.
  21. In spite of liberal beliefs, Americans don't like fakes. They don't like fake injuns. They don't like fake woman of color. And they don't like fake Latinos with faked names.
  22. What I'm saying is if I can put him on ignore, and you can put him on ignore...EVERYBODY can put him on ignore!
  23. Does this type of connection shield him from the impending banishment and financial bankruptcy that follows all whistle-blowers?
  24. Nice to see some Dems finally being honest about how little they care about a pregnant woman.
  25. I don't know Ciaramella from Tibs, but if he truly is one of those embedded DC nutsuckers, you have to imagine he also has the intelligence of Tibs because you have to be one dumb effin' moron to willingly become a whistle-blower in DC when you KNOW the fate of virtually every whistle-blower in DC. The dude's life will be over in short order. If he doesn't suffer a double-tap Arkancide, he will surely be bankrupt and lonely in some crappy apartment in BFE where he'll be a schittstain footnote to this far-left schittshow. Yeah, I don't think you find your way to TBD for its political discussion. He has a couple of usernames because he has gotten them confused and posted political stuff here under his TBD username, but wasn't smart enough to delete it before he signed out, signed back in as Tibs, and posted the exact same comment.
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